Additional features
New game +: Complete the video game in any difficulty and keep the game.
Hardcore mode: Complete the video game in any difficulty.
Unlock the handcap: Complete the video game in hardcore mode.
Unlock Dead Space’s plasma cutter: you must have a saved game of the first game in your game console. When you arrive at the first store should be available for free.
RIOT suit: Available in stores at the start of new game +.
Xbox Live Achievements Dead Space 2
The final sacrifice | Destroy the effigy | fifty |
the wanted | Flee from installation | fifty |
Extreme measures | Complete the game in extreme difficulty | fifty |
Dismemberment ébeak | Curtena 2.500 necromorphs extremities (only in one player) | fifty |
Full load | Simultaneously have 4 totally improved weapons | fifty |
Mission Impossible | Complete the game in impossible difficulty | fifty |
Treason | Severed: Complete chapter 1 | fifty |
Sacrifice | Severed: Complete chapter 2 | fifty |
The veteran | Severed: CompléTalo in extreme difficulty | fifty |
Wasp nest | Destroy the triva nest | 30 |
I swear by my life | Survive the eye prick | 30 |
Vaccum cleaner | Use decompression against 20 necromorphs without dragging you tooén | 30 |
Total preparation | Totally improve your DRI and your stabilization | 30 |
Choice of favorites | Totally 1 weapon improves | 30 |
Knock Knock | Complete the mission with the drill | 25 |
Pisa with Garbo | Pisa 10 containers | 25 |
Derailment | Survive the train sequence | twenty |
End of torment | Kill the tormentor | twenty |
The graduate | Win the fight at school | twenty |
Testing testing | Kill a necromorph with each game of the game (only in a player) | twenty |
PEG collection | Find the Peg Treasury | twenty |
BUUUUM | Kill 6 enemies at once with the secondary shot of CAñlinear ón (only in one player) | twenty |
It is a trap! | Kill 20 enemies with activated detonation mines | twenty |
Cuckoo! | Kill a stalkker with the rifle search engine in zoom mode | twenty |
From distance | Empla to an enemy didéNo flying 17 meters and claw on a surface | twenty |
Try your own medicine | Empla on a surface to a living cracker throwing him with CinéTica the arm of another cracker | twenty |
Nave in trouble | Severed: Eliminates Bartlett’s ship in 30 seconds | twenty |
Memory of El Alamo | Severed: kills 16 or more enemies in the last combat sequence | twenty |
Peg Treasury | Severed: Find Peg’s Treasury | twenty |
King of the hill | Severed: defends the platform until the door opens | twenty |
Casquería | Severed: Use the crushers to kill an enemy in the crusher | twenty |
Loose patient | Get your first suit | fifteen |
Action in the elevator | It ends with all the trill during the sequence of the elevator | fifteen |
Energy | Solve the puppy of the solar panel | fifteen |
Operation! | Catch the axis with the ishimura | fifteen |
Quick reaction | Kill 30 necromorphs using the CINéTica with objects | fifteen |
Skewered in space | Even an enemy in a decompression window to explode | fifteen |
A childñor step | It crosses the first zero gravity zone | 10 |
List girls | Survive the first encounter with the stalks | 10 |
Disconnection | Defeat.TO. | 10 |
RetuéLike us to life | Complete the game on any difficulty | 10 |
You don’t get up | Kill 25 stretch enemies with the stomp (only in a player) | 10 |
The Niñwas | Kill 30 Retails without detonating them | 10 |
Detention in time | Kill 50 necromorphs after immobilizing them with stabilization (only in a player) | 10 |
First aid | Use fast healing ten times (only in one player) | 10 |
Good aspect | Buy the advanced suit | 10 |
The librarian | Gather 100 records | 10 |
The electrician | It gathers 10 semiconductors | 10 |
The engineer | Gather 10 diagrams | 10 |
Shock therapy | Empha for an enemy with a javelin and usala to electrocute another 3 (only in one player) | 10 |
CortacéSped | Kill 4 enemies with the same Sierra blade | 10 |
Necroflado | Kill 50 enemies with flamethrower | 10 |
Caesarean section | Breathe an enemy with the SEC shot. of the contact ray and kill him with the main one on the ground | 10 |
clean cut | Cut the 3 tentacles of a meroder with the ppal shot. of cañlinear ón (only in one player) | 10 |
The hunter | Kill a beast without receiving dañeither | 10 |
To the extremities! | Ciena 25 Necromorphs extremities (only in one player) | 10 |
Jumping mine | Kill a cyst catching his mine and returnséNDOSELA | 10 |
ˇA the extremities! InElectrocut to another 3 (only in one player) the Venus of Milo (10g): curtains the statue of the boy of the light of the light there do not get up (10g): kill 25 enemies with the stomping (only in a player) Cortation (10g): kills 4 enemies with the same Sierrael Hunter (10g) blade: kills a beast without receiving damage
Saltoina Mine (10g): Kill a cyst catching its mine and returning it the engineer (10g): gathens 10 diagrams (10g): Breathe an enemy with the SEC shot. of the contact ray and kill him with the main one in the Suenecroflado (10g): Kill 50 enemies with the electrician launchers (10g): gathers 10 semiconductors of time (10g): kills 50 necromorphs after immobilizing them with stabilization (only inA player) Clean cut (10g): cut the 3 tentacles of a merodeter with the ppal shot. From linear chalk (only in one player) the librarian (10g): gather 100 recordsReptaders without detonating them a little step (10g): It crosses the first zone of gravity Cerochicas lists (10g): survives the first encounter with the stalking dishes (10g): defeat to the i.TO.Skewered in space (15g): Empla to an enemy in a decompression window to explode quickly (15g): kill 30 necromorphs using kinetics with objects loose (15g): Get your first suitcase (15g): Solve the puzzleof the solarˇoperation panel! (15g): Catch the axis with the ishimuraaction in the elevator (15g): ends with all the trill during the sequence of the elevator your own medicine (20g): Empla(20G): Kill 6 enemies at once with the secondary shot of the linear chalk (only in a player) ˇCucú! (20g): Kill a stalking with the rifle search engine in zoomˇ mode a trap! (20G): Kill 20 enemies with activated detonation mines Distance (20g): Empla to an enemy making it fly by air 17 meters and clarhus in a surrounding area, testing (20g): kills a necromorph with each game of the game (Only in one player) derailment (20g): survives the sequence of the torment train (20g): kills the graduated tormentor (20g): he wins the fight in the peg steppe (20g): Find the treasure of Pegpisa with Garbo (25g): Pisa 10 TOC containers (25g): Complete the mission with the favorite drill (30g): totally 1 total weaponing (30g): your dri totally improves and your stabilization of wasps (30g): destroy the nido of TRIPEDOS.I swear for my life (30g): survive the threader’s prick (30g): Use decompression against 20 necromorphs without dragging you also completely (50g): Simultaneously have 4 weapons totally improved the final sacrifice (50g): destroys the effigyelFugitive (50g): Flee from the installation of epicMeating (50g): Ciena 2.500 necromorphic limbs (only in one player) extreme measurements (50g): Complete the game in impossible extremamination (50g): Complete the game in impossible difficulty