Cheats Age of Empires II HD Edition – PC – Cheat codes, Guides


During the game, press Enter and introduce the following codes to obtain the desired effect:

1000 food: Cheese Steak Jimmy’s1000 gold: Robin Hood1000 stone: Rock On10000 wood: LumberjackVDML man in your village: I Love The Monkey HeadFast construction: aegisCobra car: How do You Turn This OnCommit suicide: Wimpy Wimpy WimpyControl animals: Natural WondersComplete map: frameFurious The Monkey Boy: Furious The Monkey BoyLose instantly: ResignWin instantly: I r winnerKill all opponents: Black DeathKill the opponent you want (from 1 to 8): torpedo (1-8)Without shadows: poleSabotage unit: to SmithereensDo not listen to provocations: !MuteListen again: !Nomute

Steam Age of Empires II HD Edition Achievements

Achievement |Description
First castle The castle was the main strength during medieval times. Your future legacy is insured.
ˇApace a surface cut! Sometimes, it is necessary to make difficult decisions to win the victory. You have lost 25 units in the fighting of this battle. In general, it is convenient to give a speed or armor increase to a outdated unit developing the technology
Expert in skirmishes You have eliminated more than 50 units in a single session.
First random map When you are ready to enter the unknown, you can conquer the world. The random map challenge is for those who want to attack or defend themselves by land or sea, and who want to protect themselves from those who threaten their empire. to the weapons!
Enemy of the English Thanks to your various skills, you have defeated the English on the battlefield.
Mysterious rivals ˇ You have faced the unknown! When playing against random opponents, you will discover the most varied combinations of units, tactics, and technologies. Analyze its strengths and weaknesses to become a great leader.
Near light or early adoption
Still, I survived You have lost more than 100 units in this battle. In spite of everything, if you have taken advantage of them against your enemy, they are well used. Get used to analyzing the statistics of the game after each battle. Have you used the ideal combination of units? ż
ˇWololo! Converted enemy unit Civilizations are conquered both with ideas and weapons. Celebrates success in this battle turning enemy units.
A stumble is not a fall For some leaders, losing 15 buildings in a single session would be reason enough to withdraw and resign. Not for you.
1.Ş Victoria congratulations! You have achieved the first of many future victories in multiplayer mode.
There is no back You have devastated 50 buildings in this campaign. Your enemies will think twice before challenging you.
Slaughter You have lost 150 units during this conflict. Unfortunately, not all battles end with an overwhelming victory in which the victors can boast of their skills during celebration banquets. Sometimes being a good general implies
Firstly host ˇHas your first multiplayer game organized!
Enemy of the Franks Thanks to your various skills, you have defeated the francs on the battlefield.
Enemy of the Celts Thanks to your various skills, you have defeated the Celts on the battlefield.
Enemy of the Byzantines Thanks to your various skills, you have defeated the Byzantines on the battlefield.
ˇIes the most valuable player! You have won your first MVP prize. The most valuable player in a game of Age of Empires II is the one who manages to destroy the largest number of enemy buildings and eliminate more units. Aggressive attacks and complete destruction of enemy buildings
Commander You have eliminated more than 500 units in a single session. “You have the necessary conditions to get very far!
Enemeigo of the Persians Thanks to your various skills, you have defeated the Persians on the battlefield.
Enemy of the Mongols Thanks to your various skills, you have defeated the Mongols on the battlefield.
Goth enemy Thanks to your various skills, you have defeated the Goths on the battlefield.
Enemy of the Chinese Thanks to your various skills, you have defeated the Chinese on the battlefield.
Enemy of the Turks Thanks to your various skills, you have defeated the Turks on the battlefield.
Enemy of the Spanish Thanks to your various skills, you have defeated the Spanish on the battlefield.
General You have fought for victory in 10 games (one player). keep it up!
Loyal ally ˇHOY The milestone of your tenth online battle is fulfilled! ˇThat the bells and that the villagers leave their chores to provide for your health and leadership! There will be more battles, victories or defeats, but there will always be something to learn. ˇFelicities in e
Aztec enemy Thanks to your various skills, you have defeated the Aztecs on the battlefield.
Enemy of Teutones Thanks to your various skills, you have defeated Teutones on the battlefield.
Enemy of the Vikings Thanks to your various skills, you have defeated the Vikings on the battlefield.
Enemy of the Koreans Thanks to your various skills, you have defeated Koreans on the battlefield.
That nothing is left standing In this campaign you have destroyed more than 100 buildings. Your name is synonymous with legend among your enemies.
Enemy of the Japanese Thanks to your various skills, you have defeated the Japanese on the battlefield.
Enemy of the Saracenos Thanks to your various skills, you have defeated the Saracenos on the battlefield.
Creation of your first wonder You have built a wonder, glowing pinnacle that represents an entire achievement for your civilization. It is a symbol of hope for the world and, if you manage to protect it, it will become an eternal legacy.
