In the main menu, use the right analog stick to look at your hands, repeatedly click LT + RT to get out of the chair (unlocking an achievement). Then, move around the area behind the chair to find an old computer. Write the following codes to unlock the hidden characteristics of the work.Unlock everything: write “3ARC UNLOCK” to unlock the five zombie modes, the Dead Ops Arcade and Zork mode, a text conversational adventure, as well as all missions.
All Intel: Write “3ARC Intel” to unlock everything Intel.
Dead Ops Arcade mode: Write “doa” to unlock mode.
Zork game: Write “Zork” to unlock it.
Show all commands: Write “Help” to see the list of all commands in the terminal and access to the Pentagon email.
Unlock the audio and images: Write “DIR” and assign them to your profile with the “Cat (name)” command.
Name registration: Write “WHO” to see a list of people who have connected to the “Rlogin” command (requires password).
Call of Duty Xbox Live Live Achievements: Black Ops
Black OPS teacher | Complete the campaignñA in tanned or veteran difficulty. | 100 |
Big Bang Theory | Get avenge in Moon. | 100 |
Time trip will say | In Shangri-la, get the approach stone. | 75 |
Criog partyéNica | Complete Richtofan’s master plan in Moon. | 75 |
Guide | Guide to the platoon for the advanced position SoviéTico without killing any member. | fifty |
Mr. Black Ops | Enter the Sovi repeateréTico without being detected. | fifty |
No leakage | It crosses the nova 6 gas without dying on Renaissance Island. | fifty |
Space race | In ascension, use a potentator with a weapon in Ronda 8. | Four. Five |
Modest distribution | In Call of the Dead, he sends to the troop to Paradise in cooperative mode. | Four. Five |
Rest | Complete the campaignñA In any difficulty. | 35 |
The eagle has lunar modules | In ascent, it escapes in the 3 lunar modules. | 35 |
They are crossing! | In ascent, kill at least 5 zombies with 1 Gersh device. | 35 |
Grill | In ascent, kill a space monkey with a fire trap. | 35 |
Double | In Call of the Dead, he sends to the troop to paradise in cooperative or individual mode. | 35 |
Light-footed | Escape from the ship with 2:15 still available in veteran. | 30 |
Silence on the set | In Call of the Dead, gather the lights to the director. | 30 |
Blinded by fear | In Shangri-La, kill a howler zombie while you are blinded by él. | 30 |
Zombies elimination | In Shangri-la, it eliminates a napalm zombie without dañar to other players. | 30 |
Advantages in space! | Buy all the advantages in a game in Moon. | 30 |
Vehicle slaughter | Destroys all enemies in vehicles during prison escape. | 25 |
Lord Nelson | Destroy all whites and structures while tracing the river. | 25 |
With great damage | It arrives at the Prison field in the Hind using only rockets. | 25 |
Cold warrior | Complete operation 40, Vorkuta and executive order in veteran difficulty. | 25 |
Get your hands dirty | Complete Sog and the deserter in veteran difficulty. | 25 |
It is your funeral | Complete numbers, Nova Project and Victor Charlie in veteran difficulty. | 25 |
Not today | Complete place of the accident, adm and revenge in veteran difficulty. | 25 |
Unreliable | Complete rebirth and redemption in veteran difficulty. | 25 |
Armed and operational | Get 3 weapons of the vendingman at the same time in Moon. | 25 |
Top | Finish 5 betting games winning. | twenty |
The collector | Buy all weapons available in a zombie mode game. | twenty |
The GéNero is not touched | Kill the Pentagon thief before the weapons steal. | twenty |
Specialist | In Call of the Dead, make a zombie exploit with the V-R11. | twenty |
Outdoor action | In Call of the Dead, kill 10 zombies with a car shotñero from more than 30 meters. | twenty |
Death to dictators | Eliminate Castro from a shot to the head. | fifteen |
Tyrachin boy | Destroy all the whites of the Honda in 3 attempts. | fifteen |
Hard economy | Do not use more than 6 Tow remote control missiles to destroy the tanks by defending Khe Sanh. | fifteen |
Dain of pain | Ends with 20 members of the NVA by supportingéinmate in the city of egg. | fifteen |
The inner dragon | Kill 10 members of the NVA with Dragon’s Breath projectiles. | fifteen |
Heavy hand | Use the angel of death to destroy the nest of machine guns. | fifteen |
In short distances | Eliminates 3 VC members without making noise. | fifteen |
Russian barbecue | Incinera to 10 enemies with the flamethrower accessory in the field of prisoners. | fifteen |
I hate the moncheat codes | Kill 7 moncheat codes in less than 10 seconds in Renaissance laboratories. | fifteen |
Double porrazo | Destroy the two helicopters with a Valkyrie rocket from the ship’s deck. | fifteen |
Granadero teacher | Kill 5 enemies with a fragmentation grenade in the campaignñto. | fifteen |
