Legend of Spyro cheats: Dawn of the Dragon – Xbox 360 – Cheat codes, Guides

Trick codes

To access the cheats of the game, make the following combinations of movements with the left analog command in the pause menu. You will listen to a deaf buzz in case you do it correctly.

  • Maximum experience: Maintainsénass the right trunk and performs the following combination: up, left, left, down, up.
  • Unlimited health: Maintainsén Press the left trigger and make the following combination: right, right, down, down, left.
  • Unlimited ManĂ¡: Maintainsén Press the right trustee and perform the following combination: above, right, up, left, down.
  • Unlock all elementary improvements: Maintainsén fucking the left trigger and performs the following combination: left, up, down, up, right.

Xbox Live Livend of Spyro achievements: Dawn of the Dragon

Achievement |Description |Gamerscore
Complete the game You have completed the game 130
Entrepreneur You have improved all your elements to its maximum level fifty
Friends system You have completed the game in mode 2 players fifty
You have killed Golem You have completed the Dragons City Golem 40
Crossed calcined lands You have completed the calcined lands 40
Unlocked bonuses You have unlocked all bonus galleries 40
Dragons killer You have killed Malefor without perishing 40
Liberated Hunter You have completed the Avala Valley 30
Close War Fang Door You have completed the city of Fang de Guerra 30
It floods the valley You have completed the dragon dam 30
Detén to the destroyer You have completed the destroyer 30
Destroy Malefor You have completed Malefor’s den 30
Golems demolition You have killed Golem without perishing 30
Dragon spirit You have found all elementary improvements 25
Dragon heart You have found all health improvements 25
Dragon mind You have found all experiences of experience 25
You have fled from the catacombs You have completed the catacombs twenty
Gates of the underground city You have completed the underground ruins twenty
Malefor lair achieved You have completed the floating islands twenty
Grublin nightmare You have killed 450 grublins twenty
Orc demolition You have killed 200 orcs twenty
Mass murderer You have killed 1.000 enemies twenty
A big step You have gathered an armor fifteen
Arsenal You have gathered all the armor fifteen
Grublins murderer You have killed 225 Grublins fifteen
Orcs murderer You have killed 100 orcs fifteen
Elitist You have improved an element at its maximum level fifteen
Destroyer of élite You have killed all the enemies of élite fifteen
Enchanted Forest You have completed the Penumbra Falls 10
Trolls murderer You have killed 10 trolls 10
Dark Knight You have killed 70 shadows 10
Juggler You have launched 200 enemies through the air 10
Buttons crusher You have made a 300 blow combo 10
Unattainable You have dodged all Golem’s attacks 10
Executor You have killed 625 enemies 10
Bodyguard You have brought back the gunner 5
Last wall You have closed the war of war without perishing 5
Guiver murderer You have killed 45 Guivens 5
Hook You have made 100 grips 5
Hook aéconvict You have made 100 grip toéinmates 5
Combos machine You have made a combo of 70 blows 5
Combos teacher You have made a 125 blow combo 5
FrenéTico You have released 20 fury attacks 5
savior You have protected all the houses of the Guepardos 5
Fire master You have eliminated 75 enemies with a fire attack 5
Electricity Master You have eliminated 75 enemies with an electricity attack 5
Wind master You have eliminated 75 enemies with a wind attack 5
Poison teacher You have eliminated 75 enemies with a poison attack 5
Ice teacher You have eliminated 75 enemies with an ice attack 5
Fear teacher You have eliminated 75 enemies with a fear attack 5


Perform the following actions to achieve the achievements of the game and the corresponding scores.

  • Air Grappler (5) – Make 100 grip in the air to any enemy.
  • Armory (15) – Complete all armor sets.
  • Army Slayer (20) – Kill 1.000 enemies.
  • Berserker (5) – Execute twenty attacks of fury.
  • Bodyguard (5) – Bring the artillery soldier back to his catapult in less than five minutes.
  • Buddy System (50) – Complete the game with at least 90% of the time in two players’ mode.
  • Burned Lands Crossed (40) – Complete the Burned Lands.
  • Button Smasher (10) – Make a 300 blow combo.
  • Close Warfang Gate (30) – Complete the city of Warfang.
  • Maker Combo (5) – Make a 70 -stroke combo.
  • Master Combo (5) – Make a 125 -stroke combo.
  • Complete The Game (130) – Complete the game 100%.
  • Dark Knight (10) – Kill 70 shadows.
  • Destroy Malefor (30) – Complete the Malefor Lady.
  • Dragon Assassin (40) – Kill Malefor without dying once.
  • Dragon Heart (25) – Find all health bonuses.
  • Dragon Mind (25) – Find all experiences of experience.
  • Dragon Spirit (25) – Find all elementary improvements.
  • Destroyer elite (15) – Kill all elite enemies.
  • Elitist (15) – Improves an element up to the highest level.
  • Enchathed Forest (10) – Complete the Twilight Falls.
  • Entrepreneur (50) – Improve all your elements to the highest level.
  • The catacombs escape (20) – Complete the catacombs.
  • EXECUTONER (10) – Kill 625 enemies.
  • Flood The Valley (30) – Complete Dragon Dam.
  • FREED HUNTER (30) – Complete the Avala Valley.
  • Golem Wrecker (30) – Kill Golem without dying once.
  • Grappler (5) – Make one hundred grip to any enemy.
  • Grublin Bane (20) – Kill 450 grublins.
  • Grublin Slayer (15) – Kill 225 Grublins.
  • Juggler (10) – Throw 200 enemies on the air.
  • Killed The Golem (40) – Complete Dragon City Golem.
  • Last Rampar (5) – Close Warfang’s door without dying once.
  • Master of Electricity (5) – Eliminates 75 enemies with an attack onécitric.
  • Master of Fear (5) – Eliminates 75 enemies with a fear attack.
  • Master of Fire (5) – Eliminates 75 enemies with a fire attack.
  • Master of Ice (5) – Eliminates 75 enemies with an ice attack.
  • Master of Poison (5) – Eliminates 75 enemies with a poisonous attack.
  • Master of Wind (5) – Eliminates 75 enemies with a wind attack.
  • One Large Step (15) – Complete an armor set.
  • ORC DEMOLISHER (20) – Kill 200 orcs.
  • Orc Slayer (15) – Kill 100 orcs.
  • Rear Malefor’s Lair (20) – Complete the floating islands.
  • Savior (5) – Protect all Cheetah’s houses in the town.
  • Stop The Destroyer (30) – Complete the destroyer.
  • Troll Slayer (10) – Kill Ten Trolls.
  • Unattainable (10) – Dodge all the attacks of the Golem in the Chamber of Remote.
  • Underground City Doors (20) – Complete the underground ruins.
  • UNLOCKED BONUS (40) – Unlock all bonus galleries.
  • Wyvern Slayer (5) – Kill 45 Wyverns.

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