Star Wars cheats: Battlefront – PC – Cheat codes, Guides


Unlock the following guns with the levels of level and credits.

DLT-19  Level: 3  Credits: 550

DH-17  Level: 3  Credits: 550

RT-97C  Level: 5 Credits: 1250

A-280C  Level: 8 Credits: 1550

E-11  Level: 8 Credits: 1550

CA-87  Level: 8 Credits: 1550

T-21  Level: 10 Credits: 2500

SE-14C  Level: 14  Credits: 2500

EE-3  Level: 17  Credits: 2500

T-21B  Level: 21 Credits: 2500

DL-44  Level: 25 Credits: 2500


Search in the following places to find collectible objects.

Star Cards and Charged Star Cards

Barge (Star)  Required level: 24 Initial cost 4.000 credits  Cost Improvement: 7.000 credits  Effect: shoot three grenades that detonate the impact.

BOWCER (STAR)  Required level: 32 Initial cost 4.000 credits  Cost Improvement: 7.000 credits  Effect: shoot five rays.

Cooling Cell (Charged Star)  Required level: 7 Initial cost 2.200 credits  Cost Improvement: 9.000 credits  Effect: extends the duration of the blaster.

Cycler Rifle (Star)  Required level: 28  Initial cost 4.000 credits  Cost Improvement: 7.000 credits  Effect: eliminates long -range enemies and can penetrate shields.

EXPLOSIVE SHOT (Charged Star)  Required level: 18 Initial cost 2.200 credits  Cost Improvement: 9.000 credits  Effect: load a blast to shoot explosive bullets for 10 seconds.

Flash Grenade (Star)  Required level: 20 Initial cost 4.000 credits  Cost Improvement: 7.000 credits  Effect: Granada that temporarily blinds enemies and prevents its listening.

Focus Fire (Charged Star)  Required level: 7 Initial cost 2.200 credits  Cost Improvement: 9.000 credits  Effect: improves the accuracy of any main blast for 10 seconds.

Homing Shot (Star)  Required level: 11  Initial cost 4.000 credits  Cost Improvement: 7.000 credits  Effect: sign an enemy soldier and follow him on the map.

IMPACT GRENADE (STAR)  Required level: 6 Initial cost 2.200 credits  Cost Improvement: 7.000 credits  Effect: Detona as soon as it has contact with a solid object.

ION Grenade (STAR)  Required level: 4 Initial cost 600 credits  Cost Improvement: 7.000 credits  Effect: Granada does not affect soldiers, but it is effective against vehicles, shields and droids.

Ion Shot (Charged Star)  Required level: 7 Initial cost 2.200 credits  Cost Improvement: 7.000 Credits  Effect: Change the Blaster ammunition in ion rays with the same effect as ion grenades.

Ion torpedo (Star)  Required level: 9 Initial cost 3.000 credits  Cost Improvement: 7.000 credits  Effect: effect similar to grenades.

Jump Pack (Star)  Required level: 16  Initial cost 4.000 credits  Cost Improvement: 7.000 credits  Effect: the jumps are greater and you can reach new places.

Shield staff (Charged Star)  Required level: 22 Initial cost 2.200 credits  Cost Improvement: 9.000 credits  Effect: shield that blocks energy attacks.

Press Cannon (Star)  Required level: 6 Initial cost 2.200 credits  Cost Improvement: 7.000 credits  Effect: long -range blast based on load time.

Scan Pulse (Charged Star)  Required level: 13  Initial cost 2.200 credits  Cost Improvement: 9.000 credits  Effect: shows close enemies on the map.

Scout pistol (Star)  Required level: 4 Initial cost 600 credits  Cost Improvement: 7.000 credits  Effect: two shots gun, the best in the short range.

Smoke Grenade (Star)  Required level: 13  Initial cost 4.000 credits  Cost Improvement: 7.000 credits  Effect: creates a smoke curtain that prevents vision.

Thermal detonator (Star)  Required level: 2 Initial cost 100 credits  Cost Improvement: 7.000 credits  Effect: powerful grenade against enemies.

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