Watch Dogs cheats – Xbox One – Cheat codes, Guides


Throughout the game we will receive rewards, such as new skills to acquire, cars, weapons and trophies/achievements. Here we all list them:

History mode rewards

Act I: Many new skills unlocked. Trophy/Achievement “Family Man”.Act II: Luciano (car). Trophy/Achievement “What is Raymond Kenney?”.Act III: Trophy/Achievement “One less, another is left”.Act IV: Rosewood (car). Gambino (car). Trophy/Achievement “Revenge”.Act V: Trophy/Achievement “Close Session”.

Secondary missions

Crimes detected : Fast change skill. Chrome weapon. Achievement/Trophy “Justiciero”.Criminal convoys : Critical concentration skill. Destructive weapon. Achievement/trophy “Fury behind the wheel”.Agent contracts : Zusume R (car). Boxberg le (car). Offensive driving (skill). Achievement/Trophy End of journey.Band hiding places: AK-47 (weapon), quick recharge (skill), Spec-Ops SMG-11 (weapon), achievement/trophy playing background.


Disposable phones : Vespid Le (car), Achievement/Trophy “Integrity check”.People traffic : Magnate Le (Car), Achievement/Trophy “Removing Client Privileges”.Missing people : Wildfire (weapon), achievement/trophy “The darkness is coming”.QR codes: gangster (weapon), achievement/trophy “reading only”.Weapons Trade: Spect-Ops Goblin (Weapon), Achievement/Trophy “Special Saturday Night”.


Audio files: weapon D12, experience bonus.City Hotspot: Geolocalized Achievement/Trophy.Torres Ctos: SMG-11 weapon, bitter turbo (car), achievement/trophy “clean signals”.Intrusions in the CTOS: Achievement/Trophy “Systems Transteator”.Privacy Invasions: Vespid HMI 5.2 (car), Sunrim (car), achievement/trophy “peel”.Songsneak application: achievement/trophy “full hard drive”.


Check our minijuegos section to know more:

Cash Run : P-9MM (weapon), Explosion resistance skill.Chess : Maximized concentration skill.To drink : Martinete weapon.NBZN : Automatic arms expert skill.Poker : Sayonara Le (car).Trilero : Experience bonus.

Online contracts

Online hacking : OCP-11 (weapon), MP-9mm (weapon), achievement/trophy “hackification”.Online monitoring: SG-90 (weapon), so vector .45ACP (weapon), achievement/trophy “invisible cookie”.DECRIPTATION: “Chicago way”, “Firepower” and “Heavy Duty” configurations.Careers: Races Livraga Le (car), Achievement/Trophy “Superautopista”.

New vehicles

It meets the following tasks to obtain new vehicles.

Boxberg le Complete Fixer contracts.

Papavero Stealth Edition Spend 40 UPLAY POINTS.

Sayonara Le Clear a poker table during a poquer game.

Sunrim Private missions successfully complete.

Vespid le Collect all hidden phones.

Zusume r Fixer’s backwards successfully complete.

Vespid 5.2 Private missions successfully complete.

Report MP-412

To get this weapon for free, visit the official website to exchange promotions and enter the 2L4K-7K5-HFM9 code and your data-at least the email must be correct-.

You will receive a code to use in the console that you choose that unlocks the MP-412 report.

New weapons

Auto-6 It unlocks with the “cyberpunk” pack.

AK-47 Clean one of the bands of bands.

Biometric assault rifle For the “simple shot” reserve and completing “a tool in the works”.

Chrome Revolver Complete ten crime detection missions.

Destructive sniper rifle For ten criminal convoys.

Gold D50 Desert Eagle Spend 30 UPlay points.

M1 SMG Unlockable in the “Los Intocable” pack.

Spec Ops SMG-11 Clean ten bands.

Tommy Gun Find all QR codes. Exceeds the mission that unlocks in the investigation that appears.

Wildfire Assault Rifle Complete six missing people.

Rifle Assault Spec Ops Goblin Complete nine arms trade missions.