Hunos enemy Thanks to your various skills, you have defeated the Huns on the battlefield.
Enemy of the Maya Thanks to your various skills, you have defeated the Maya on the battlefield.
Campań ‘William Wallace’ ‘Completed We arrive at this place without peaceful intentions and prepared for the fight, determined to compensate for our mistakes and free our country. Let your lords come and attack us: we are ready to fight. – William Wallace (1297)
Nascent Phoenix For some leaders, losing 50 buildings in a session would mean the most absolute defeat. But you will resurface from your ashes whenever you have wood and villagers.
Even ashes You have devastated your 500 building… And this is just the beginning. Congratulations!
First total fight Total combat combines fast decisions and instant action. In this way, you will improve your skills as a leader by riding bell battles.
Enemy of the Italians Thanks to your various skills, you have defeated the Italians on the battlefield.
Enemy of the Slavs Thanks to your various skills, you have defeated the Slavs on the battlefield.
Enemy of the Incas Thanks to your various skills, you have defeated the Incas on the battlefield.
Enemy of magiares Thanks to your various skills, you have defeated the magiares on the battlefield.
Enemy of the Indians Thanks to your various skills, you have defeated the Indians on the battlefield.
Five wonders Few leaders have the necessary economy to build a wonder, and even less a strong army or alliances to protect it. You have shown to have those skills as a veteran of about five wonders.
Persuasion power Each successful conversion generates a double benefit for your team: eliminates an enemy attacker and increases your own army. During your career, you have turned 50 units.
Any rival You have defeated random opponents 25 times. Your legend is forged after each victory. Congratulations!
Monacal sponsorship The transmission of ideas and religion were powerful weapons that influenced the formation of empires during the Middle Ages. By capturing 20 enemies in a battle, you have demonstrated your ability to display and protect the monks.
Hundredth castle built You have built more than 100 castles along your beds during history.
Life is a constant struggle Some leaders can aspire to build 100 buildings in their kingdom. You continued fighting with courage today even after losing that amount. Keep firm!
English terror You have defeated the English in 20 conflicts.
Emperor You have eliminated more than 2000 units in a single session. Your name will be known in all corners of the Earth.
Siege teacher There is no wall or castle that is resist. You have learned everything about the siege by razing more than 250 buildings in the same session.
Enemy Thanks to your various skills, you have defeated the Mali on the battlefield
A little history You can always learn something useful from any legendary leader, be it a tactic, a strategy or a simple attitude. Fight their battles and study their history to become also one of them. Congratulations!
Victory with random civilization Choose ” random ” as civilization is a great point in your favor. ˇ I shout the world that you can lead any civilization towards victory! keep it up!
Enemy of Ethiopians Thanks to your various skills, you have defeated Ethiopians on the battlefield
Five golden victories ˇHas defeated in a game against 5 system players (AI)! (1VS5 in moderate or higher difficulty).
1.Ş Colina (King of the Hill) It is not enough to get the hill, no. The challenge is to protect her from the enemy. You are going for the good way.
Enemy of the Portuguese Thanks to your various skills, you have defeated the Portuguese on the battlefield
Enemy of the Berbers Thanks to your various skills, you have defeated the Berbers on the battlefield
CAMPAń ‘JUANA DE ARCO’ ‘completed Of love or hate that God could have for the English I don’t know anything, but I know that everyone will be expelled from France, except those who will die here. – Juana de Arco (Judicial Process of 1431)
Vietnamese enemy Thanks to your various skills, you have defeated Vietnamese on the battlefield.
Triplet ˇHas defeated in a game against 3 system players (AI)! (1VS3 in moderate or higher difficulty).
Enemy of the Malaysian Thanks to your various skills, you have defeated the Malays on the battlefield.
English champion You have guided the English until the victory ten times. keep it up!
Victory for Humanity ˇHas defeated in a game against 1 system player (AI)! (1VS1 in moderate or higher difficulty).
1.Ş depart to defend the wonder Defending wonder is a perfect way for a leader to improve his skills. You will have to form your own army and reinforce defensive structures quickly, or attack your enemy to reduce their strength. Coordinates the attackers to
Campań ‘Atila el Huno’ ‘completed Atila knew the betrayal and glory during his conquests against the Romans. Atila said: ” Less value is needed to criticize the actions of others than to defend their own ”. Follow your example in your beds.
A thousand rubble batteries During your career, you have lost more than 1000 buildings. Every event is somehow a milestone: every victory, each defeat, even each building destroyed… The great generals tell both their victories and their defeats, and learn from the latter
At full blast In Turbo mode, your villagers will collect resources and build faster. Pay special attention to your resource reservations and your inactive villagers. In Turbo mode you can focus on strategic plans whose disengagement take place not long after
Campań ‘Saladino’ ‘completed When studying the beds of Salah al Din Abu ‘l-muzaffer yusuf ibn ayyub ibn Shadi, or “ saladino’ ‘, as the crusaders knew it, you will observe that it has some features of the great heroes of ancient times. The lessons of their beds
Campań ‘Genghis Khan’ ‘completed His enemies only know the brutality and speed of the conquest of the Great Khan, but the great generals make use of cooperation tools, alliances, and loyalty. All of them will be useful in future campaigns.
