Naruto Ultimate Ninja 3 – PS2 – Cheat codes, Guides

Unlockable characters in the story mode

Characters  Requirements
Haku Ends with mission 2 of chapter 1 of the story mode.
Hoshigaki Kisame It ends with mission 8 of chapter 3 of the story mode.
Jiraiya It ends with mission 9 of chapter 3 of the story mode.
Kankuro It ends with mission 7 of chapter 2 of the story mode.
Momochi Zabuza It ends with mission 3 of chapter 1 of the story mode.
Orochimaru It ends with mission 6 of chapter 2 of the story mode.
Sabaku No Gaara It ends with mission 7 of chapter 2 of the story mode.
Sandaime Hokage It ends with mission 6 of chapter 2 of the story mode.
Shizune It ends with mission 11 of chapter 3 of the story mode.
Temari It ends with mission 7 of chapter 2 of the story mode.
Tsunade It ends with mission 11 of chapter 3 of the story mode.
Uchiha Itachi It ends with mission 9 of chapter 3 of the story mode.
Yakushi Kabuto It ends with mission 10 of chapter 3 of the story mode.

Unlockable characters

Character Requirements
‘Might Suit ‘Naruto Narutimetto Road ends.
First and second Hokage After completing the challenges of Udon and Moegi, make Ebisu’s challenge at the restaurant, next to the Parchment store.
All other characters Do Naruto eiyuuden.
ANBU KAKASHI Narutimetto Road ends.
Anko See it on Narutimetto Road.
Assume See it on Narutimetto Road.
Hanabi Hyuuga It remains with her in Narutimetto Road.
Konohamaru Make the MoGi and Udon enigmas game at the Academy.
Kurenai See it on Narutimetto Road.
Yellow Flash (Fourth Hokage) Get the other 41 characters.

Unlock all the characters, except Hanabi and Cuart

In the main game menu, do the following:

1. Hold R1+R2 and then squeeze square, triangle, square, triangle.2. Hold L1+L2 and then squeeze right, up, right, up.3. Squeeze L3 and R3 at the same time.

You will hear a sound confirming the code entry.

Alternative characters

Complete all the characters and do the following in the versus mode. Care: some of them will not be able to use the Ougi .

Character  Requirements
Chou (Super) Chouji Keep tightened select while highlighting Chouji.
Read drunk style Keep select tightened while highlighting lee.
Jiroubou (second form) Keep select tightened while highlighting Jiroubou.
Kidoumaru (second form) Keep select while highlighting Kidoumaru.
Kimimaro (second form) Keep select while standing at Kimimaro.
Kyubi Naruto Keep select tightened while highlighting Naruto.
Sakon (second form) Keep select tightened while highlighting Sakon.
Sasuke (second form) Keep select while highlighting Sasuke.
Shukaku  Keep select tightened while highlighting Gaara.
Tayuya (second form) Keep select for Tayuya.

Secret figures

There are ten secret figures that you can get in the store, once you meet the requirements for unlocking.

Figures Requirements
Figure 1 Once you have obtained the mystery code item, just enter it.
Figure 2 Complete with score s mission 1.
Figure 3 Complete with score s mission 2.
Figure 4 Complete with score s mission 3.
Figure 5 Complete with score s mission 4.
Figure 6 Complete with score s mission 5.
Figure 7 Complete with score s mission 6.
Figure 8 Complete with score s mission 7.
Figure 9 Complete with score s mission 8.
Figure 10 Complete with score s mission 9.

Unlimited scrolls

Go to the room where Iruka-Sensei (the house in front of Ichiraku Ramen) is located and talks to él. Select the second option, and again the second option. Get out and you will find scrolls on the roof of Ichiraku Ramen. Repeat this as many times as you want.

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