Green Day cheats: Rock Band – Xbox 360 – Cheat codes, Guides

Green Day Xbox Live Live Achievements: Rock Band

Achievement |Description |Gamerscore
You had the time of your life Get 5 stars in all Green Day songs: rock band with any instrument. fifty
Won’t Make It for Dinner A new race begins and reaches the CRéditos in 12 hours integrating a band of 4 players. 40
St. Jimmy Get golden stars in the songs on the list. 35
I GOT A ROCK ‘N Roll Girlfriend Get golden stars in the songs on the list. 35
Make the best of this test Ends all the challenges (only for the owner of the race). 35
On My Own… Here we go Reaches 400.000 points in a single song in only mode. 35
A Vary Troubled Youngster Complete all Éxitos of tré. 35
Louder Than Bombs and Eternity Touch 100% of the “Brain Stew / Jaded” hype notes in expert. 30
Past The Point of Delirium Touches 100% of the notes of “Hitchin ‘to Ride” on an expert guitar. 30
We’ve eat so far Win the least 3 stars in all Green Day songs: Rock Band with any instrument. 25
Feel Like they’re Gonna Bleed Touches a list of 20 songs without failing the game. 25
Award-Winning Idiot Get 5 stars in all the songs of the American idiot album. 25
It’s fun until sumon gets high Touch “LongView” in low difficult or expert, as well as all Hammer-Ons and Pull-Offs without racing. 25
Live Freaky, Die Freaky Complete any challenge with 100% of a single guitar and 100% of a part of harmony. 25
It all keeps adding up Reaches 1.000.000 points in a single song. twenty
Hysteria, Mass Hysteria! Get a harmony bonus in the songs on the list with 2 or more players. twenty
Scream at Me Until My Ears Bleed Use the ÉXtasis 100 times as a vocalist. twenty
In Good Health and Good Time Get at least 3 stars in all songs in Green Day: Rock Band, as bassist. twenty
Monkey Freaky Complete the challenge of the Dookie album with any instrument. twenty
Not Growing Up, Just Burning Out Get at least 3 stars in the songs on the list as a voices expert. twenty
ABILITY TO OPERATE MACHINARY Complete “Jesus of Suburbia” in finger-tapping (difficult or expert) in guitar solos. twenty
RUDY’S CAN’T FAIL CAFé Get 100% of the “WELCOME TO PARADISE” notes with a low or greater difficulty low. twenty
This is How the West Was Won Get at least 3 stars in all songs in The Warehouse. twenty
Billboard on the Rise Get at least 3 stars in all the songs in Milton Keynes. twenty
Another Turning Point Get at least 3 stars in all the songs in the Fox Theater – Oakland. twenty
Frank Edwin Wright III Complete all battery lessons. twenty
Strong Arm, Billie Joe Get 1.000.000 points in the guitar race. twenty
Dirnt Dirnt Dirnt Dirnt Get 1.000.000 points in the low race. twenty
Sweet Children Get 1.000.000 points in the race of vocal harmonies. twenty
I play the !@#% Out the drums Get 1.000.000 points in the battery race. twenty
I Threw My Crutches in The River Get at least 3 stars in any song in expert difficulty. fifteen
American Unity Get all harmony bonuses in the song “American idiot” with 2 or more players. fifteen
MUD FIGHT Complete all the songs on the list without the public indicator getting red. fifteen
Trés cool Touch 40 notes in a single battery fill. fifteen
Peacemaker Get at least 3 stars in “Peacemaker” as a bassist expert. fifteen
Twiddle My Thumbs Just For A BIT Get at least 3 stars in “F.EITHER.D.”, with each instrument, in the mode only. fifteen
Blue Get a 95 notice streak playing “Last Night on Earth” with the guitar. fifteen
Warning: Burning Drums Touch 100% of the battery notes in one of the songs on the list. fifteen
I Walk to Lonely Road He obtains at least 3 stars in Boulevard of Broken Dreams as a soloist with each instrument. fifteen
Misleading The Choir Touches all the triple harmonies of any song. fifteen
We’re on a roll, no self control Get an 8x multiplier with the group. 10
What’s Left of My Mind Any song ends with the left -handed mode activated and playing at least 50% of the notes. 10
The World Around Touches a list of songs on each scenario. 10
Your Burning Light Touches 100% of the “WhatSERNAME” Solo notes on a difficult guitar or expert. 10
Stage Dive Complete a challenge in The Warehouse. 10
On mission Complete a challenge in Milton Keynes. 10
Stereo in The Static Age Complete a challenge in the Fox Theater – Oakland. 10
Step up to the mike & billie joe Touches all the double harmonies of any song. 10


