Figures for the den
The figures for the lair are achieved by meeting the following objectives:
ASHE: Average level of the equipment above 50.BA’GAMNAN: Complete the hunting catalog.BALTHIER: Attack 300 times.Basch: Mata 500 enemies.Belias: Get all waiting.Carrot: beat the carrot monster.Chocobo: Walk 50.000 steps.Crystal: Get all the magic of the characters.Dalan: Complete all maps.Deathgaze: win the Death Gaze monster.FAFNIR: win the fafnir monster.Fran: use magic 200 times.Gabranth: Start all fusion techniques.Gilgamesh: defeats the Gilgamesh monster.Gurdy: USA OR SLEEP 1.000.000 giles.HELL WYRM: Turn the Devil Dragon monster.King Behemoth: Trains the King Behemoth monster.MIGELL: Sell 1.000 rewards.Mimic?: Buy all monographs and jugs.Montblanc: Get a level 50 monster chain.Penelo: Get 100.000 giles.Rasler: Domates all the characters’ licenses.Reks: Win 500.000 clan points.Cheatster: win the cheatster monster.Ultima: overcome the last waiting.Vaan: steals 50 enemies.Vayne: use 100 times techniques.Vossler: Get the techniques of all the characters.Yazmat: win the Yazmat monster.ZODIAC: CONNECTS APER ZODIAC.