Bilbo Bolsón J4337V
Easterling R7XKDH
Elrond A9FB4Q
Gamling AVJII1
Nazgul White Lyqu1f
Boromir – Htyadu
Denethor – RJV4KB
Galadriel – 7b4vwh
Gondor Knight – LG5GI7
Grima Snake Language – BU95CB
Lurtz (newborn) – QL28WB
Madrid – C19F3A
Sauron’s mouth – F4M7FC
Shagrat – PJB6MV
Hama – 73HJP6
King of the Dead – IH7E58
Elf of Lothlorien – C2A58D
Xbox Live of Lego Achievements The Lord of the Rings
A round trip | Get 100% (only one player) | 75 |
My treasure… | Collect all mithril bricks (only one player) | fifty |
There is goodness in this world | Complete all missions in Middle -earth (only one player) | fifty |
I told you that it was an arter | Collect all red bricks (only one player) | 30 |
Of all curious hobbits | Unlock all the map stones in the Middle -earth (only one player) | 30 |
Here’s a beautiful thing | Fabric all Mithril objects (only one player) | 30 |
Not with ten thousand men… | Unlock all the characters (only one player) | 30 |
I’m ready for another adventure | Get Aut Auténico at all levels (only one player) | 30 |
The Lord of the Ring | Complete the bonus level | 30 |
The strength of men failed | Complete ‘prologue’ | 25 |
It is a dangerous matter… | Complete ‘The Black Rider’ | 25 |
It does not carry a sweet | Complete ‘The top of the winds’ | 25 |
The long road | Complete ‘The Paso de Caradhras’ | 25 |
It is not a mine… It is a grave | Complete ‘Las Mines de Moria’ | 25 |
Let’s hunt orc! | Complete ‘Amon Hen’ | 25 |
For the treasure… | Complete ‘Gollum domestication’ | 25 |
Light and agile as shadows | Complete ‘the ICéNaga de los Dead ‘ | 25 |
And safeé | Complete ‘tracking hobbits’ | 25 |
Stinky creatures… | Complete ‘Huargos attack’ | 25 |
The battle is just going to start | Complete ‘Abyss of Helm’ | 25 |
A magician should be sensible | Complete ‘Osgiliath’ | 25 |
Naughty mosquita… | Complete ‘the secret stairs’ | 25 |
We succeed, Mr. Frodo | Complete ‘Cirith Ungol’ | 25 |
They have been summoned | Complete ‘the paths of the dead’ | 25 |
You and egéRcito de Quién? | Complete ‘The battle of Pelennor’ | 25 |
This day we will fight! | Complete ‘The Black Door’ | 25 |
It is no longer! | Complete ‘The Mount of Destiny’ | 25 |
They excavated too greed | Collect more than pieces (only one player) | 25 |
I’m glad to be with you | Complete a cooperative mode | 10 |
Don’t tell the elf | Gimli lays 30 times | 10 |
We just want to catch a fish | Fishing perfectly 20 times when you press the icon when flashing | 10 |
It is a rare gift | It reaches the top of Amon Hen without Boromir will hold you once (just one player) | 10 |
… And he went far, treasure | Buy Gollum with Gollum | 10 |
And the second breakfast? | Complete 2 cooking puzzles | 10 |
That account as mine! | He beats one of Gimli’s adversaries with Legolas in the ‘Abyss of Helm’ | 10 |
I was always higher! | Use the Brefing of the EMS on Pippin | 10 |
We cannot take ourselves | Complete ‘Las Mines de Moria’ in less than 15 minutes | 10 |
THE DANCE OF THE DEAD | Turn an enemy into a skeleton and make it dance | 10 |
An elf prince | Expires 42 Uruk-Hai with Legolas | 10 |
Bring the hobbits to Isengard | Travel to Isengard with each of the hobbits | 10 |
That only tells how one! | Expires a smell with Legolas | 10 |
Ok better the region | Dress up a character with treasure objects | 10 |
One not… | Walk in mordor | 5 |
That! Where we go? | Form the ring community | 5 |
An early trip | Travel to the Trolls with Bilbo forest | 5 |
The return of the king of the fungus | Equipa Aragorn with the fungus crown | 5 |
It will not be so easy! | During the ‘prologue’ level, it jumps within the fires of Mount of Destiny with Isildur | 5 |
A link to the elements | Fabric ice and fire arches (only one player) | 5 |
All the achievements of LEGO The Lord of the Rings For Xbox 360.
5G: Secret achievement Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
30g: The Lord of the Ring Complete the bonus level
25G: ˇA is not! Complete ‘The Mount of Destiny’
25g: ˇ This day we will fight! Complete ‘The Black Door’
25g: you and the army of whom? Complete ‘The battle of Pelennor’
10G: Secret achievement Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
25G: They have been summoned Complete ‘the paths of the dead’
25G: We succeed, Lord Frodo Complete ‘Cirith Ungol’
25g: Naughty mosquito… Complete ‘the secret stairs’
25G: A magician should be sensible Complete ‘Osgiliath’
25G: The battle will barely start Complete ‘Abyss of Helm’
10G: ˇ be counted as mine! He beats one of Gimli’s adversaries with Legolas in the ‘Abyss of Helm’
25g: stinky creatures… Complete ‘Huargos attack’
25g: And I will keep them safe Complete ‘tracking hobbits’
25g: light and agile as shadows Complete ‘La Ciénaga de los Muertos’
25G: For the Treasury… Complete ‘Gollum domestication’
25G: ˇ We are going to hunt orcs! Complete ‘Amon Hen’
25G: It’s not a mine… It is a grave Complete ‘Las Mines de Moria’
25G: The long road Complete ‘The Paso de Caradhras’
5g: ˇ Ese! Where are we going? Form the ring community
25G: Does not carry a sweet Complete ‘The top of the winds’
25G: It’s a dangerous matter… Complete ‘The Black Rider’
25G: The strength of men failed Complete ‘prologue’
50G: my treasure… Collect all mithril bricks (only one player)
50G: There is goodness in this world Complete all missions in Middle -earth (only one player)
75g: a round trip Get 100% (only one player)
30g: I told you that it was arter Collect all red bricks (only one player)
30g: Of all curious hobbits Unlock all the map stones in the Middle -earth (only one player)
30G: Here is a beautiful thing Fabric all Mithril objects (only one player)
30g: Not with ten thousand men… Unlock all the characters (only one player)
30g: I’m ready for another adventure Get authentic adventurer at all levels (only one player)
25G: They excavated too greed Collect more than pieces (only one player)
10G: I’m glad to be with you Complete a cooperative mode
10G: Don’t tell the elf Gimli lays 30 times
10G: We just want to catch a fish Fishing perfectly 20 times when you press the icon when flashing
10G: It’s a rare gift It reaches the top of Amon Hen without Boromir will hold you once (just one player)
10G: … And he went far, treasure Buy Gollum with Gollum
10G: And the second breakfast? Complete 2 cooking puzzles
10G: I was always higher! Use the Brefing of the EMS on Pippin
10G: We can’t take us Complete ‘Las Mines de Moria’ in less than 15 minutes
10G: The dance of the dead Turn an enemy into a skeleton and make it dance
10G: An elf prince Expires 42 Uruk-Hai with Legolas
10G: Take the hobbits to Isengard Travel to Isengard with each of the hobbits
5G: An early trip Travel to the Trolls with Bilbo forest
5G: The return of the king of the fungus Equipa Aragorn with the fungus crown
10G: Okay more than the region You saw a character completely with treasure objects
5G: Secret achievement Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
5G: Secret achievement Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.