Achievements of Xbox Live of narco terror xbla

Achievement |Description |Gamerscore
Fanatic Complete the game at the level of fanatic difficulty. 40
Unbeatable Improve all weapons. 30
We go in parts Kill 6 enemies with a single grenade. 30
The collector Find all special objects. 30
Made Complete the game on any difficulty. 30
Know in blood Kill 150 enemies. 30
Unpopular Kill 3.000 enemies in total. 30
Friends forever Play for 5 minutes in cooperative mode. twenty
Invincible Complete a minigame with vehicles without reaching you. twenty
For a puñDollar ado Win 15.000 dollars. twenty
The specialist Use all ammunition and special weapons. twenty
I hope you cover you insurance Destroy 50 vehicles. twenty
Improve Improves a weapon. 10
Hot Hot Kill 20 enemies with grenades. 10
Starting the collection Find 5 special objects. 10
Warming up Complete mission 01. 10
welcome to the Jungle Go to South America. 10
Stay away Kill 10 melee enemies. 10
Pump goes Destroys 5 land enemies with the plane. 10
Old friends EncuéNote with thin. 10


All the achievements of Narco terror For Xbox 360, including secret achievements .

40G: Fanatic Complete the game at the level of fanatic difficulty.

30g: Know in blood Kill 150 enemies.

30g: fact Complete the game on any difficulty.

30g: The collector Find all special objects.

30g: Let’s go in parts Kill 6 enemies with a single grenade.

30g: Impopular Kill 3.000 enemies in total.

30g: Unbeatable Improve all weapons.

20G: Invincible Complete a minigame with vehicles without reaching you.

20G: Friends forever Play for 5 minutes in cooperative mode.

20G: For a fuze of dollars Win 15.000 dollars.

20G: The specialist Use all ammunition and special weapons.

20 g: I hope you cover you insurance Destroy 50 vehicles.

10G: starting the collection Find 5 special objects.

10G: Pump goes Destroys 5 land enemies with the plane.

10g: heating Complete mission 01.

10G: Improve Improves a weapon.

10g: hot, hot Kill 20 enemies with grenades.

10G: Don’t get closer Kill 10 melee enemies.

(Secret) 10G: Welcome to the Jungle It arrives in South America.

(Secret) 10G: old friends Find out with Delgado.

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