New Super Mario Bros cheats. Wii – Wii – Cheat codes, Guides

Make the Champion Houses appear

If you see a level where a Toad has been caught, enter the level and save it. The type of champion house that appears will depend on the last digit of the time counter.

Golden House : end with 7, 8 or 9.Green house: ends with 0, 1, 2 or 3.Red House: 4, 5 or 6.

Coins in Dance Flowers

Each of the flowers that dance will give you a coin if you jump with turn from a neutral position.

Unlockable levels

Unlockable Requirement
Level 9-1 Collect all the star currencies of the world 1.
Level 9-2 Collect all the star currencies of the world 2.
Level 9-3 Collect all the star currencies of the world 3.
Level 9-4 Collect all the star currencies of the world 4.
Level 9-5 Collect all the star currencies of the world 5.
Level 9-6 Collect all the star currencies of the world 6.
Level 9-7 Collect all the star currencies of the world 7.
Level 9-8 Collect all the star currencies of the world 8.

Make the Champion Houses appear in Multiplayer

Complete a level with the two final digits equal when touching the flag stick.

Dorada Casa: Touch the flag with the last two final digits in 99.Green house:  Touch the flag with the last two final digits in 11 or 22.Red House:  Touch the flag with the last two final digits in 33, 44, 55, 66, 77 or 88.

Keep anywhere

After completing the last castle in the world 8, you can save the game anywhere on the map. A saved option will appear where the quick save option was before.

Mario without a hat

Collect 99 lives anywhere in the game. When you return to the title screen, we will see Mario without his hat. If we lose a life, Mario will resume his precious complement.

Original Final Fanfarria of Super Mario Bros level.

When you complete the first level of the game, as well as if complete a level having rescued a Toad, the Super Mario Bros fanfare will sound. Original level of level.

Unlimited champion houses

Get five stars in your saving file completing the game, collect all star currencies in worlds 1 to 8, all stars currencies in world 9, find all outputs of each level and use all the champion houses. You see the map and you will get a message saying that everything has been completed. From here, the champion house will never disappear, allowing you to increase your objects to the fullest.

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