Achievement |Description |Gamerscore
You had the time of your life |
Get 5 stars in all Green Day songs: rock band with any instrument. |
fifty |
Won’t Make It for Dinner |
A new race begins and reaches the CRéditos in 12 hours integrating a band of 4 players. |
40 |
St. Jimmy |
Get golden stars in the songs on the list. |
35 |
I GOT A ROCK ‘N Roll Girlfriend |
Get golden stars in the songs on the list. |
35 |
Make the best of this test |
Ends all the challenges (only for the owner of the race). |
35 |
On My Own… Here we go |
Reaches 400.000 points in a single song in only mode. |
35 |
A Vary Troubled Youngster |
Complete all Éxitos of tré. |
35 |
Louder Than Bombs and Eternity |
Touch 100% of the “Brain Stew / Jaded” hype notes in expert. |
30 |
Past The Point of Delirium |
Touches 100% of the notes of “Hitchin ‘to Ride” on an expert guitar. |
30 |
We’ve eat so far |
Win the least 3 stars in all Green Day songs: Rock Band with any instrument. |
25 |
Feel Like they’re Gonna Bleed |
Touches a list of 20 songs without failing the game. |
25 |
Award-Winning Idiot |
Get 5 stars in all the songs of the American idiot album. |
25 |
It’s fun until sumon gets high |
Touch “LongView” in low difficult or expert, as well as all Hammer-Ons and Pull-Offs without racing. |
25 |
Live Freaky, Die Freaky |
Complete any challenge with 100% of a single guitar and 100% of a part of harmony. |
25 |
It all keeps adding up |
Reaches 1.000.000 points in a single song. |
twenty |
Hysteria, Mass Hysteria! |
Get a harmony bonus in the songs on the list with 2 or more players. |
twenty |
Scream at Me Until My Ears Bleed |
Use the ÉXtasis 100 times as a vocalist. |
twenty |
In Good Health and Good Time |
Get at least 3 stars in all songs in Green Day: Rock Band, as bassist. |
twenty |
Monkey Freaky |
Complete the challenge of the Dookie album with any instrument. |
twenty |
Not Growing Up, Just Burning Out |
Get at least 3 stars in the songs on the list as a voices expert. |
twenty |
Complete “Jesus of Suburbia” in finger-tapping (difficult or expert) in guitar solos. |
twenty |
Get 100% of the “WELCOME TO PARADISE” notes with a low or greater difficulty low. |
twenty |
This is How the West Was Won |
Get at least 3 stars in all songs in The Warehouse. |
twenty |
Billboard on the Rise |
Get at least 3 stars in all the songs in Milton Keynes. |
twenty |
Another Turning Point |
Get at least 3 stars in all the songs in the Fox Theater – Oakland. |
twenty |
Frank Edwin Wright III |
Complete all battery lessons. |
twenty |
Strong Arm, Billie Joe |
Get 1.000.000 points in the guitar race. |
twenty |
Dirnt Dirnt Dirnt Dirnt |
Get 1.000.000 points in the low race. |
twenty |
Sweet Children |
Get 1.000.000 points in the race of vocal harmonies. |
twenty |
I play the !@#% Out the drums |
Get 1.000.000 points in the battery race. |
twenty |
I Threw My Crutches in The River |
Get at least 3 stars in any song in expert difficulty. |
fifteen |
American Unity |
Get all harmony bonuses in the song “American idiot” with 2 or more players. |
fifteen |
Complete all the songs on the list without the public indicator getting red. |
fifteen |
Trés cool |
Touch 40 notes in a single battery fill. |
fifteen |
Peacemaker |
Get at least 3 stars in “Peacemaker” as a bassist expert. |
fifteen |
Twiddle My Thumbs Just For A BIT |
Get at least 3 stars in “F.EITHER.D.”, with each instrument, in the mode only. |
fifteen |
Blue |
Get a 95 notice streak playing “Last Night on Earth” with the guitar. |
fifteen |
Warning: Burning Drums |
Touch 100% of the battery notes in one of the songs on the list. |
fifteen |
I Walk to Lonely Road |
He obtains at least 3 stars in Boulevard of Broken Dreams as a soloist with each instrument. |
fifteen |
Misleading The Choir |
Touches all the triple harmonies of any song. |
fifteen |
We’re on a roll, no self control |
Get an 8x multiplier with the group. |
10 |
What’s Left of My Mind |
Any song ends with the left -handed mode activated and playing at least 50% of the notes. |
10 |
The World Around |
Touches a list of songs on each scenario. |
10 |
Your Burning Light |
Touches 100% of the “WhatSERNAME” Solo notes on a difficult guitar or expert. |
10 |
Stage Dive |
Complete a challenge in The Warehouse. |
10 |
On mission |
Complete a challenge in Milton Keynes. |
10 |
Stereo in The Static Age |
Complete a challenge in the Fox Theater – Oakland. |
