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Steam Metro 2033 Redux achievements

Achievement |Description
Demolition expert Fly the tunnel and the chuipa of the cursed station.
Tank Kill 10 enemies in a row without suffering any damage.
Warrior Kill 100 human enemies.
Nosalis hunter Kill 100 Nosalis.
Sniper Kill 30 human enemies with head shots.
Vigilant hunter Kill 50 guards.
Hunter Kill 200 mutants.
Gunman Kill 100 enemies with heavy automatic shotgun.
Ramadrigueras Kill 20 Mero -Deadors.
If it’s hostile, kill him. Become a real command.
Easy trigger Kill 100 enemies with assault rifles.
Who goes? Clean 20 times your gas mask.
Rescue command Save a group of Reds from fascist captivity.
Survivor 2033 Complete the game in survival mode.
Inquisitor Kill 2 demons.
Compulsive reader Kill a librarian.
Ambulant tonic Use the kit 75 times.
Pathologist Kill 5 amoebas.
Snake Kill 15 enemies.
DJ Artyom Send the radio message in advance.
The delicate touch Disarma 15 cable traps.
Pyrogan Kill 30 enemies with a flamethrower.
Sniper Kill 15 human enemies with head shots from at least 30 meters.
Greedy Accumulate 1000 bullets of military quality.
Spartano 2033 Complete the game in Spartan mode.
Generous You help the poor, you give alms to the child and medicines to the patient. You aid to anyone who you find.
Steelish assailant In garage, kill the 1st guard and enter the fascist station without being seen.
Cowboy Kill 100 enemies using a revolver.
Hunting Kill 10 spots.
Fast trigger In Hunter, kill the Nosalis before they break the covers of ventilation.
Illuminated Find the truth.
Overwhelming Leave 30 enemies in combat at a short distance.
Air domain Kill 50 humans with pneumatic weapons.
Reticas Open 15 Boxes.
Ninja Kill 30 enemies with throwing knives.
Land At the front level kills all the enemies of the Red Army and fascist soldiers.
ˇCatapum! It flies 30 enemies in pieces.
Manhattan project Passes 60 seconds at a point of high radiation.
The invisible man Complete the front level without killing anyone.
Merciful Black station level is completed without killing or leaving any enemy out of combat.
Blogger Complete the 51 pages of Artyom’s hidden notebook.
Cut and chop Kill 30 enemies in a short distance fighting.
shoot! Kill 30 enemies with incendiary grenades.
Metro merchant Make 30 purchases in arms stores.
Chanchullero Sell 500 bullets of 5.45 military quality in exchange kiosks.
Command Find all the arsenals of the commands in the dead city.
Electrifying Get 30 deaths with the voltage driver.
Gunsmith Kill at least an enemy with each game of the game.

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