Platinum trophy ˇOtorgado by an outstanding performance in Ghostficies!
Back. I am a scientist. Get psychochinetic explorations of 100% of all paranormal creatures.
Spores, mold and fungi Recover all cursed artifacts.
ˇ We have the tools! Buy all equipment improvements.
Are you a God? The game ends at the “professional” difficulty level.
ˇPunta at the top! Eliminate a creature
ˇZambullida of stasis! Catch a ghost with the ray of stasis.
dive! Put a ghost in a trap with a dive.
ˇZBullida de Mocos! Catch a ghost with mucolytic mooring.
ˇ I am ghostbusters, not a doctor! It takes 20 times to your ghostfantasmasmasmakers.
…And you want to stay? Recover a cursed artifact.
Total protonic investment Town with your own weapon.
“You have to try this bar! Low through the barracks bar.
It’s the brat Use mucolytic mooring in 15 ghosts.
ˇHe looked at the trap, ray! Recover 20 of your full traps.
ˇKosher! Correct the dubious menu so that the mitzvah bar is as orthodox as it can be.
ˇBuen shot, cowboy! Cause less than 100.000 $ in material damage.
ˇ I love it when the lías! The orderly architectural office would be good for a descent of smoke based on protons.
The destroyer Cause more than 3.000.000 $ in material damage.
ˇBut children worship us! The children’s reading room has a story to tell, but you need more than eyes to see it.
ˇNo scare me any ghost! Catch a ghost.
You never studied Pay attention to learn everything you can about the civil war.
I don’t want to burn my face Buy all improvements for the Mesonic Collider.
I have left better jobs Some ghosts have brought her good in the closet. Do you clean it?
ˇ We quickly! ˇThe slow! Buy all improvements for the dark matter generator.
Hunter The hedge labyrinth does damage. Make a protonic pruning.
ˇMoconazo! Buy all improvements for the Moccos gun.
ˇUn less, to the ground! Flying coffins are an affront to gravity. ˇUsa your team and come to Mother Nature!
Fríelos Buy all improvements for the protons gun.
Ghostbuster Take your thirst where you can to avoid being paralyzed with fear.
I go to the last Is moqueted by an attacker ghost.
Loans paid More than 100.000 $ won in multiplayer mode.
We arrived, we saw… The game ends at “occasional” or “experienced” difficulty level.
In payroll Successfully completed a multiplayer campaign.
Chaos of biblical proportions The level “Central Park” ends.
Egon Indies bunny Use one of each object collected (enhancers and equipment).
What are you going to gozer worshipers? The level “Lost Island Up” ends.
payday! Be the one who wins the most in each multiplayer campaign.
Someone has seen bugs in 12 The level “Tour of the Hotel” ends.
This is life Catch more than 50 ghosts in your professional career as ghostbusters.The ghostly is fashionable in NY The level “Natural History Museum” ends “.
Wanted! Expires three ghosts of the most wanted.
to her! The level “inspecting the library” ends.
Employee of the Month Be the one who wins the most in each type of multiplayer work.
Sweet return The “panic in Times Square” ends.
No work is big Expires all the most wanted ghosts.
ˇ and the flowers have not fallen! The level “Welcome to Sedgewick” ends.
The most wanted of Gozer Complete all multiplayer works from all places.
We have talent! The tutorial level ends at the barracks.
Gifted Win more than 2.500.000 $ in multiplayer, more than 30 extra labor awards and ends 50 jobs.
I’m detecting a sign… Get a psychochintic exploration of 100% of a paranormal creature.