Wolfenstein cheats: The New Order – Xbox One – Cheat codes, Guides

Wolfenstein 3D

There’s a Easter Egg To play original Wolfenstein. You must play a few hours and reach the headquarters of the Resistance, on the last floor there is a mattress on the floor to the left. Look at the mattress and you will have the option to enter a “nightmare, which is actually the first level of Wolfenstein 3D.

Enigma codes

Go to the extra menu and the enigma code section to obtain the following advantages.

Mode 999 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,98,7,5,4,3,2,1,9

Hardcore mode 3,6,9,3,6,9,3,6,96,3,9,3,9,6,3,9

Ironman mode 4.8,3,7,2,6,1,5,95,1,6,2,3,8,4,8

Pan Eaten mode 2,4,6,8,1,3,5,7,97,5,3,1,8,6,4,2,9

All collectibles

In the following video you will find the location of the 72 enigma codes, 50 gold objects and 10 cards. You can use the chapter selector to look for those that are missing.

Wolfenstein Live Live Live Achievements: The New Order

Achievement |Description |Gamerscore
Release It ends any way 100
Super Hero Complete the game in I am death and destruction! (or in Ăśber) fifty
Ăśberhéroe The Ăśber mode ends fifty
You have saved Fergus Save Fergus 30
You have saved Wyatt Save Wyatt 30
Power to the laser Find the laserkraftwerk 30
Rescue Liberate a friend 30
Heart of gold Gather all gold objects 30
Other people’s lives Gather all letters 30
Revealed secrets i Decipher the first enigma code 30
Reveted Secrets II Decipher the second enigma code 30
Reveled Secrets III Decipher the third enigma code 30
Reveled Secrets IV Decipher the fourth enigma code 30
Killer Open the infiltration advantage 8 30
Fast charge Open the tactical advantage 8 30
Expert with two weapons Open the assault advantage 8 30
Tanning Open the demolition advantage 8 30
Gunner Save the allied airplanes twenty
Live the Resistance! Locate resistance twenty
Hidden in depths Locate the water hide twenty
London uprising Defeat the London Monitor twenty
Everything that shines Gather 25 gold objects twenty
Explorer i Open the infiltration advantage 1 10
Launch knives Open the infiltration advantage 2 10
Knife sheath + Open the infiltration advantage 3 10
Knife sheath ++ Open the infiltration advantage 4 10
Shot in silence Open the infiltration advantage 5 10
Vampire Open the infiltration advantage 6 10
Explorer II Open the infiltration advantage 7 10
Accurate Open the tactical advantage 1 10
Draw quickly Open the tactical advantage 2 10
Rapid regeneration Open the tactical advantage 3 10
Pisto loader + Open the tactical advantage 4 10
Shotgun loader + Open the tactical advantage 5 10
Assault rifle loader + Open the tactical advantage 6 10
Sniper charger + Open the tactical advantage 7 10
Double recharge Open the assault advantage 1 10
Teson i Open the assault advantage 2 10
Carñero Open the assault advantage 3 10
Ammunition feeder Open the assault advantage 4 10
Teson II Open the assault advantage 5 10
Highway Open the assault advantage 6 10
Battery + Open the assault advantage 7 10
Reply Open the demolition advantage 1 10
Granadas bag + Open the demolition advantage 2 10
Granadas bag ++ Open the demolition advantage 3 10
Diana Open the demolition advantage 4 10
Rocket charger + Open the demolition advantage 5 10
Vaporize Open the demolition advantage 6 10
Sentinel Open the demolition advantage 7 10


10G: Quick draw Open the tactical advantage 2

10G: accurate Open the tactical advantage 1

30G: You have saved Wyatt Save Wyatt

10G: Answer Open the demolition advantage 1

10g: double recharge Open the assault advantage 1

10G: Explorer I Open the infiltration advantage 1

20G: gunner Save the allied airplanes

30g: You have saved Fergus Save Fergus

20g: ˇVive the resistance! Locate resistance

30g: Laser power Find the laserkraftwerk

20G: hidden in depths Locate the water hide

20G: London uprising Defeat the London Monitor

30g: Rescue Liberate a friend

100g: Liberation It ends any way

50g: superhero Complete the game in ˇ I am death and destruction! (or in über)

50g: überhéroe The über mode ends

20G: Everything that shines Gather 25 gold objects

30g: Gold heart Gather all gold objects

30g: The life of others Gather all letters

30g: Reveled Secrets I Decipher the first enigma code

30g: Reveled Secrets II Decipher the second enigma code

30g: Reveled Secrets III Decipher the third enigma code

30g: Reveled Secrets IV Decipher the fourth enigma code

10G: Lanked knives Open the infiltration advantage 2

10g: knife pod + Open the infiltration advantage 3

10g: knife pod ++ Open the infiltration advantage 4

10G: Silence shot Open the infiltration advantage 5

10G: Vampire Open the infiltration advantage 6

10G: Explorer II Open the infiltration advantage 7

30g: murderer Open the infiltration advantage 8

10G: Fast regeneration Open the tactical advantage 3

10G: Pisto loader + Open the tactical advantage 4

10G: shotgun loader + Open the tactical advantage 5

10G: Assault rifle loader + Open the tactical advantage 6

10G: sniper charger + Open the tactical advantage 7

30g: Quick recharge Open the tactical advantage 8

10G: Teson I Open the assault advantage 2

10g: carriage Open the assault advantage 3

10G: ammunition feeder Open the assault advantage 4

10g: Teson II Open the assault advantage 5

10G: Autopánzer Open the assault advantage 6

10g: drums + Open the assault advantage 7

30g: Expert with two weapons Open the assault advantage 8

10G: Granada bag + Open the demolition advantage 2

10G: Granada bag ++ Open the demolition advantage 3

10G: Diana Open the demolition advantage 4

10G: rocket loader + Open the demolition advantage 5

10G: vaporize Open the demolition advantage 6

10G: Sentinel Open the demolition advantage 7

30g: tanned Open the demolition advantage 8

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