Splinter Cell Cheats: Conviction – Xbox 360 – Cheat codes, Guides

Xbox Live Live of Splinter Cell Live: Conviction

Achievement |Description |Gamerscore
Master Hunter Complete all hunting maps, in realistic difficulty. fifty
Surviving teacher Complete all maps of the survival mode in realistic difficulty. fifty
In full form Complete all challenges. fifty
The last survivor In survival resist the waves of enemies on a map of a game in any difficulty. fifty
Realistic difficulty Complete the story mode of a player in realistic difficulty. fifty
Cooperative realistic difficulty Complete cooperative history in realistic difficulty fifty
Congratulations! Complete secret operations: insurgency in realistic difficulty, in hunting or infiltration mode. fifty
Preparation teacher Complete all the challenges of preparing and executing. 30
Stealth teacher Complete all the disappearance challenges. 30
The best among the best Complete all Splinter Cell challenges. 30
Tales from the crypt In the crypt, it eliminates 12 melee enemies, without alerting other enemies. 30
That the soap does not fall In the shower, neutralizes 18 enemies. 30
Packaged In the first area of the San Francisco map, neutralizes 12 enemies within the containers. 30
Demolition team Complete the cooperative map “in works” and shoot all explosives in realistic difficulty. 30
Outdoor market Complete in a player the outdoor market in any difficulty. twenty
Kobin’s mansion Complete a player’s mansion in any difficulty in any difficulty. twenty
Price Aerodrome Complete in a player the Price Aerodrome in any difficulty. twenty
Diwaniya, Iraq Complete a player Diwaniya, Iraq, in any difficulty. twenty
Washington Monument Complete in a player the monument to Washington in any difficulty. twenty
White Box Laboratories Complete a player the map White Box Laboratories in any difficulty. twenty
Lincoln Memorial Complete a player the Lincoln monument in any difficulty. twenty
Third Echelon headquarters Complete in a player the headquarters of Third Echelon in any difficulty. twenty
Michigan Ave deposit Complete a player of Michigan Ave in any difficulty in any difficulty. twenty
Central District Complete in a mode the center district in any difficulty. twenty
The White House Complete in a player the White House in any difficulty. twenty
Saint Petersburg Sauna Complete in cooperative mode the sauna of St. Petersburg in any difficulty. twenty
Russian Embassy Complete in cooperative mode the Russian embassy in any difficulty. twenty
Yastreb complex Complete in cooperative mode the Yastreb complex in any difficulty. twenty
Modok Test Campos Complete in cooperative mode the modzok test fields in any difficulty. twenty
Hunter expert Complete all hunting maps, in rookie or normal difficulty. twenty
Surviving expert Complete all maps of survival mode, in rookie or normal difficulty. twenty
Confrontation expert Complete all maps of confrontation mode with any type of connection. twenty
Arms expert Buy the 3 improvements of all weapons. twenty
Devices expert Buy the 2 improvements of all devices. twenty
Weapons collector Unlock all weapons. twenty
Ready for anything Buy the 9 accessories for all uniforms. twenty
In fashion Buy the 6 variations of textures for all uniforms. twenty
The perfect hunter Complete any map in hunting mode without detecting you, in realistic difficulty. twenty
Quality moments Invites a friend to join and participate in a cooperative history, or a game session. twenty
A dog day Complete the cooperative mission of “San Francisco, CA” in rookie or normal difficulty. twenty
Wake up the dead Complete the cooperative mission of “New Orleans, the” in rookie or normal difficulty. twenty
Finally free Complete the cooperative mission of “Portland, me” in rookie or normal difficulty twenty
Experimental treatment Complete the cooperative mission of “Salt Lake City, ut” in rookie or normal difficulty twenty
Hunt Complete any map of the hunting mode, in cooperative. 10
Survival Complete any map of survival mode, in cooperative. 10
Confrontation Win a confrontation mode game in any difficulty. 10
Improved weapon Buy the 3 improvements of any weapon. 10
Improved device Buy the 2 improvements of any device. 10
Variety Buy a uniform. 10
Accessorizing Buy any accessory for any uniform. 10
Revelations Discover Anna Grimdottir’s dark secret. 10
Judge, jury and executioner End Reed. 10
Man of convictions Let Reed live. 10
I still live Buy your companyñEro in cooperative and survives. 10


