Cheats Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour – Xbox One – Cheat codes, Guides

Xbox Live achievements of Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour

Achievement |Description |Gamerscore
Easy peasy Complete “collapse in l. TO.”In any difficulty. 80
Give it cañto Complete “lunar apocalypse” in any difficulty. 80
Take a little Complete “Modalla City” in any difficulty. 80
But whaté Well I am Complete “birth” in any difficulty. 80
I have returned, baby Complete “World Alien Order” in any difficulty. 80
Me tooén I am a hard guy! Any level ends in difficulty “but whaté Well I am “ 60
Duke Patadón Pisa 40enemigos afterés to shoot them with the reducer. 40
Hmm… Uugh, where is it? Find 70 secrets. 40
Those damn aliens will pay me Complete the “Holocaust in Hollywood” level in less than 3 minutes. 40
Death to invaders! Kill 1000enemigos. 40
That there is not one Kill all enemies of a level. 40
Défried Kill 50 enemies burning. 40
More than 2 weapons at the same time? Carries all weapons with ammunition at the same time. 40
Duke for all Kill 5 enemies with a single shot. 40
Feel the anger Kill 10 enemies in 10 seconds under the effect of steroids. 40
Things that happen Stop a lot of excrement. fifteen
MuéVelo, baby Provide an exotic dancer. fifteen
That’s cheating! Use a trick code. fifteen
Marine condemned Find Doomguy at the “Death Corridor” level fifteen
Duke, use force! Find Luke at the “Lunar Reactor” level fifteen
Too easy Find a secret zone. fifteen
Whyé You are so serious? Find Sam in “Miraculous Download” fifteen
Do not inhal ité Use the bacchimba in “a bong moment”. fifteen
I didn’t know this was here Find a secret level. fifteen
That’s what she said Listen to developer comments (use at least one activator). fifteen
Spray them Use the incinerator. fifteen
SHOW Kill a Firefly Trooper while flying low. fifteen

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