10 |
Step up to the mike & billie joe |
Touches all the double harmonies of any song. |
10 |
Achievements |
Requirements |
A Vary Troubled Youngster (35) |
Complete all the great hits of Tré. |
Ability to Operate Machinery (20) |
Get 100% of the guitar alone in “Jesus of Suburbia” using only fingers in difficult or expert mode. |
American Unity (15) |
Get all unison bonuses in “American idiot” with 2 or more players. |
Another Turning Point (20) |
Win at least 3 stars in all songs at The Fox Theater in Oakland. |
Award-Winning Idiot (25) |
Get 5 stars in all the songs of the American idiot album. |
Billboard on the Rise (20) |
Win at least 3 stars in all Milton Keynes songs. |
Blue (15) |
Get 95 notes in a row in “Last Night On Earth” with the guitar. |
Dirnt Dirnt Dirnt Dirnt (20) |
Win a 1 bassing score of 1.000.000. |
Feel Like they’re Gonna Bleed (25) |
Play during a list of 20 songs without failure. |
Frank Edwin Wright III (20) |
Complete all percussion lessons. |
Freaky Monkey (20) |
Complete the Dookie album challenge with all instruments. |
Hysteria, Mass Hysteria! (twenty) |
Get a unison bonus on the song list with 2 or more players. |
Get gold stars in the songs on the list. |
I play the !@#% Out the drums (20) |
Win a 1 battery career score.000.000. |
I Threw My Crutches in the River (15) |
Win at least 3 stars in any song in expert difficulty. |
I Walk to Lonely Road (15) |
Win at least 3 stars in “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” with each instrument in solo mode. |
In Good Health and Good Time (20) |
Win at least 3 stars in all the songs of the game as bassist. |
IT All Keeps Adding Up (20) |
Brand 1.000.000 points in a single song. |
IT’s Fun Until Subone Gets Hurt (25) |
Play “LongView” in difficult or expert bassist, playing all the Hammer-ons and Pull-Offs without tearing. |
Live Freaky, Die Freaky (25) |
Complete any challenge with 100% of the solo guitar and 100% of the harmony. |
Louder Than Bombs and Eternity (30) |
Hits 100% of the battery notes in “Brain Stew / Jaded” in expert. |
Make the best of this test (35) |
Complete all career challenges. |
Misleading The Choir (15) |
Hits all triple harmonies in any song. |
MUD FIGHT (15) |
Complete the songs from the list with the public bar in red. |
Not Growing Up, Just Burning Out (20) |
Win 3 stars at least in the songs on the list in expert vocalist. |
On Mission (10) |
Complete a challenge on the Milton Keynes stage. |
On My Own… Here we go (35) |
Get 400.000 points in a single song in solo mode. |
Win at least 3 stars in “Peacemaker” in expert bassist. |
Past The Point of Delirium (30) |
Give 100% of the notes in the “Hitchin ‘to Ride” in expert guitarist. |
Rudy’s Can’t Fail Cafe (20) |
Give 100% of the notes in “WELCOME TO PARADISE” in medium or higher bassist. |
Scream at Me Until My Ears Bleed (20) |
Use distortion 100 times as a singer. |
St. Jimmy (35) |
Get gold stars in all the songs on the list. |
Stage Dive (10) |
Complete a challenge on the warehouse stage. |
Step Up to the Mike & Billie Joe (10) |
Touches all the double harmonies of a song. |
Stereo in The Static Age (10) |
Complete a challenge at The Fox Theater in Oakland. |
Strong Arm, Billie Joe (20) |
Wins a 1 -guitarist career score of 1.000.000. |
Sweet Children (20) |
Wins a 1 -fashioned corista score.000.000. |
The World Around (10) |
Play a personalized list in each scenario. |
This is How the West Was Won (20) |
Win at least 3 stars in all songs in the warehouse. |
Trés Cool (15) |
Touch 40 notes in a single battery. |
Twiddle My Thumbs Just For A Bit (15) |
Win at least 3 stars in “F.EITHER.D.”With each instrument in individual mode. |
Warning: Burning Drums (15) |
Give 100% of the battery notes in one of the songs on the list. |
We’re on a roll, no self control (10) |
Get an 8x band multiplier. |
We’ve eat so far (25) |
Win at least 3 stars in all songs in the game with any instrument. |
What’s Left of My Mind (10) |
Any song ends with the left -handed mode, giving at least 50% of the notes. |
Won’t Make It for Dinner (40) |
Complete a new race and reaches credits in less than 12 hours as part of a 4 players band. |
You had the time of your life (50) |
Get 5 stars in all the songs of the game with any instrument. |
Your Burning Light (10) |
Touches 100% of the notes in the only “Whatsername” on a difficult guitarist or expert. |