Achievements of Xbox Live of Final Fantasy XIII-2
Diacrony protector | For having reached the end of the adventure. | 90 |
Fragments pattern | For having obtained all classes of fragments. | 90 |
Brutal impact | For causing 99.999 DA pointsñor a single blow rival. | 90 |
Fantastic invocator | For having recruited a very elusive monster for your group. | 90 |
Honor Medal | For having broken a powerful rival playing clean and on equal terms. | 90 |
I love time | For having achieved the best possible results in the fight that decides the fate of the world. | 90 |
Active spectator | For having won five awards with interactive sequences. | 30 |
Multidimensional spectator | For having seen all paradoxical outcomes. | 30 |
Fragments pawn | For completing a category of fragments. | 30 |
Hunter inérich | For having defeated a huge number of monsters. | 30 |
Personal development | For having perfected all skills. | 30 |
Monsters to me! | For having defeated all rivals worth fighting. | 30 |
Battle director | For changing strategy quickly and adapting to the rhythm of combat. | 18 |
Blow orchestrador | For making several satisfactorily synchronized attacks. | 16 |
With a combat enough! | For winning every rival that presents combat. | 16 |
A new reality | For having aroused a new destination in a world in which everything is different. | fifteen |
Trip to infinity | For having said goodbye to a placid life and leaving for the confines of space and time. | fifteen |
Faith in mañAna | For having visited those who await the answers that the future houses. | fifteen |
Memories of a distant yesterday | For having visited those who saved so many people in the past. | fifteen |
Challenge to the threat | For having renewed the desires to fight for a world that faces an imminent crisis. | fifteen |
Truth proof | For having overcome the challenges that the continuum fault hides. | fifteen |
Future promises | For having turned your back on a Sueño Plácido and give everything to save humanity. | fifteen |
Firm hand | For responding quickly to enemies. | fifteen |
ATUDIDOR | For stunning a good number of enemies. | fifteen |
Fast assault | For taking the front and fleetingly attacking rivals without just giving them time to react. | fifteen |
Economy Reactivator | For having spent substantial guiles in stores. | 14 |
Scarlet badge | For having elegantly killed a mastodontic rival. | 14 |
Cerúlea Badge | For having bravely killed a mastodontic rival. | 14 |
OCRE badge | For having given a perfect death to a mastodontic rival. | 14 |
Chocobo rider | For having traveled long distances on the back of a chocobo. | 12 |
Bank terror | For having achieved abundant chips in the casino. | 12 |
12 points
Chinete Chocobopor having traveled long distances on the back of a chocobo
Bank terror for having achieved abundant chips in the casino
14 points
Economy reactivator for spent large guiles in stores
Scarlet flagship having elegantly killed a mastodontic rival
Cerúlera Badd has bravely killed a mastodontic rival
Flashing to have given a perfect death to a mastodontic rival
15 points
A new reality for having aroused a new destination in a world in which everything is different
Trip to Infinitor to have said goodbye to a placid life and leave for the confines of space and time
Faith in the morning to have visited those who await the answers that the future houses
I remember a distant yesterday for having visited those who saved so many people in the past
Challenge to the threat to have renewed the desires to fight for a world that faces an imminent crisis
The proof of truth for having overcome the challenges that the continuum fault hides
Future promises for having turned your back on a placid dream and giving everything to save humanity
ATUDIDORPORTA to a good number of enemies
Fast assaulting to take the lead and fleet furiously to rivals without hardly giving them time to react
16 points
Bitospor orchestrator perform several satisfactorily synchronized attacks
ˇWith a fight enough!For winning every rival that presents combat
18 points
Batallapor Director of changing strategy quickly and adapting to the rhythm of combat
30 points
Energetic hunter for having defeated a huge number of monsters
Active spectator for having won 5 awards with interactive sequences
Multidimensional spectator for having seen all paradoxical outcomes
Fragments pawn by completing a category of fragments
Personal development for having perfected all skills
ˇMonstros to me!For having defeated all rivals worth fighting
90 points
Protector of diachrony for having reached the end of the adventure
Pattern of the fragments for having obtained all classes of fragments
Brutal impact for causing 99.999 Damage points to a single rival
Fantastic invoker to have recruited a very elusive monster for your group
Medal for honor for having broken a powerful rival playing clean and on equal terms
Master of time for having achieved the best possible results in the fight that decides the destiny of the world