Watch Dogs Xbox Live Live Achievements

Achievement |Description |Gamerscore
Sign off Complete act 5 100
Freeware Unlock all skill tree skills 100
Touching background Complete all band hides fifty
Negative eugenics T-Bone: Buy the radio-controlled car and kill 4 enemies at once. 40
End of journey Complete 40 agent contracts 30
Peephole Complete all privacy invasions 30
To the markers Mark 100 enemies 30
Free radical Escapes a level 5 police persecution 30
White rabbit object It escapes 15 police radars 30
Radar -proof Escapes a level 5 police radar 30
Lethal triplet Kill 3 enemies with a single explosive 30
Geolocalized HEñSo you at all intercourseés 30
Hackification Invades and hacke with éxito to 10 enemy agents in hacking online 30
Piggyback Invades and watches with éxito to 10 enemy agents in online follow -up 30
Overrautopist Complete 10 public online races 30
Systems disruptor Complete all intrusions in the ctos 30
Invisible cookie Complete an online tracking without being detected 30
They call him the Justiciero Complete all investigations 30
Fury behind the wheel Complete all criminal convoys 30
Full disk space Unlock all the issues with the Songsneak application 30
HEñclean wings Unlock all the ctos towers 30
Pest control T-Bone: Complete act 3 30
Complete circuit T-Bone: Complete 29 driver missions 30
Fighting equipment T-Bone: Complete 10 cooperative missions 30
Searching for problems T-Bone: Complete all secondary investigations 30
Difficult to fix T-Bone: Complete act 2 twenty
Under the control of the mafia T-Bone: Complete 20 Missions of Chicago South Club twenty
Second amendment T-Bone: Complete 20 Missions of Militia twenty
Irreparable T-Bone: Complete 20 agent missions twenty
One less, there is another Complete act 3 fifteen
Revenge Complete act 4 fifteen
Hello World It ends with Maurice fifteen
Justice Use the crime detection system to end 20 confirmed criminals fifteen
Hardware failure Start a wheel of 15 vehicles other than shots fifteen
Special of Saturday Night Complete the final mission of arms trade research fifteen
Integrity check Obtén the 8 disposable mobiles fifteen
Read only Complete the final mission of QR code research fifteen
Social lubricant Complete the 10th level against the 3 rivals of the drinking game fifteen
Tracked Sé followed 5 times fifteen
Withdrawing customer privileges Complete the final mission of people traffic research fifteen
The darkness is coming Complete the final mission of the research on missing people fifteen
Family man Complete act 1 10
Quién is Raymond Kenney? Complete act 2 10
Memory overturned Make 10 vehicle destruction 10
Communication failure Use a non -lethal incapacitation to prevent 10 civilians from calling to inform you about you 10
Starting cycle Participate in 5 different city games 10
Magic smoke Kill 4 enemies with a single concentration use 10
Friends in trouble T-Bone: Complete act 1 10


All the achievements of Watch Dogs For Xbox One, including secret achievements .

10G: Family man (secret) Complete act 1.

10G: Who is Raymond Kenney? (Secret) Complete act 2.

15G: only one remains (secret) Complete act 3.

15G: Revenge (secret) Complete act 4.

100g: disconnection (secret) Complete act 5.

15g: Hello, world It ends with Maurice.

30g: End of journey Complete 40 agent contracts.

50g: playing background Complete all band hides.

30g: peephole Complete all privacy invasions.

15g: Justiciero Use the crime detection system to end 20 confirmed criminals.

10G: Memory dump Make 10 vehicle destruction.

10G: Communication failure Use a non -lethal incapacitation to prevent 10 civilians from calling to inform you about you.

30g: To the markers Mark 100 enemies.

10G: Start cycle Participate in 5 different city games.

10G: Magic smoke Kill 4 enemies with a single concentration use.

30g: Free radical Escapes a level 5 police persecution.

30g: White rabbit object It escapes 15 police radars.

30g: Radares proof Escapes a level 5 police radar.

15G: hardware failure Start a wheel of 15 vehicles other than shots.

30g: lethal triplet Kill 3 enemies with a single explosive.

15G: Special of Saturday Night Complete the final mission of arms trade research.

15G: Integrity check Get the 8 disposable mobiles.

15G: Reading only Complete the final mission of QR code research.

30g: Geolocalized Stop yourself at all points of interest.

15G: Social lubricant Complete the 10ş level against the 3 rivals of the drinking game.

30g: Hackification Invades and successfully hacke 10 enemy agents in hacking online.

30g: in tow It successfully invades and monitors 10 enemy agents in online monitoring.

30g: superautoopista Complete 10 public online races.

30g: Systems towering Complete all intrusions in the ctos.

30g: invisible cookie Complete an online tracking without being detected.

100g: Freeware Unlock all skill tree skills.

15G: Tracado (secret) That follow you five times.

30g: They call him the Justiciero Complete all investigations.

30g: Fury behind the wheel Complete all criminal convoys.

15G: Removing customer privileges Complete the final mission of people traffic research.

15G: Darkness is coming Complete the final mission of the research on missing people.

30g: Full disk space Unlock all the issues with the Songsneak application.

30g: Clean signals Unlock all the ctos towers.

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