Quartet ˇHas defeated in a game against 4 system players (AI)! (1VS4 in moderate or higher difficulty).
Rubble everywhere ˇHas destroyed 5.000 buildings during your extensive and illustrious military career! If your fame had grown as fast as enemy buildings fall, right now you would be known worldwide.
25 victories in random civilization After 25 victories, you have proven to have potential to bring to any civilization to glory. ˇIes a born commander! (You can probably also communicate with villagers in several languages).
Master of all civilizations You have won at least one departure against each civilization of Age of Empires II.
Half a dozen ˇHas defeated in a game against 6 system players (AI)! (1VS6 in moderate or higher difficulty). Not many can boast about it.
Seven sealed destinations ˇHas defeated in a game against 7 system players (AI)! (1VS7 in moderate or higher difficulty). Some world champions prepare for tournaments facing seven system players (AI) at the difficult difficulty level.
Enemy of the Burmes Thanks to your various skills, you have defeated the Burmes on the battlefield.
Pacific builder Wonderful career consists of raising a solid economy quickly. Try to balance your economy and manage the villagers to get victorious.
Celtic champion You have guided the Celts until the victory ten times. keep it up!
Frankish terror You have defeated the Franks in 20 conflicts.
Conversion teacher You have demonstrated great mastery in conversion strategies by converting more than 50 enemy units into a single game.
Campań ‘Federico Barbarroja’ ‘completed When studying the campaigns of Federico Barbarroja, you have discovered the power that the relics and the advantages of unifying an empire hide. Use this knowledge in future campaigns.
Campań ‘El Cid’ ‘completed Through its conquests, El Cid was much more than an noble expert in the use of weapons, since it turned out to be a character capable of guiding and unite people. Even after his death, his legacy is more powerful than the laws of other men’s rulers
Two at a time ˇHas defeated in a game against 2 system players (AI)! (1VS2 in moderate or higher difficulty).
Enemy of the Jameres Thanks to your diverse skills, you have defeated the Jameres on the battlefield.
General Centenary ˇ You have fought in 100 games (one player)!
The score passed the hundred ˇHoy is a glorious day! You have fought in one hundred multiplayer games against fierce opponents online. Three Hurs in Your Honor. ˇJip, Jip, Hurra! HURRAH! HURRAH!
20 scenarios (scenario mode) You have played on your stage number 20, ˇFelicities! What will historians write about your feats? Who were your great adversaries? Did you a cunning or rather daring leader? Time will tell.
Terror of the Teutons You have defeated Teutones in 20 conflicts.
Spanish terror You have defeated the Spanish in 20 conflicts.
50 victories You have been victorious in 50 multiplayer games. ˇEres a whole veteran and rival who imposes respect!
One hundred random maps After 100 random map games, you are considered an expert. From the emotion of exploration to an efficient distribution and development of your villages, or the destruction of the enemy and its consequent expulsion out of your borders. Master of c
Spanish champion You have guided the Spanish to victory ten times. keep it up!
GODO TERROR You have defeated the Goths in 20 conflicts.
Byzantine terror You have defeated the Byzantines in 20 conflicts.
Campań ‘Moctezuma’ ‘ By following Cuauhtémoc’s struggles against Cortés, you have put into practice your skills to establish subtly alliances during the battle. The precise use of forces and alliances can serve to overcome any obstacle. Remember these LECCI
Campań ” Alarico ” completed Through hard work and perseverance, you have found a new home for the people of Alarico. Now even the Roman very know the true power of the Goths. Use the migratory skills acquired in conjunction with your resilience for Sali
Ascent star You have achieved the MVP title 20 times. You have shown to have great skills for the fight and have surpassed other generals of your environment. You have a promising future within this elite group. Congratulations!
Mongols’ terror You have defeated the Mongols in 20 conflicts.
Medieval world teacher You have successfully completed all the Age of Empires II beds: The Age of Kings and the Age of Empires II: The Conquerors expansion. The most capable leaders use various techniques to lift their empires. The careful analysis of the greatness of these h
Saracenos terror You have defeated the Saracens in 20 conflicts.
English conqueror ˇHas defeated the English 100 times!
Japanese terror You have defeated the Japanese in 20 conflicts.
Chinese terror You have defeated the Chinese in 20 conflicts.
Turkish terror You have defeated the Turks in 20 conflicts.
Vikings terror You have defeated the Vikings in 20 conflicts.
Celtic terror You have defeated the Celts in 20 conflicts.
