Xbox Live Achievements of Pro Evolution Soccer 2012
Legend | It is obtained by winning the A player trophyñor UEFA in [be a legend]. | 90 |
Best player of the season | It is obtained by being appointed best player of the season in [being a legend]. | 90 |
Best team in the world | It is obtained by being named the best team in the world in the club ranking of the [Master League]. | 90 |
Administrator n.Âş 1 | It is obtained by being the best administrator in [Club owner]. | 90 |
Tricampeon | It is obtained by winning the League, the UEFA Champions League and the Cup in a season of [Liga Master]. | 60 |
UEFA Champions League debut | It is obtained by debuting in UEFA Champions League in [be a legend]. | 40 |
Pride of a nation | You get to play the International Cup in [be a legend]. | 40 |
UEFA Champions League champion | You get to be champion of the [UEFA Champions League]. | 30 |
King: Santander Libertadores Cup | You get to be champion of the [Santander Libertadores] champion. | 30 |
International Champion | It is obtained by winning a selections championship in [League/Cup]. | 30 |
League champion | It is obtained by winning a league alone in [League/Cup]. | 30 |
Ideal League team | It is obtained by being selected for the ideal league team [being a legend]. | 30 |
Ascended | It is obtained by getting the team ascending one of the upper leagues in the [Master League]. | 30 |
TéCnico Champion | It is obtained by winning any of the upper leagues in the [Master League]. | 30 |
Europe conquered | You get to be a champion of the UEFA Champions League in the [Liga Master]. | 30 |
Champion President | It is obtained by winning one of the leading leagues in [Club owner]. | 30 |
Community partner | You get to join your first [online community]. | 30 |
Proud Captain | It is obtained by being appointed club captain in [being a legend]. | twenty |
UEFA Champions League Top 16 | It is obtained by passing the group stage in the [UEFA Champions League]. | fifteen |
T16 Santander Cup Libertadores | It is obtained by passing the group stage in the [Santander Libertadores] Cup]. | fifteen |
Mr. Polyvalent | You get when learning to play in another position in [be a legend]. | fifteen |
Multiple talents | It is obtained by achieving a new ability to [be a legend]. | fifteen |
First Victoria: Championship | It is obtained by the first victory in a [online championship]. | fifteen |
Dealer | You get your first signing in [Liga Master online]. | fifteen |
League champions | It is obtained by winning the league in [being a legend]. | 10 |
Among the 16 best in Europe | It is obtained by passing the UEFA Champions League group stage in the [Master League]. | 10 |
Online premiere | It is obtained by completing the debut match in [online]. Disconnections are not permitted. | 10 |
First victory: fast game | It is obtained by winning the first [fast game]. Disconnections are not permitted. | 10 |
Assiduous to the theater | You get to see the repetitions that another user has charged in [Legends Theater]. | 10 |
The best moments | You get to see the best moves in [best plays in the final]. | 10 |
First victory: friendly | It is obtained by defeating the machine for the first time in [friendly]. | 5 |
Victoria: UEFA Champions League | It is obtained by defeating the machine for the first time in the [UEFA Champions League]. | 5 |
1st Santander Libertadores Cup | It is obtained by defeating the machine for the first time in the [Santander Libertadores] [Copa Santander]. | 5 |
Professional debut | It is obtained by professionally debuting in [being a legend]. | 5 |
First Victoria: Liga Master | It is obtained by achieving the first victory in the [Liga Master]. | 5 |
Victoria: Club owner | It is obtained by achieving the first victory as a club administrator in [Club owner]. | 5 |
5 points
Victoria: ClubSe’s owner obtained by achieving the first victory as a club administrator in “Club owner”
Professional debut obtains by professionally debuting in “being a legend”
1st Santander Libertadores Cup is obtained by defeating the machine for the first time in the “Santander Libertadores” Cup “
First Victoria: Amistosose gets defeating the machine for the first time in “friendly”
Victoria: UEFA Champions League is obtained by defeating the machine for the first time in the [UEFA Champions League]
First Victoria: Liga Master is obtained by the first time in the “Liga Master”
10 points
The best moments are obtained by seeing the best plays in “Best Play in the Final”
Assiduous to the Teatrose gets to see the repetitions that another user has charged in “Legends Theater”
First Victoria: quick game gets winning the first “fast game”. Disconnections are not permitted
Release in Línease obtains when completing the “online” debut match. Disconnections are not permitted
Ligase champions get by winning the League in “Being a legend”
Among the 16 best of Europase obtains when the UEFA Champions League group stage passes in the “Master League”
15 points
Negotiating is obtained by making your first signing in “Liga Master online”
First Victoria: Championships obtains for the first victory in an “Online Championship”
Multiple talents is obtained by achieving a new ability to “be a legend”
Mr. Multivalent is obtained by learning to play in another position in “Being a legend”
T16 Santander Libertadores Cup is obtained by passing the group stage in the “Santander Libertadores” Cup “
UEFA Champions League Top 16 is obtained by passing the group stage in the “UEFA Champions League”
20 points
Proud Captain is obtained by being appointed Captain of the Club in “Being a legend”
30 points
Community partner is obtained by joining your first “online community”
President champion is obtained by winning one of the leading leagues in “Club owner”
Ascendidose gets when the team rises to one of the upper leagues in the “Master League”
IEAL Ligase team obtains for being selected for the ideal league team “Being a legend”
Ligase champion obtains by winning a league in “League/Cup” alone
International champion is obtained by winning a selections championship in “League/Cup”
King: Santander Libertadores Cup is obtained by being champion of the “Santander Libertadores” Cup “
UEFA Champions League champion is obtained by being champion of the “UEFA Champions League”
Champion Technician is obtained by winning any of the upper leagues in the “Liga Master”
Conquered Europe is obtained by being a champion of the UEFA Champions League in the “Liga Master”
40 points
Pride of a nation is obtained by playing the International Cup in “Being a legend”
Debut in UEFA Champions League is obtained by debuting in UEFA Champions League in “Being a legend”
60 points
Tricampeón is obtained by winning the League, the UEFA Champions League and the Cup in a “Master League” season
90 points
Nş 1 administrator is obtained by being the best administrator in “Club owner”
Best player of the season is obtained by being named the best player of the season in “Being a legend”
Leyendase gets when winning the UEFA Ańo player trophy in “Being a legend”
Best team in the world is obtained by being named the best team of Lmundo in the club ranking of the “Master League”