The Simpsons Cheats: The video game – Xbox 360 – Cheat codes, Guides


All the costumes and trophies of Bart: right, left, x, x, y, joystick right.All Homer’s costumes and trophies: left, y, y, x, left joystick.All the costumes and trophies of Lisa: x, y, x, x, y, left joystick.All Marge’s costumes and trophies: y, x, y, y, x, right joystick.

Xbox Live achievements of the Simpsons: The video game

Achievement |Description |Gamerscore
Complete package Each episode ends, finds the collectibles and discovers the typical moments of video games 150
SéSeventh sky The end of the game ends 100
Duffacular end Find all Homer’s Duff Chapas fifty
Palo hair Find all Marge savings coupons fifty
Muñcrazy eca Find all the seals of the Stacy Malibu of Lisa fifty
Pasters Find all Krusty de Bart collectible vouchers fifty
The worst glitché of history Find all the typical moments of video games fifty
Fast times Improves the objective time of all episodes fifty
Challenging Win all the challenges counterreloj fifty
On the mat Five characters end in search of an author 40
11 out of 10 Find all Springfield collectibles 30
Victoria at sea! Ends Medal of Homer 25
Dragons killer Neverquest ends 25
Perriflipe Finish Grand Theft Rasca 25
Sparkling defeat It ends great superdiversion 25
Heavenly score Obtén a perfect score in the final confrontation twenty
More power! Finish enter Trampix fifteen
The Alienator The invasion of the bodies of palurdos ends fifteen
A passive fish DELFÍN DAY FINISH fifteen
Mmmh, donut Finish Shadow of The Colossal Roscus fifteen
Save the Simpsons Finish drawer of opportunities fifteen
Chocolate Victoria Chocolate country ends 10
Risa robbery Bartman Begins ends 10
Victoria hamburger The world ends in 80 bites 10
Burns Baby Burns Treet friend ends smooth 10
I am not afraid of you The crowd ends 10
Press the Start button The easiest achievement… of history 5
Chocolate sky Win the counterreloj challenge of El País del Chocolate 5
Up and up Win the Bartman Begins counterreloj challenge 5
Machacamesas 2000 The counterreloj challenge of the world in 80 bite wins the challenge 5
Wooden splinters Lisa’s friendly challenge wins the friend’s friend 5
Firm crowd Win the counterreloj challenge of the crowd sends 5
Motor fun Win the counterreloj challenge to enter trampix 5
Ascent in the mall Win the counterreloj challenge for the invasion of the thieves of palurdos bodies 5
Clown Wins the Shadow of The Colossal Roscus challenge 5
Nice cans! Win the counterreloj challenge of Delphin 5
SIM sandwich Wins the counterreloj challenge of drawer of opportunities 5
My treasure Win the Neverquest Course Challenge 5
The pleasure of the shooter Wins the MEDAL OF HOMER CHUROSE CHALLENGE 5
Makirrolomania The counterreloj challenge of great superdiversion wins 5
Return to Futurama Wins the five characters counterreloj challenge in search of an author 5
Heavenly joy Win the counterreloj challenge for the end of the game 5
PWND Colleague, do you need help? You have already palpated about 10 times… 0


All the achievements of The Simpsons: The video game For Xbox 360.

5G: Celestial joy Win the counterreloj challenge for the end of the game

5G: Firm crowd Win the counterreloj challenge of the crowd sends

5G: Wooden splinters Lisa’s friendly challenge wins the friend’s friend

5G: Machacamesas 2000 The counterreloj challenge of the world in 80 bite wins the challenge

5G: Up and up Win the Bartman Begins counterreloj challenge

20G: Celestial score Get a perfect score in the final confrontation

15G: The Alienator The invasion of the bodies of palurdos ends

0G: PWND Colleague, do you need help? You have already palpated about 10 times…

15g: ˇ More power! Finish enter Trampix

10G: I’m not afraid The crowd ends

5G: Press the Start button The easiest achievement… of history

10G: Chocolate Victoria Chocolate country ends

10G: Laughter robbery Bartman Begins ends

10G: Victoria Hamburger The world ends in 80 bites

10G: Burns Baby Burns Treet friend ends smooth

15G: A passive fish DELFÍN DAY FINISH

15g: mmmh, donut Finish Shadow of The Colossal Roscus

15G: Save the Simpsons Finish drawer of opportunities

25g: ˇ ˇvictory in the sea! Ends Medal of Homer

25G: Matadragones Neverquest ends

25G: Perriflipe Finish Grand Theft Rasca

25G: Sparkling defeat It ends great superdiversion

40G: On the mat Five characters end in search of an author

100g: Seventh sky The end of the game ends

30g: 11 out of 10 Find all Springfield collectibles

50g: Duffacular final Find all Homer’s Duff Chapas

50G: Pal prying Find all Marge savings coupons

50G: Muvae Loca Find all the seals of the Stacy Malibu of Lisa

50g: pasters Find all Krusty de Bart collectible vouchers

50G: The worst cliché in history Find all the typical moments of video games

150g: Complete package Each episode ends, finds the collectibles and discovers the typical moments of video games

50g: fast times Improves the objective time of all episodes

50g: challenger Win all the challenges counterreloj

5G: Chocolate sky Win the counterreloj challenge of El País del Chocolate

5G: Motor fun Win the counterreloj challenge to enter trampix

5G: Ascent in the mall Win the counterreloj challenge for the invasion of the thieves of palurdos bodies

5G: Payasear Wins the Shadow of The Colossal Roscus challenge

5G: ˇBonitas cans! Win the counterreloj challenge of Delphin

5G: SIM sandwich Wins the counterreloj challenge of drawer of opportunities

5G: My Treasury Win the Neverquest Course Challenge

5G: The pleasure of the shooter Wins the MEDAL OF HOMER CHUROSE CHALLENGE

5G: Makirrolomania The counterreloj challenge of great superdiversion wins


5G: Return to Futurama Wins the five characters counterreloj challenge in search of an author

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