Aztec terror You have defeated the Aztecs in 20 conflicts.
Maya terror You have defeated the Maya in 20 conflicts.
Hunos terror You have defeated the Hunos in 20 conflicts.
ˇWho wonders! A wonder is the greatest achievement of every sovereign. You have built 50 wonders throughout your multiple beds during history. It is clear that you are a teacher in the development of the economy and infrastructure to support it. You’re everything
Friend of my enemies You have made more than 500 successful conversions throughout your career. ˇMed thousand more souls for your cause!
Human summary ˇHas destroyed 10.000 buildings during your extensive and illustrious military career! You can assemble and disassemble Trebuchet while sleeping;And you consider a rain of fire arrows as a warm presentation. ˇIes a living legend!
Incas terror You have defeated the Incas in 20 conflicts.
Campań ‘Dracula’ ‘completed Vlad Dracula was a severe ruler and at ruthless times, although the results of his methods are indisputable… Having been the only man of his time capable of facing the power of the Ottomans, Vlad showed that patriotism, charis
Maximum speed Now that you have already played 20 games with turbo, you may have become accustomed to speed and challenges. Focus to launch your initial attacks sooner to surprise the enemy and interrupt its construction dynamics.
50 completed scenarios You have played in 50 scenarios, ˇ impressive! Each conquered world reveals new teachings and challenges. All the great leaders base their knowledge on the legends of those who are no longer among us. forward!
French champion You have guided the Franks until the victory ten times. keep it up!
Teutones champion You have guided the Teutones until the victory ten times. keep it up!
Byzantine champion You have guided the Byzantines until the victory ten times. keep it up!
Saracenos champion You have guided the Saracenos until the victory ten times. keep it up!
Hunos champion You have guided the Hunos until the victory ten times. keep it up!
Persian terror You have defeated the Persians in 20 conflicts.
Terror of the Koreans You have defeated Koreans in 20 conflicts.
Master in random clashes You have defeated random opponents 250 times. There is no civilization that is resist. Congratulations!
Campań ” Battles of the conquerors ” Through the study of the different battles and leaders, you have acquired skills that will be of great help in your future conquests.
Convert the world You have focused on instilling the religion of your civilization to your enemies. Very few generals have your patience and wisdom to manage monks units with such effectiveness. This is a day to celebrate, you have turned 1000 units D
Indians’ terror You have defeated the Indians in 20 conflicts.
Italian terror You have defeated the Italians in 20 conflicts.
Slavic terror You have defeated the Slavs in 20 conflicts.
5.Ş Carrera de las Maravillas Now you know the shortest way to build a wonder, and how to raise an economy quickly. Focus on optimizing collection technologies and the economy to surprise your opponents.
Turkish champion You have guided the Turks until the victory ten times. keep it up!
Aztec champion You have guided the Aztecs until the victory ten times. keep it up!
Frankon conqueror ˇHas defeated the Franks 100 times!
Teutons conqueror ˇHas defeated the Teutons 100 times!
Spanish conqueror ˇHas defeated the Spanish 100 times!
Hunos conqueror ˇHas defeated the Hunos 100 times!
1000 castles Today you built your 1000 castle. Hurrah!
Ten thousand ruins During your career, you have lost more than 10.000 buildings. The buildings, like the roads that one travels on horseback, at first may seem eternal, but it does not spend much time before they become a memory that begins to stay in the past
Indian champion You have guided the Indians until the victory ten times. keep it up!
Terror of the Magiares You have defeated Magiares in 20 conflicts.
Campań ‘Bari’ ‘completed The Nautikos clan professed a great love for his homeland, and his family history and cultural heritage insipred in their members the desire to bring glory to the home and thus honor their ancestors. His feats, although today something forgotten after the passage of time,
Campań ‘El Dorado’ ‘completed During his journey throughout the Amazon jungle, Orellana and his loyal followers had to face challenges even greater than their own fears and superstitions. To overcome each obstacle that brought on their way, they had to
Total combat teacher The Master in Total Combat indicates the ability to make correct decisions while lifting a solid economy even suffering from constant attacks. You have demonstrated those skills after playing 50 games in total combat.
English protector Long shooting archer teacher. You have guided the English until victory 50 times.
GODO CHAMPION You have guided the Goths until the victory ten times. keep it up!
Japanese champion You have guided the Japanese until victory ten times. keep it up!
Chinese champion You have guided the Chinese until victory ten times. keep it up!
Persian champion You have guided the Persians until the victory ten times. keep it up!
Vikings champion You have guided the Vikings until the victory ten times. keep it up!
Mongols champion You have guided the Mongols until the victory ten times. keep it up!
Protector of the Spanish Master of the conquerors and the missionaries. You have guided the Spanish to victory 50 times.
Mayan champion You have guided the Maya until the victory ten times. keep it up!
Korean champion You have guided the Koreans until the victory ten times. keep it up!
