Saints Row cheats (2006) – Xbox 360 – Cheat codes, Guides


Mark these numbers on the mobile:

#Money: $ 1000.911: ambulance (health restor).#Sunny: Clear skies.#Fullhealth: Full health.#10: God’s anger (razos fall randomly).#AMMO: Infinite ammunition.#Sprint: Sprint Infinito.#38452277: cars try to kill you.#Nocops: Without police notoriety.#Noangs: No band notoriety.#778: Repair the car in which you are.

Saints Row Xbox Live Live Achievements (2006)

Achievement |Description |Gamerscore
Stilwater master You have helped the 3rd Streets Saints to dominate Stilwater. 160
HEñor of the tinglado You have completed all activities in Stilwater. 160
Hood You have reached Trueskill de Capo in any multiplayer way. 80
Manufactured in Colombia You have occupied the territory of the carnals. 40
Regicide You have occupied the territory of the Vice Kings. 40
Price decrease You have occupied the territory of the Westside Rollerz. 40
Gangster You have reached Gangster Trueskill in any multiplayer way. 40
Killer You have reached Trueskill of murderer in any multiplayer way. twenty
Row addicted You have played Saints Row for a total of 20 hours. twenty
Marathoner You have traveled 26.2 miles on foot twenty
Tourist You have driven 500 miles in the city of Stilwater. twenty
Chain band You have delivered 500 chains in the multiplayer mode of Molonas chain in matched games. twenty
Mushroom mushroom You have killed 100 enemies with a sniper rifle in matched games. twenty
Chulos murderer You have killed the cool in the activity protects the cool 50 times in matched games. twenty
Exhibitionist You have improved your car to level 4 in Maqueado Buga mode 50 times in matched games. twenty
Bully You have reached thug trueskill in any multiplayer way. 10
Slacker You have won $ 1.000.000 in the city of Stilwater. 10
Swindler You have won $ 200.000 in insurance fraud. 10
Usurero jump You have won $ 200.000 of the usurer. 10
Shopping addict You have acquired 100 clothing and jewelry items for your player’s closet. 10
Discount accumulator You have acquired 100 clothing and jewelry items for your multiplayer closet. 10
Manada chief You have partnered with your 7 colleagues. 10
In full ascent You have graffeled all the hidden graffiti points in Stillwater. 10
Motor hands You have managed to have a total of 50 cars. 10
Hired murderer You have completed all the hitmen’s locations. 10
Destroyer Demon You have completed all destruction career levels. 10
Fast and Furious You have completed all locations and kidnapping levels. 10
Chulazo You have completed all the locations and escort levels. 10
Cool You have completed all the locations and levels of Chuleo. 10
Camel You have completed all drug trafficking locations and levels. 10
Scrap dealer You have completed all illegal workshop locations. 10
Tuniser You have completed all the locations and career levels. 10
Vandal You have completed all locations and chaos levels. 10
Bulletproof You have completed the turbulence cooperative level at the highest level of difficulty. 10
Stranges boy You have completed the Mob Rule cooperative level at the highest level of difficulty. 10
Canonized You have joined the 3rd Street Saints. 10
Rescuer Saints Row recovered 10
Stilwater Police Award You have killed 50 Stilwater residents only with Mel attacksé. 10
Air roof You have destroyed 50 helicopters. 10
Deal maker You have taken 50 hostages. 10
Audiophile You have collected the 60 cd hidden throughout Stilwater. 10
Professional thief You have stolen 30 boxes and have delivered them satisfactorily. 10
Domineering You have won 10 non -customized games in a row. 10


All the achievements of Saints Row For Xbox 360, including secret achievements .

160g: lord of the tinglado Complete all activities in Stilwater.

160g: Stilwater master Help the 3rd Streets Saints to dominate Stilwater.

80g: Capo Trueskill de Capo reaches any multiplayer way.

40G: Manufactured in Colombia Occupies the territory of the carnals.

40g: Regicida It occupies the territory of the Vice Kings.

40g: Price decrease It occupies the territory of the Westside Rollerz.

40g: gangster Gangster Trueskill reaches any multiplayer way.

20G: murderer Killer Trueskill reaches any multiplayer way.

(Secret) 20G: Row addicted Play a total of 20 hours.

(Secret) 20g: Chain Band He pulls a total of 500 chains in the chains mode in matches matched.

(Secret) 20G: Marathon corridor Go 26.2 miles.

(Secret) 20g: Tourist Drives 500 miles by car.

(Secret) 20g: Matachulos Kill the cool in multiplayer mode 50 times.

(Secret) 20G: Campanario sniper Kill 100 enemies with shots at the head with a sniper rifle in the multiplayer.

(Secret) 20g: exhibitionist Get your equipment car to reach level 4 in multiplayer mode 50 times.

10G: Brother Trueskill’s trueskill reaches any multiplayer way.

10G: Rácano Win $ 1.000.000 in the city of Stilwater.

10G: TIMADOR Win $ 200.000 in insurance fraud.

10G: Secret achievement Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.

10G: Purchasing Acquire 100 clothing and jewelry items for your player’s closet.

10G: Discount accumulator Buy 100 clothing and jewelry items for your multiplayer closet.

10G: Head of the pack Asóciate with your 7 colleagues.

10G: In full ascent Grafite all hidden graffiti points in Stilwater.

10G: Motor hands Get a total of 50 cars.

10G: Scated murderer Complete all the hitmen’s locations.

10G: Destroyer demon Complete all destruction career levels.

10G: Fast and furious Complete all locations and kidnapping levels.

10G: Chulazo Complete all locations and escort levels.

10g: cool Complete all the locations and levels of Chuleo.

10G: Canonized You have joined the 3rd Street Saints.

10G: Rescuer Saints Row recovered

10g: camel Complete all locations and drug trafficking levels.

10g: scrap Complete all illegal workshop locations.

10G: Tuniser Complete all locations and career levels.

10g: Vandal Complete all locations and chaos levels.

10G: bulletproof Complete the turbulence cooperative level at the highest level of difficulty.

10G: Stares boy Complete the Mob Rule cooperative level at the highest level of difficulty.

(Secret) 10g: Audiophile Get the 60 cds hidden in Stilwater.

(Secret) 10g: Negotiator Take 50 hostages.

(Secret) 10g: Dominator Win 10 balanced games in a row.

(Secret) 10g: Jump the bank Take 200.000 dollars from the loan office.

(Secret) 10G: Professional thief Steal 30 boxes and enter them successfully.

(Secret) 10g: Air Destroyer Destroy 50 helicopters.

(Secret) 10G: Stilwater Police Medal Kill 50 inhabitants with melee attacks.

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