How to Survive: Storm Warning Edition – Xbox One – Cheat codes, Guides

Xbox Live Achievements of How To Survive: Storm Warning Edition

Achievement |Description |Gamerscore
Indestructible Complete the story mode “iron man”. 60
Burst Complete the chapter “the devil” in difficulty “iron man”. 60
Qué Easy is to survive Complete the story mode in “normal” difficulty. Four. Five
Untouchable Complete a challenge in difficulty “iron man” without losing health. Four. Five
Cleaning exprés Kill 20 zombies in less than 5 seconds. Four. Five
Collateral damage Get a zombie mate 20 zombies. Four. Five
Incineration Complete the chapter “The Devil” in Normal Difficulty “. Four. Five
God of rain Complete the special command. Four. Five
Perfect game Complete a challenge with a “s” range. 30
Sibarite moncheat codes Complete the 12 secondary missions of the Kovac moncheat codes. 30
Veteran survivor Reaches the “Survival fan” label (challenge mode). 30
The winners do not drug themselves Complete a challenge in “Iron Man” without medicinal plants or kit. 30
Weasel Complete a “normal” difficulty challenge without losing health. 30
Fast murders Kill 10 zombies in less than 5 seconds. 30
Nearby murderer Make 100 instant deaths. 30
Wait your turn Makes 5 instant deaths in less than 15 seconds. 30
Caloric download Complete the chapter “The Devil” in Easy Difficulty “. 30
Romperistals Kill a volcano zombie without electricity. 30
Skewer theéCtrica Kill 8 monsters in a row using electricity. 30
SimiSco support Complete all the missions of the moncheat codes in the islands of El Diablo. 30
Deadâ € ¦ again Get to kill a zombie instantly for the first time. fifteen
Discoverer i Enter the island of the sold. fifteen
Level rise Unlock your first skill. fifteen
Discoverer II Enter the island of La Sueda. fifteen
Discoverer III Enter the island of Santa Barbara. fifteen
Four -handed massacre Complete a local or online challenge with another player. fifteen
Herbalist Find the 20 Special Herbarium Plants. fifteen
Pharmacophobia Complete a challenge in “normal” difficulty without medicinal plants or kit. fifteen
One per second Kill 5 zombies in less than 5 seconds. fifteen
There is no more place in hell Kill 2000 zombies. fifteen
Cheap deaths Kill 5 monsters in a row with a bullet or arrow. fifteen
IV discoverer It arrives at the island of baking. fifteen
Discoverer v It arrives at the island of Ash. fifteen
Discoverer VI It arrives at the island of Emorics. fifteen
High voltage Kill 500 monsters with electricity. fifteen
Rays teacher Refill your weaponéCtrica without using a high voltage tower. fifteen
Mass murderer Kill 1000 Zombies. 10


45g: incineration Complete the chapter “The Devil” in Normal Difficulty “.

30g: Caloric download Complete the chapter “The Devil” in Easy Difficulty “.

30g: Perfect item Complete a challenge with a “s” range.

45g: How easy it is to survive Complete the story mode in “normal” difficulty.

15g: herbalist Find the 20 Special Herbarium Plants.

15G: level rise Unlock your first skill.

15G: Discoverer I Enter the island of the sold.

15G: Dead … again Get to kill a zombie instantly for the first time.

30g: Veloces murders Kill 10 zombies in less than 5 seconds.

15g: one per second Kill 5 zombies in less than 5 seconds.

60g: indestructible Complete the story mode “iron man”.

15g: four -handed massacre Complete a local or online challenge with another player.

15G: Discovery III Enter the island of Santa Barbara.

15G: Discoverer II Enter the island of La Sueda.

45g: Rain God Complete the special command.

30g: Romperistales Kill a volcano zombie without electricity.

60g: Explosion Complete the chapter “the devil” in difficulty “iron man”.

30g: The weasel Complete a “normal” difficulty challenge without losing health.

30g: The winners do not drug themselves Complete a challenge in “Iron Man” without medicinal plants or kit.

30g: Veteran survivor Reaches the “Survival fan” label (challenge mode).

30g: Simiesco support Complete all the missions of the moncheat codes in the islands of El Diablo.

15G: High voltage Kill 500 monsters with electricity.

15G: There is no more place in hell Kill 2000 zombies.

10G: Mass murderer Kill 1000 Zombies.

30g: Sibaritas moncheat codes Complete the 12 secondary missions of the Kovac moncheat codes.

30g: nearby murderer Make 100 instant deaths.

45g: Collateral damage Get a zombie mate 20 zombies.

15G: Pharmacophobia Complete a challenge in “normal” difficulty without medicinal plants or kit.

15G: VI discoverer It arrives at the island of Emorics.

30G: Wait your turn Makes 5 instant deaths in less than 15 seconds.

45g: untouchable Complete a challenge in difficulty “iron man” without losing health.

15G: Discoverer V It arrives at the island of Ash.

15G: IV discoverer It arrives at the island of baking.

45g: express cleaning Kill 20 zombies in less than 5 seconds.

15G: Cheap deaths Kill 5 monsters in a row with a bullet or arrow.

30g: Electric skewer Kill 8 monsters in a row using electricity.

15G: Ray teacher Recharge your electric weapon without using a high voltage tower.

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