100 victories choosing random civilization You have forged a whole reputation after 100 wins by choosing random civilization. Any civilization, age and map, ˇa play!
Byzantine conqueror ˇHas defeated the Byzantines 100 times!
Los Aztec conqueror ˇHas defeated the Aztecs 100 times!
Italian champion You have guided the Italians until the victory ten times. keep it up!
Magiar champion You have guided the magiares until the victory ten times. keep it up!
Slavic champion You have guided the Slavs until victory ten times. keep it up!
Incas conqueror ˇHas defeated the Incas 100 times!
Italian conqueror ˇHas defeated the Italians 100 times!
Magiares conqueror ˇHas defeated Magiares 100 times!
Slavic conqueror ˇHas defeated the Slavs 100 times!
Campań ‘sforza’ ‘completed When ascending from common soldier to Duke of Milan, Sforza achieved much more than just honoring his father’s memory. To ensure success in your future battles, make the attributes of military leadership and tactics learned during this camp
Campaba ” Prithviraj ” completed Venerated today by much of his descendants, Pithviraj was insightful, brave and honest, but also very temperamental, which led him to risk many things only for a love. Even before a panorama of imminent war and probable death, Rec
At any time and place You have fought in each type of map and against all the enemies that the story can present. Maybe there is someone who still will face you, but surely he will do it with the respect you deserve. Hurrah!
10 hills Life is short and brutal, but legends are eternal. If you master the strategies of the king of the hill, you will be prepared for any type of challenge in life. You have fought for the hill ten times, and surely there will be more.
Wonders’ career expert For many, Carrera de la Las Maravillas is an effective way to create an economy and get wonderful wonder with any civilization. For you, career of wonders is the celebration of the constructive mastery of your empire. Congratulations
GODOS CONQUISTOR ˇHas defeated the Goths 100 times!
Japanese conqueror ˇHas defeated the Japanese 100 times!
Chinese conqueror ˇHas defeated the Chinese 100 times!
‘The conquerors’ campaigns’ You have successfully completed all the historical campaigns of Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion. Consecrated leaders resorted to very diverse techniques to carry out and consolidate their conquests. Thanks to the careful study of feats
Persian conqueror ˇHas defeated the Persians 100 times!
Saracenos conqueror ˇHas defeated the Saracenos 100 times!
Turks conqueror ˇHas defeated the Turks 100 times!
Vikings conqueror ˇHas defeated the Vikings 100 times!
Celts conqueror ˇHas defeated the Celts 100 times!
Mayan conqueror ˇHas defeated the Maya 100 times!
Korean conqueror ˇHas defeated the Koreans 100 times!
Supersonic general You are an expert in Turbo mode. You have proven to have excellent capacity to make decisions under pressure when time is pressing. ˇInhorabuena, general!
Incas champion You have guided the Incas until the victory ten times. keep it up!
Incas protector Kamayuks teacher. You have taken the Incas to victory 50 times.
Incas Hero ˇHas guided the Incas until victory 100 times! Your name will appear next to those of its most glorious heroes.
Indian conqueror ˇHas defeated the Indians 100 times!
Millennial General ˇ You have fought in 1000 games (one player)! Nor Alexander the Great possessed so much determination.
500 victories You have stopped telling your battles and victories for a long time, but your followers (and enemies) will remember them forever. ˇ This battle is your 500 victory in multiplayer mode!
One day of a thousand stories ˇHoy is a day to remember! You have fought your number 1000 battle against opponents online. ˇ Banquete for all! Provides those who have defeated you, honorable teachers, provides for the defeated, but above all it offers for the friends and allies that have to you
Builder and destroyer There are few things as rewarding as seeing the wonder of your burning enemy, or protecting yours until the end. After so many battles, surely you have lived both experiences. Congratulations!
Defender of wonders You have demonstrated your skills protecting the wonder. ˇInhorabuena for your 50th challenge!
ˇIníble team leader! (Multiplayer) You have achieved the most valuable player title (MVP) in 20 games. You have shown to have great skills for the fight and have surpassed other generals of your environment. You have a promising future within this elite group. Congratulations!
English hero ˇHas guided the English until victory 100 times! Your name will appear next to those of its most glorious heroes.
Byzantine protector Catafractas Master. You have guided the Byzantines until the victory 50 times.
Hero of the Byzantines ˇHas guided by Byzantines until victory 100 times! Your name will appear next to those of its most glorious heroes.
Vikings protector Berserkers teacher and dragon ships. You have guided the Vikings until victory 50 times.
Aztec protector Jaguar Warriors Master. You have guided the Aztecs until the victory 50 times.
Hero of the Aztecs ˇHas guided the Aztecs until victory 100 times! Your name will appear next to those of its most glorious heroes.
Hunos protector Tarcanos teacher. You have guided the Hunos until victory 50 times.