Achievements Requirements
Accessorizing (10) Buy any accessory for any of the uniforms.
Best of the best (30) Complete all Splinter Cell challenges.
CO-OP REALISTIC DIFFICULY (50) Complete cooperative history in realistic difficulty.
Diwaniya, Iraq (20) Complete the mission “Diwaniya, Iraq” in any difficulty.
Downtown District (20) Complete the mission “Downtown District” in any difficulty.
Face off (10) Win a confrontation game in any difficulty.
Face-Off Completionist (20) Complete all maps in the confrontation mode using any of the available connection modes.
Fashionable (20) Buy the 6 texture variants for your uniform.
Gadget Upgraed (10) Buy the 3 improvements for any object.
Gadgets Expert (20) Buy two improvements for all game objects.
Hunter (10) Complete any map in cooperative hunter mode.
Hunter complementist (20) Complete All Maps in “Hunter” Game Mode On Rookie Or Normal Difficulty
Hunter Master (50) Complete all maps in hunter mode in rookie or normal difficulty.
Judge, jury and executmentation (10) Buy Tom Reed.
Kobin’s Mansion (20) Complete the mission “Kobin’s Mansion” in any difficulty.
Last Man Standing (50) In the last survivor.
Last stand (10) Complete a map in the last cooperative survivor mode.
Last stand complementist (20) Complete all maps in the last survivor mode in rookie or normal difficulty.
Last stand master (50) Complete all maps in the last survivor mode in realistic difficulty.
Lincoln Memorial (20) Complete the mission “Lincoln Memorial” in any difficulty.
Man of conviction (10) Allows Tom Reed Viva.
Merchant’s Street Market (20) Complete the mission “Merchant’s Street Market” in any difficulty.
Michigan Ave. Reservoir (20) Complete the mission “Michigan Ave. Reservoir “in any difficulty.
Proving Grounds Modok (20) Complete the cooperative mission “Modok Proving Grounds” in any difficulty.
Perfect Hunter (20) Complete any map in hunter mode without being detected or once in realistic difficulty.
Preparation Master (30) Complete all the challenges of preparing and executing.
Price Airfield (20) Complete the mission “Price Airfield” in any difficulty.
Quality Time (20) Invite a friend to play with you in a cooperative multiplayer session.
Ready for Anything (20) Buy the 9 accessories for all uniforms.
Realistic Difficulty (50) Complete the individual campaign in realistic difficulty.
Revelations (10) Discover Anna Grimdottir’s dark secret.
Russian Embassy (20) Complete the cooperative history “Russian Embassy” in any difficulty.
St. Petersburg Banya (20) Complete the cooperative history “ST. Petersburg Banya “in any difficulty.
Stealth Master (30) Complete all the sigilo challenges.
Survivor (10) Fight against your company in cooperative and survives.
THIRD ECHELON HQ (20) Complete the mission “Third Echelon HQ” in any difficulty.
Variety (10) Buy any of the game uniforms.
Washington Monument (20) Complete the mission “Washington Monument” in any difficulty.
Weapon Upgraed (10) Buy the three improvements for any weapon.
Weapons Collector (20) Unlock all weapons in the armory.
Weapons Expert (20) Buy the three improvements for all weapons.
Well-Routed (50) Complete all challenges.
White Box Laboratories (20) Complete the mission “White Box Laboratories” in any difficulty.
White House (20) Complete the “White House” mission in any difficulty.
Yastreb Complex (20) Complete the cooperative mission “Yastreb Complex” in any difficulty.

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