Cheats Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel – Xbox 360 – Cheat codes, Guides


These are appearances and masks that you can unlock.

Deviltermina the game in any difficulty

Elliot’s First Chapter ends the game in any difficulty

Elliot’s original the game in any difficulty

Elliot’s tattoos reaches level 25

Fiona’s tattoosalcanza level 25

Horse mask ends the game in difficulty madness

IMMATE OUFITTERMINE The game in difficulty madness

Meat Armor reaches level 25

MEAT MAN MASK: A distorted face of… MEAT.Reach level 25

Soda Can Silers reaches level 25

Tyson’s bronzetermina the game in any difficulty

Tyson’s Final Mission ends the game in any difficulty

Tyson’s Original ends the game in any difficulty

Tyson’s Tattoo reaches level 25

Xbox Live achievements of Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel

Achievement |Description |Gamerscore
Look, mom, I have achieved it! Complete the game in madness 100
Pasta rotten Buy all weapons, tattoos, masks and suits 100
Army of Twoâ „˘ Achieve 250 deaths from flankeus, surprise or relay 75
Blood, sweat and bullets Reach range 25 fifty
They gave me two 200 targets eliminated in double annihilation fifty
Come with dad Attracts enemy fire in 100 flanqueo deaths 40
Keep it up! Reach range 15 30
Migrateñto Make 100 shots in the head 30
Combos teacher Make a cooperative combo x10 30
And now thaté? Complete the campaignñto 25
Armed to the teeth Buy all firearms 25
Make a brush! Buy all costumes 25
Contact sport Kill 100 melee enemies 25
Just a scratchñeither You have not fallen wounded once in a mission (normal, difficult or madness) 25
HEñOr, yes, I knowñOr! Reach range 5 twenty
Annihilator 200 objectives eliminated in individual annihilation (activated by you) twenty
Guacamola 500 objectives deleted from coverage twenty
Opportunist 200 targets eliminated in individual annihilation (activated by your companyñero) twenty
Bullet download 100 targets eliminated with a fixed machine gun or a fixed launch twenty
Let’s do it Complete new blood 10
Now whaté? Complete cause and effect 10
Fomare Complete meeting 10
From Guatemala to Guatepeor Complete contact 10
Massacre in paradise Complete mortal motel 10
Forgive our sins Complete salvation 10
After the enemy lines Complete hostile zone 10
Drugs are bad Complete hell narco 10
The war comes home Complete assault 10
Revenge is sweet Complete confrontation 10
My baby Completely customizes a weapon with 6 or more customizable pieces 10
Barbarian 500 destroyed objects 10
David against Goliath Kill 10 gross in physical confrontation 10
Killjoy Kill 3 goals with 1 Granada 10
Public goods Kill 3 objectives or more with an explosive object at any level 10
Ragpicker Perform 50 PUñwinged 10
Art is not a crime Create your personalized mask 10
Miguel Angel Applies maximum layers to a personalized mask 10
Scrapping Destroy 50 cars 10
THE MILLION SHAKE Right on the head of an objective shooting blindly 10
Long to melee! Make a melee death during an annihilation 10
Don’t get up! Kill melee to 10 wounded goals 10
Grasshopper Make 10 coverage transitions to coverage in a row 10
Fashion Police Shoot 50 hats 10
1, 2, 3… Already! Players kill 2 unsuspecting goals at the same time 10
First blood Kill your first goal as a rookie (in the cause and effect mission) 10
Two heads Complete a mission (except for new blood) with a companyñHuman 10


10g  MY NENAPERSONALIZAIZA A PARK WITH 6 OR MORE Customizable pieces Bárbaro500 destroyed objects ˇvive the melee!Make a melee death during an annihilation Saltamonteshaz 10 transitions of coverage to coverage followed two heads complesses a mission (not counting new blood) with a human company hands to the work (secret) complete blood new blood żAhora what?(Secret) Complete Cause and Fomare effect (Secret) Complete Meeting of Guatemala to Guatepeor (Secret) Complete contact massacre in paradise (Secret) Complete MorteDrugs are bad (secret) Complete Hell Narco The war comes home (secret) Complete assault revenge is sweet (secret) Complete confrontation David against Goliath (Secret) Kills 10 gross in physical confrontation PHYFIETS (secret) kills 3 goalsWith 1 public goods (Secret) kills 3 objectives or more with an explosive object at any trapero level (secret) performs 50 fourths art is not a crime (secret) creates your personalized mask Miguel Ángel (secret) applies the maximum of the maximum ofLayers to a custom mask Scroll (Secret) destroys 50 cars the million shot (secret) is right in the head of a blind stirring ˇ what do not get up!(Secret) Kill melee to 10 Objectives Wounded Fashion Police (Secret) shoots 50 hats 1, 2, 3… already!(Secret) Players kill 2 unsuspecting goals at the same time first blood (secret) kills your first goal as a rookie (in the cause and effect mission) 20g  Sir, yes sir!Reaches the range 5 annihilator200 targets eliminated in individual annihilation (activated by IT) Guacamola500 Objectives deleted from opportunistic coverage200 Objectives deleted in individual annihilation (activated by your company) Download of bullets100 targets eliminated with a fixed machine gun or a fixed fixed launch 25g  Armed to the teeth buy all firearms ˇHech a brush!Buy all contact sport costumes kills 100 melee enemies just a scratch you have fallen wounded or once in a mission (normal, difficult or mad) and now what now?(Secret) Complete the campaign 30g  keep it up!Reach the range 15 migrape 100 shooting in the master head of the comboshaz a cooperative combo x10 40g  Come with dad attracts enemy fire in 100 deaths for flankeus 50g  Blood, sweat and ballasalcanza Range 25 gave me two200 targets eliminated in double annihilation 75g  Army of Two gets 250 deaths from flanqueo, surprise or relay 100g  Pastacomra rotted all weapons, tattoos, masks and costumes ˇmira, mom, I have achieved it!Complete the game in madness

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