HUNOS HERO ˇHas guided the Hunos until victory 100 times! Your name will appear next to those of its most glorious heroes.
Korean protector Master of war carts. You have guided the Koreans to victory 50 times.
Mongol conqueror ˇHas defeated the Mongols 100 times!
Hero of the Spanish ˇHas guided the Spanish to victory 100 times! Your name will appear next to those of its most glorious heroes.
Stop counting buildings While it is true that according to great generals each lost unit must be lame.000. You’ve seen innumer arise and fall into oblivion
Indian protector Master of Archers. You have taken the Indians to victory 50 times.
Indian hero ˇHas guided the Indians until victory 100 times! Your name will appear next to those of its most glorious heroes.
Italian protector Ballesteros Genoese Master. You have taken the Italians to victory 50 times.
Italian hero ˇHas guided the Italians until victory 100 times! Your name will appear next to those of its most glorious heroes.
Magiares protector Huszáres Master. You have taken magiares to victory 50 times.
Magiares hero ˇHas guided the magiares until victory 100 times! Your name will appear next to those of its most glorious heroes.
Slavic protector Boyardos Master. You have taken the Eslavos to victory 50 times.
Slavic hero ˇHas guided the Slavs until victory 100 times! Your name will appear next to those of its most glorious heroes.
Campaign “ battles of the forgotten ” Through your exhaustive research on some of the perhaps less known but equally significant historical battles, you have proven to be a true teacher of the sword and pen. Governs with the strength of the children of Ragnar Lodbrok,
Master of the forgotten world You have successfully completed all the campaigns of The Forgotten expansion of Age of Empires II. Throughout your struggles and achievements you have perfected all aspects of the creation and government of an empire. The legend that your name has forged will not be able to
Legend in total combat After 300 battles, if there is something to learn from total combat mode, it is where to find a rival willing to beat with you. Congratulations!
100 hills ˇ You have made 100 hills! The winner is not always the one who reaches the top first, but who knows how to maintain his position once the top has reached. You have shown that you are able to do it. Congratulations!
Frank Protector Heavy cavalry teacher. You have guided the francs until the victory 50 times.
French hero ˇHas guided the francs until victory 100 times! Your name will appear next to those of its most glorious heroes.
GODO PROTECTOR Huscarles teacher. You have guided the Goths until victory 50 times.
GODO HERO ˇHas guided the Goths until victory 100 times! Your name will appear next to those of its most glorious heroes.
Teutons protector Master of the power of garrison and defensive building. You have guided the Teutones until the victory 50 times.
Teutons hero ˇHas guided the Teutones until victory 100 times! Your name will appear next to those of its most glorious heroes.
Japanese protector Samurais teacher. You have guided the Japanese until victory 50 times.
Japanese hero ˇHas guided the Japanese until victory 100 times! Your name will appear next to those of its most glorious heroes.
Chinese protector Chu Ko Nu Ballesta teacher and advanced learning. You have guided the Chinese until victory 50 times.
Chinese hero ˇHas guided the Chinese until victory 100 times! Your name will appear next to those of its most glorious heroes.
Persian protector Master of War Elephants. You have guided the Persians until the victory 50 times.
Persian Hero ˇHas guided the Persians until victory 100 times! Your name will appear next to those of its most glorious heroes.
Saracenos protector Mamelucos teacher. You have guided the Saracenos until the victory 50 times.
Hero of the Saracenos ˇHas guided the Saracens until the victory 100 times! Your name will appear next to those of its most glorious heroes.
Turks protector Jenízaros teacher. You have guided the Turks until the victory 50 times.
Los Turcos Hero ˇHas guided to the Turks until victory 100 times! Your name will appear next to those of its most glorious heroes.
Hero of the Vikings ˇHas guided to the Vikings until victory 100 times! Your name will appear next to those of its most glorious heroes.
Mongol protector Mangudai teacher. You have guided the Mongols until the victory 50 times.
Mongols hero ˇHas guided the Mongols until victory 100 times! Your name will appear next to those of its most glorious heroes.
Celtic protector Woad Raiders teacher. You have taken the Celts to victory 50 times.
Hero of the Celts ˇHas guided the Celts until victory 100 times! Your name will appear next to those of its most glorious heroes.
MAYANS PROTECTOR Feathers archers teacher. You have guided the Maya until the victory 50 times.
Mayan hero ˇHas guided the Maya until victory 100 times! Your name will appear next to those of its most glorious heroes.
Korean hero ˇHas guided the Koreans to victory 100 times! Your name will appear next to those of its most glorious heroes.
Campań ‘tariq ibn ziyad’ ‘completed You have successfully completed all the scenarios of the Tariq Ibn Ziyad campaign.
Portuguese terror You have defeated the Portuguese in 20 conflicts.
Portuguese conqueror ˇHas defeated the Portuguese 100 times!
