Additional features

New game +: Complete the video game in any difficulty and keep the game.

Hardcore mode: Complete the video game in any difficulty.

Unlock the handcap: Complete the video game in hardcore mode.

Unlock Dead Space’s plasma cutter: you must have a saved game of the first game in your game console. When you arrive at the first store should be available for free.

RIOT suit: Available in stores at the start of new game +.

Xbox Live Achievements Dead Space 2

Achievement |Description |Gamerscore
The final sacrifice Destroy the effigy fifty
the wanted Flee from installation fifty
Extreme measures Complete the game in extreme difficulty fifty
Dismemberment ébeak Curtena 2.500 necromorphs extremities (only in one player) fifty
Full load Simultaneously have 4 totally improved weapons fifty
Mission Impossible Complete the game in impossible difficulty fifty
Treason Severed: Complete chapter 1 fifty
Sacrifice Severed: Complete chapter 2 fifty
The veteran Severed: CompléTalo in extreme difficulty fifty
Wasp nest Destroy the triva nest 30
I swear by my life Survive the eye prick 30
Vaccum cleaner Use decompression against 20 necromorphs without dragging you tooén 30
Total preparation Totally improve your DRI and your stabilization 30
Choice of favorites Totally 1 weapon improves 30
Knock Knock Complete the mission with the drill 25
Pisa with Garbo Pisa 10 containers 25
Derailment Survive the train sequence twenty
End of torment Kill the tormentor twenty
The graduate Win the fight at school twenty
Testing testing Kill a necromorph with each game of the game (only in a player) twenty
PEG collection Find the Peg Treasury twenty
BUUUUM Kill 6 enemies at once with the secondary shot of CAñlinear ón (only in one player) twenty
It is a trap! Kill 20 enemies with activated detonation mines twenty
Cuckoo! Kill a stalkker with the rifle search engine in zoom mode twenty
From distance Empla to an enemy didéNo flying 17 meters and claw on a surface twenty
Try your own medicine Empla on a surface to a living cracker throwing him with CinéTica the arm of another cracker twenty
Nave in trouble Severed: Eliminates Bartlett’s ship in 30 seconds twenty
Memory of El Alamo Severed: kills 16 or more enemies in the last combat sequence twenty
Peg Treasury Severed: Find Peg’s Treasury twenty
King of the hill Severed: defends the platform until the door opens twenty
Casquería Severed: Use the crushers to kill an enemy in the crusher twenty
Loose patient Get your first suit fifteen
Action in the elevator It ends with all the trill during the sequence of the elevator fifteen
Energy Solve the puppy of the solar panel fifteen
Operation! Catch the axis with the ishimura fifteen
Quick reaction Kill 30 necromorphs using the CINéTica with objects fifteen
Skewered in space Even an enemy in a decompression window to explode fifteen
A childñor step It crosses the first zero gravity zone 10
List girls Survive the first encounter with the stalks 10
Disconnection Defeat.TO. 10
RetuéLike us to life Complete the game on any difficulty 10
You don’t get up Kill 25 stretch enemies with the stomp (only in a player) 10
The Niñwas Kill 30 Retails without detonating them 10
Detention in time Kill 50 necromorphs after immobilizing them with stabilization (only in a player) 10
First aid Use fast healing ten times (only in one player) 10
Good aspect Buy the advanced suit 10
The librarian Gather 100 records 10
The electrician It gathers 10 semiconductors 10
The engineer Gather 10 diagrams 10
Shock therapy Empha for an enemy with a javelin and usala to electrocute another 3 (only in one player) 10
CortacéSped Kill 4 enemies with the same Sierra blade 10
Necroflado Kill 50 enemies with flamethrower 10
Caesarean section Breathe an enemy with the SEC shot. of the contact ray and kill him with the main one on the ground 10
clean cut Cut the 3 tentacles of a meroder with the ppal shot. of cañlinear ón (only in one player) 10
The hunter Kill a beast without receiving dañeither 10
To the extremities! Ciena 25 Necromorphs extremities (only in one player) 10
Jumping mine Kill a cyst catching his mine and returnséNDOSELA 10


ˇA the extremities! InElectrocut to another 3 (only in one player) the Venus of Milo (10g): curtains the statue of the boy of the light of the light there do not get up (10g): kill 25 enemies with the stomping (only in a player) Cortation (10g): kills 4 enemies with the same Sierrael Hunter (10g) blade: kills a beast without receiving damage

Saltoina Mine (10g): Kill a cyst catching its mine and returning it the engineer (10g): gathens 10 diagrams (10g): Breathe an enemy with the SEC shot. of the contact ray and kill him with the main one in the Suenecroflado (10g): Kill 50 enemies with the electrician launchers (10g): gathers 10 semiconductors of time (10g): kills 50 necromorphs after immobilizing them with stabilization (only inA player) Clean cut (10g): cut the 3 tentacles of a merodeter with the ppal shot. From linear chalk (only in one player) the librarian (10g): gather 100 recordsReptaders without detonating them a little step (10g): It crosses the first zone of gravity Cerochicas lists (10g): survives the first encounter with the stalking dishes (10g): defeat to the i.TO.Skewered in space (15g): Empla to an enemy in a decompression window to explode quickly (15g): kill 30 necromorphs using kinetics with objects loose (15g): Get your first suitcase (15g): Solve the puzzleof the solarˇoperation panel! (15g): Catch the axis with the ishimuraaction in the elevator (15g): ends with all the trill during the sequence of the elevator your own medicine (20g): Empla(20G): Kill 6 enemies at once with the secondary shot of the linear chalk (only in a player) ˇCucú! (20g): Kill a stalking with the rifle search engine in zoomˇ mode a trap! (20G): Kill 20 enemies with activated detonation mines Distance (20g): Empla to an enemy making it fly by air 17 meters and clarhus in a surrounding area, testing (20g): kills a necromorph with each game of the game (Only in one player) derailment (20g): survives the sequence of the torment train (20g): kills the graduated tormentor (20g): he wins the fight in the peg steppe (20g): Find the treasure of Pegpisa with Garbo (25g): Pisa 10 TOC containers (25g): Complete the mission with the favorite drill (30g): totally 1 total weaponing (30g): your dri totally improves and your stabilization of wasps (30g): destroy the nido of TRIPEDOS.I swear for my life (30g): survive the threader’s prick (30g): Use decompression against 20 necromorphs without dragging you also completely (50g): Simultaneously have 4 weapons totally improved the final sacrifice (50g): destroys the effigyelFugitive (50g): Flee from the installation of epicMeating (50g): Ciena 2.500 necromorphic limbs (only in one player) extreme measurements (50g): Complete the game in impossible extremamination (50g): Complete the game in impossible difficulty

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