During the game:
Bulletproof: keep lt and click A, RT, Y, RT, X, RT.Absorb enemy health: keep lt and click x, b, a, rt, rt, and.Infinite rifle ammunition: keep lt and click A, B, A, RT, X, and.Infinite launch: keep lt and click RT, y, rt, b, rt, x x.Infinite shotgun: Keep lt and click RT, B, X, RT, X, A.Infinite Smg: keep lt and click B, and, RT, RT, A, B.Single shot deaths: keep lt and click y, a, y, x, rt, b.Blandir Exalibur: keep lt and click and, a, b, rt, and, r.Blandir the soul rever: keep lt and click A, RT, B, RT, RT, X.
Xbox Live Achievements of Tomb Raider: Legend
Difficult adventure finished. | Difficult adventure finished | 175 |
Finished adventure. | Finished adventure. | 125 |
Kazakhstan finished. | Kazakhstan finished. | 75 |
England finished. | England finished. | 75 |
Nepal finished. | Nepal finished. | 75 |
5 Gold Awards achieved. | 5 Gold Awards achieved. | fifty |
Bolivia finished. | Bolivia finished. | fifty |
Peru finished. | Peru finished. | fifty |
Tokyo finished. | Tokyo finished. | fifty |
Ghana finished. | Ghana finished. | fifty |
All the time trial | All the time trial | fifty |
Tomb Raider – Teacher | Anniversary – You have completed the entire game (at the level of difficult difficulty). | fifty |
30 Silver Awards achieved. | 30 Silver Awards achieved. | 35 |
15 Silver Awards achieved. | 15 Silver Awards achieved. | 25 |
The collector of Peru | Anniversary – You have collected all the artifacts and relics of episode 1 (any difficulty). | 25 |
The collector of Egypt | Anniversary – You have collected all the artifacts and relics of episode 3 (any difficulty). | 25 |
The collector of Greece | Anniversary – You have collected all the artifacts and relics of episode 2 (any difficulty). | 25 |
The Atlantis collector | Anniversary – You have collected all the artifacts and relics of episode 4 (any difficulty). | 25 |
60 bronze awards achieved | 60 bronze awards achieved | twenty |
Tomb Raider – Peru | Anniversary – You have completed episode 1 (any difficulty). | twenty |
Tomb Raider – The beginning | Anniversary – You have completed the Croft mansion (any difficulty). | twenty |
Tomb Raider – Egypt | Anniversary – You have completed episode 3 (any difficulty). | twenty |
Tomb Raider – Greece | Anniversary – You have completed episode 2 (any difficulty). | twenty |
Tomb Raider – Atlántida | Anniversary – You have completed episode 4 (any difficulty). | twenty |
35 Bronze Awards achieved | 35 Bronze Awards achieved | fifteen |
5 bronze awards achieved. | 5 bronze awards achieved. | 10 |
Counterreloj Bolivia finished | Counterreloj Bolivia finished | 10 |
Counterreloj perú finished | Counterreloj perú finished | 10 |
Counterreloj tokyo finished | Counterreloj tokyo finished | 10 |
Counterreloj ghana finished | Counterreloj ghana finished. | 10 |
Course Kazakhstan finished | Course Kazakhstan finished | 10 |
Counterreloj England finished | Counterreloj England finished | 10 |
Nepal in counterreloj mode. | Complete the Nepal level in counterreloj mode. | 10 |
All the achievements of Tomb Raider: Legend For Xbox 360.
125g: Finished adventure. Tomb Raider’s adventure ends: Legend in the explorer or adventurer difficulty.
75g: Nepal finished. The “Nepal – the Ghalali key” ends.
75g: England finished. The level “England – the tomb of King Arturo ends?”.
75G: Kazakistan finished. The level “Kazakhstan – Carbonek Project” ends.
50G: Ghana finished. The level “Ghana – behind James Rutland” ends.
50g: Tokyo finished. The “Tokyo – Meeting with Takamoto” ends the level.
10G: 5 bronze awards achieved. Get 5 common bronze awards. You can find the awards anywhere in the game.
15G: 35 Bronze Awards achieved Get 35 common bronze awards. You can find the awards anywhere in the game.
20G: 60 bronze awards achieved Get 60 common bronze awards. You can find the awards anywhere in the game.
25G: 15 Silver Awards achieved. Get 15 Precious Silver Awards. You can find the awards anywhere in the game.
35g: 30 Silver Awards achieved. Get 30 Precious Silver Awards. You can find the awards anywhere in the game.
50G: 5 Gold Awards achieved. Get 5 gold prizes. You can find the awards anywhere in the game.
50G: Bolivia finished. The “Bolivia – Tiwanaku” level ends “.
50g: Peru finished. The level “Peru – Return to Paradise” ends.
175g: Difficult adventure finished. Tomb Raider’s adventure ends: Legend in the tombs looting difficulty.
10G: Bolivia counterreloj finished The Bolivia level ends in counterreloj mode.
10G: counterreloj perú finished Complete the Peru level in counterreloj mode.
10G: counterreloj tokyo finished Complete the toio level in counterreloj mode.
10g: counterreloj ghana finished Complete the Ghana level in counterreloj mode.
10G: Mo -Romistan counterreloj finished Complete the Kazakhstan level in counterreloj mode.
10g: counterreloj vengu finished Complete the England level in counterreloj mode.
10G: Nepal in counterreloj mode. Complete the Nepal level in counterreloj mode.
50g: Finished all the time trial Complete all levels in counterreloj mode.
20G: Tomb Raider – Peru Anniversary – Complete episode 1 (any difficulty).
50G: Tomb Raider – Teacher Anniversary – Complete the entire game (at the level of difficult difficulty).
25G: Peru’s collector Anniversary – collects all the artifacts and relics of episode 1 (any difficulty).
20G: Tomb Raider – The beginning Anniversary – Complete the Croft Mansion (any difficulty).
20G: Tomb Raider – Egypt Anniversary – Complete episode 3 (any difficulty).
25G: The collector of Egypt Anniversary – collects all the artifacts and relics of episode 3 (any difficulty).
20G: Tomb Raider – Greece Anniversary – Complete episode 2 (any difficulty).
25G: Greece collector Anniversary – collects all the artifacts and relics of episode 2 (any difficulty).
20G: Tomb Raider – Atlántida Anniversary – Complete episode 4 (any difficulty).
25G: The Atlantis collector Anniversary – collects all the artifacts and relics of episode 4 (any difficulty).