Portuguese champion You have guided the Portuguese until the victory ten times. keep it up!
Berbers terror You have defeated the Berbers in 20 conflicts.
Berbers conqueror ˇHas defeated the Berbers 100 times!
Berberes champion You have guided the Berbers until the victory ten times. keep it up!
Berebers protector Arc camel teacher. You have guided the Berbers until the victory 50 times.
Berberes Hero ˇHas guided the Berbers until the victory 100 times! Your name will appear next to those of its most glorious heroes
Ethiopian terror You have defeated Ethiopians in 20 conflicts.
Ethiopian conqueror ˇHas defeated the Ethiopians 100 times!
Mali terror You have defeated the Mali into 20 conflicts.
Mali conqueror ˇHas defeated the Mali 100 times!
Campań ‘Francisco de Almeida’ ‘completed You have successfully completed all the scenarios of Francisco de Almeida’s campaign.
Campań ‘Judith’ ‘completed You have successfully completed all the scenarios of Judith’s campaign.
Campaba ” Sundiata ” completed You have successfully completed all the scenarios of the Lationiata campaign.
African kingdom teacher You have successfully completed all the historical campaigns of The African Kingdoms of Age of Empires II.
Rajás Apogeo Master You have successfully completed all the historical campaigns of Age of Empires II: Rise of the Rajas.
Campaign “ bayinnaung ” completed You have successfully completed all the scenarios of Bayinnaung’s campaign.
Campań ‘Survayarman’ ‘completed You have successfully completed all the scenarios of the south -andyarman campaign.
Campań ‘gayamada’ ‘completed You have successfully completed all the scenarios of the Gayamada campaign.
Campaba ” Loi ” completed You have successfully completed all the scenarios of the LE LOI campaign.
Burmese conqueror ˇHas defeated the Burmes 100 times!
Burmans champion You have guided the Burmes until the victory ten times. keep it up!
Burmans protector Arambai teacher. You have guided the Burmes until victory 50 times.
Burmans hero ˇHas guided the Burmes until victory 100 times! Your name will appear next to those of its most glorious heroes.
Terror of the Jameres You have defeated the Jameres in 20 conflicts.
Jamers conqueror ˇHas defeated the Jameres 100 times!
Jameres champion You have guided the Jameres until the victory ten times. keep it up!
Jameres protector Elephant master with ballast. You have guided the Jameres until victory 50 times.
Hero of the James ˇHas guided to the Jameres until the victory 100 times! Your name will appear next to those of its most glorious heroes.
Terror of the Malays You have defeated the Malays in 20 conflicts.
Malay conqueror ˇHas defeated the Malays 100 times!
Malays champion You have guided the Malays to victory ten times. keep it up!
Malays protector Recruit Master with Karambit. You have guided the Malays to victory 50 times.
Malay hero ˇHas guided the Malays to victory 100 times! Your name will appear next to those of its most glorious heroes.
Vietnamese terror You have defeated Vietnamese in 20 conflicts.
Vietnamese conqueror ˇHas defeated Vietnamese 100 times!
Vietnamese champion You have guided the Vietnametes until the victory ten times. keep it up!
Vietnamese protector Master of the Archers Ratán. You have guided the Vietnametes until the victory 50 times.
Vietnamese hero You have guided the Vietnamese to victory 100 times! Your name will appear next to those of its most glorious heroes.
Portuguese protector SALVA AND THE CARABELAS SAILING MASTER. You have guided the Portuguese until victory 50 times.
Portuguese hero ˇHas guided the Portuguese until victory 100 times! Your name will appear next to those of its most glorious heroes
Ethiopian champion You have guided the Ethiopians until the victory ten times. keep it up!
Ethiopian protector Shotelais teacher. You have guided the Ethiopians until victory 50 times.
Ethiopian hero ˇHas guided the Ethiopians until the victory 100 times! Your name will appear next to those of its most glorious heroes
Mali Champion You have guided the Mali to victory ten times. keep it up!
Mali protector Guardian Master Gbeto. You have guided the Mali to victory 50 times.
Mali hero ˇHas guided the Mali until victory 100 times! Your name will appear next to those of its most glorious heroes
Master of the Medievo You have successfully completed all the Age of Kings and Age of Kings: The Conquerors beds. The most capable leaders use various techniques to lift their empires. The careful analysis of the greatness of these men and women has contributed to you
Burmese terror You have defeated the Burmes in 20 conflicts.
Legend Among the Incas One Thousand Victors Commanding The Incas! You have mastered Everynge and Tactic Employed by the Incas and Created Several That Will Be Named After You In The Future. You are forever a legend.
Legend Among The Indians One Thousand Victors Commanding The Indians! You have mastered Everynge and Tactic Employed by the Indians and Created Several That Will Be Named After You In The Future. You are forever a legend.
Legend Among the Itals One Thousand Victors Commanding The Itals! You have mastered Everynge and Tactic Employed by the Itals and Created Several That Will Be Named After You In The Future. You are forever a legend.