Achievements Requirements
A Vary Troubled Youngster (35) Complete all the great hits of Tré.
Ability to Operate Machinery (20) Get 100% of the guitar alone in “Jesus of Suburbia” using only fingers in difficult or expert mode.
American Unity (15) Get all unison bonuses in “American idiot” with 2 or more players.
Another Turning Point (20) Win at least 3 stars in all songs at The Fox Theater in Oakland.
Award-Winning Idiot (25) Get 5 stars in all the songs of the American idiot album.
Billboard on the Rise (20) Win at least 3 stars in all Milton Keynes songs.
Blue (15) Get 95 notes in a row in “Last Night On Earth” with the guitar.
Dirnt Dirnt Dirnt Dirnt (20) Win a 1 bassing score of 1.000.000.
Feel Like they’re Gonna Bleed (25) Play during a list of 20 songs without failure.
Frank Edwin Wright III (20) Complete all percussion lessons.
Freaky Monkey (20) Complete the Dookie album challenge with all instruments.
Hysteria, Mass Hysteria! (twenty) Get a unison bonus on the song list with 2 or more players.
I GOT A ROCK ‘N ROLLFRIEND (35) Get gold stars in the songs on the list.
I play the !@#% Out the drums (20) Win a 1 battery career score.000.000.
I Threw My Crutches in the River (15) Win at least 3 stars in any song in expert difficulty.
I Walk to Lonely Road (15) Win at least 3 stars in “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” with each instrument in solo mode.
In Good Health and Good Time (20) Win at least 3 stars in all the songs of the game as bassist.
IT All Keeps Adding Up (20) Brand 1.000.000 points in a single song.
IT’s Fun Until Subone Gets Hurt (25) Play “LongView” in difficult or expert bassist, playing all the Hammer-ons and Pull-Offs without tearing.
Live Freaky, Die Freaky (25) Complete any challenge with 100% of the solo guitar and 100% of the harmony.
Louder Than Bombs and Eternity (30) Hits 100% of the battery notes in “Brain Stew / Jaded” in expert.
Make the best of this test (35) Complete all career challenges.
Misleading The Choir (15) Hits all triple harmonies in any song.
MUD FIGHT (15) Complete the songs from the list with the public bar in red.
Not Growing Up, Just Burning Out (20) Win 3 stars at least in the songs on the list in expert vocalist.
On Mission (10) Complete a challenge on the Milton Keynes stage.
On My Own… Here we go (35) Get 400.000 points in a single song in solo mode.
PACEMAKER (15) Win at least 3 stars in “Peacemaker” in expert bassist.
Past The Point of Delirium (30) Give 100% of the notes in the “Hitchin ‘to Ride” in expert guitarist.
Rudy’s Can’t Fail Cafe (20) Give 100% of the notes in “WELCOME TO PARADISE” in medium or higher bassist.
Scream at Me Until My Ears Bleed (20) Use distortion 100 times as a singer.
St. Jimmy (35) Get gold stars in all the songs on the list.
Stage Dive (10) Complete a challenge on the warehouse stage.
Step Up to the Mike & Billie Joe (10) Touches all the double harmonies of a song.
Stereo in The Static Age (10) Complete a challenge at The Fox Theater in Oakland.
Strong Arm, Billie Joe (20) Wins a 1 -guitarist career score of 1.000.000.
Sweet Children (20) Wins a 1 -fashioned corista score.000.000.
The World Around (10) Play a personalized list in each scenario.
This is How the West Was Won (20) Win at least 3 stars in all songs in the warehouse.
Trés Cool (15) Touch 40 notes in a single battery.
Twiddle My Thumbs Just For A Bit (15) Win at least 3 stars in “F.EITHER.D.”With each instrument in individual mode.
Warning: Burning Drums (15) Give 100% of the battery notes in one of the songs on the list.
We’re on a roll, no self control (10) Get an 8x band multiplier.
We’ve eat so far (25) Win at least 3 stars in all songs in the game with any instrument.
What’s Left of My Mind (10) Any song ends with the left -handed mode, giving at least 50% of the notes.
Won’t Make It for Dinner (40) Complete a new race and reaches credits in less than 12 hours as part of a 4 players band.
You had the time of your life (50) Get 5 stars in all the songs of the game with any instrument.
Your Burning Light (10) Touches 100% of the notes in the only “Whatsername” on a difficult guitarist or expert.

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