Legend Among The Magyar One Thousand Victors Commanding The Magyar! You have mastered Everynge and Tactic Employed by the Magyar and Created Several That Will Be Named After You In The Future. You are forever a legend.
Legend Among The Slavs One Thousand Victors Commanding The Slavs! You have mastered Everyty and Tactic Employed by the Slavs and Created Sindal That Will Be Named After You In The Future. You are forever a legend.
Forgotten Campaign Completed You Have Successfully Completed All Of The Story Campaigns of Age of Empires II: The Forgotten Expansion. SUCCESSFUL LEADERS USE MANY TECHNIQUES TO BUILD ESPIRES. Your Careful Study of The Greatest of these men and women has Given You New Powers and
LEGEND OF THE ENGLISH ˇ You have raised the victory in 1000 battles leading the English! You have learned all the strategies and tactics used by the English, in addition to inventing several of them that will bear your name. You are an eternal legend.
LEGEND OF THE FRANCOS ˇ You have raised the victory in 1000 battles leading the Franks! You have learned all the strategies and tactics used by the Franks, in addition to inventing several of them that will bear your name. You are an eternal legend.
LEGEND OF THE GODOS ˇ You have raised with the victory in 1000 battles leading the Goths! You have learned all the strategies and tactics used by the Goths, in addition to inventing several of them that will bear your name. You are an eternal legend.
Legend of the Teutons ˇ You have raised the victory in 1000 battles leading the Teutones! You have learned all the strategies and tactics used by the Teutons, in addition to inventing several of them that will bear your name. You are an eternal legend.
Japanese legend ˇ You have raised the victory in 1000 battles leading the Japanese! You have learned all the strategies and tactics used by the Japanese, in addition to inventing several of them that will bear your name. You are an eternal legend.
LEGEND OF THE CHINESE ˇ You have raised the victory in 1000 battles leading the Chinese! You have learned all the strategies and tactics used by the Chinese, in addition to inventing several of them that will bear your name. You are an eternal legend.
Legend of the Byzantines ˇ You have raised with the victory in 1000 battles leading the Byzantines! You have learned all the strategies and tactics used by the Byzantines, in addition to inventing several of them that will bear your name. You are an eternal legend.
Legend of the Persians ˇ You have raised the victory in 1000 battles leading the Persians! You have learned all the strategies and tactics used by the Persians, in addition to inventing several of them that will bear your name. You are an eternal legend.
Saracen legend ˇ You have raised the victory in 1000 battles leading the Saracenos! You have learned all the strategies and tactics used by the Saracenos, in addition to inventing several of them that will bear your name. You are an eternal legend.
Turks’ legend ˇ You have raised the victory in 1000 battles leading the Turks! You have learned all the strategies and tactics used by the Turks, in addition to inventing several of them that will bear your name. You are an eternal legend.
Vikings legend ˇ You have raised with the victory in 1000 battles leading the Vikings! You have learned all the strategies and tactics used by the Vikings, in addition to inventing several of them that will bear your name. You are an eternal legend.
LEGEND OF THE MONGOLES ˇ You have raised the victory in 1000 battles leading the Mongols! You have learned all the strategies and tactics used by the Mongols, in addition to inventing several of them that will bear your name. You are an eternal legend.
Legend of the Celts ˇ You have raised the victory in 1000 battles leading the Celts! You have learned all the strategies and tactics used by the Celts, in addition to inventing several of them that will bear your name. You are an eternal legend.
Legend of the Spanish ˇ You have lifted with the victory in 1000 battles leading the Spanish them! You have learned all the strategies and tactics used by the Spanish, in addition to inventing several of them that will bear your name. You are an eternal legend.
LEGEND OF THE AZTECAS ˇ You have raised the victory in 1000 battles leading the Aztecs! You have learned all the strategies and tactics used by the Aztecs, in addition to inventing several of them that will bear your name. You are an eternal legend.
LEGEND OF THE MAYA ˇ You have raised the victory in 1000 battles leading the Maya! You have learned all the strategies and tactics used by the Maya, in addition to inventing several of them that will bear your name. You are an eternal legend.
LEGEND OF THE HUNOS ˇ You have raised with the victory in 1000 battles leading the hunos! You have learned all the strategies and tactics used by the Hunos, in addition to inventing several of them that will bear your name. You are an eternal legend.
Legend of the Koreans ˇ You have raised the victory in 1000 battles leading the Koreans! You have learned all the strategies and tactics used by the Koreans, in addition to inventing several of them that will bear your name. You are an eternal legend.
Legend of legends You have Achieved Victory With Random Civilizations A Thousand Times. Today you know every. Vary View Generals Can Match You Victory for Victory, and Even Fewer When Using A Random Civilization. Today is a Day of Triumph. CONGRATULATIONS!

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