Sally likes blood | Demonstrates a saving murderous instinct and eliminates 3 enemies with a single bullet. | fifteen |
Unconventional armament | Use explosive virotes to kill 30 enemies in the campaignñto. | fifteen |
Deep analysis | Find the hidden information. | fifteen |
Cinema | See a video or a clip with a friend. | fifteen |
Ready for deployment | Reaches range 10 of the instruction. | fifteen |
Seen, Apñwinged, cured | Launches a ballistic knife of the vein to a fallen ally to relive it at a distance. | fifteen |
Scapegoat | Shoot or shoot you an ally with a scales of the Expend. Kill 6 zombies in the explosion. | fifteen |
Ask me with kindness | LibéTorture chair rate. | fifteen |
Eaten by a grue | Play Zork in the terminal. | fifteen |
Sacrifice | Make sure your squad with safe and saved Cuba. | 10 |
Freedom or death | Escape from Vorkuta. | 10 |
VIP | Receive Lancer orders. | 10 |
A safer place | Sabote the SOVI Space PrograméTico. | 10 |
The image does not count | Ends the siege in the battle of Khe Sanh. | 10 |
The Sog rules | Recover the dossier and the deserter of the city of eggs. | 10 |
Double problem | Use only two -handed weapons to escape from Kowloon. | 10 |
MALE ENGLOés | Kowloon escapes. | 10 |
Without getting off the ship | Find the Sovi connectionéTica in laos. | 10 |
Some wounds never heal | Flee from the past. | 10 |
Clarity | Discover the code. | 10 |
Quiet, rhinoceros | In Dead Ops Arcade, use an acceleration to end 20 or more enemies at the same time. | 10 |
Littleñor comfort | In Shangri-la, use the 31-79 JGB215 against each type of zombie. | 10 |
Terrestrial control | Prevents the excavator from penetrating the base in a game in Moon. | 10 |
Enter a currency | Access the terminal and cooléNtate the forces of the cosmic gorilla in Dead Ops Arcade. | 5 |
The monkey does not want | In Shangri-la, get some of the moncheat codes. | 5 |
A childño Pirateo… | PIRATE SOMETHING IN MOON. | 5 |
A big step | QuéDate caught at reception and libéRATE resurrected in cooperative in Moon. | 5 |
100G: Black OPS teacher Complete the campaign in tanned or veteran difficulty.
50G: Without leaks It crosses the nova 6 gas without dying on Renaissance Island.
50G: mr. Black Ops Enter the Soviet repeater without being detected.
50g: Guide Guide to the platoon for the advanced Soviet position without killing any member.
35g: Rest Complete the campaign in any difficulty.
30g: light feet Escape from the ship with 2:15 still available in veteran.
25g: Cold warrior Complete operation 40, Vorkuta and executive order in veteran difficulty.
25G: With great damage It arrives at the Prison field in the Hind using only rockets.
25G: Lord Nelson Destroy all whites and structures while tracing the river.
25G: get your hands dirty Complete Sog and the deserter in veteran difficulty.
25G: It is your funeral Complete numbers, Nova Project and Victor Charlie in veteran difficulty.
25G: Not today Complete place of the accident, adm and revenge in veteran difficulty.
25G: Not reliable Complete rebirth and redemption in veteran difficulty.
25g: vehicular slaughter Destroys all enemies in vehicles during prison escape.
20G: at the top Finish 5 betting games winning.
20G: The collector Buy all weapons available in a zombie mode game.
20G: Gender is not touched Kill the Pentagon thief before the weapons steal.
15G: Expiatory Goat Shoot or shoot you an ally with a scales of the Expend. Kill 6 zombies in the explosion.
15G: in -depth analysis Find the hidden information.
15G: Death to dictators Eliminate Castro from a shot to the head.
15g: Tyrachinas boy Destroy all the whites of the Honda in 3 attempts.
15G: Film See a video or a clip with a friend.
15g: Ready for deployment Reaches range 10 of the instruction.
15G: Heavy hand Use the angel of death to destroy the nest of machine guns.
15G: In short distances Eliminates 3 VC members without making noise.
15g: Dain of pain It ends with 20 members of the NVA through air support in the city of eggs.
15G: The inner dragon Kill 10 members of the NVA with Dragon’s Breath projectiles.
15G: Hard economy Do not use more than 6 Tow remote control missiles to destroy the tanks by defending Khe Sanh.
15G: unconventional armament Use explosive virotes to kill 30 enemies in the campaign.
15G: Sally likes blood Demonstrates a saving murderous instinct and eliminates 3 enemies with a single bullet.
15G: Granadero Master Kill 5 enemies with a fragmentation grenade in the campaign.
15g: Double porrazo Destroy the two helicopters with a Valkyrie rocket from the ship’s deck.
15G: I hate moncheat codes Kill 7 moncheat codes in less than 10 seconds in Renaissance laboratories.
15G: Russian barbecue Incinera to 10 enemies with the flamethrower accessory in the field of prisoners.
(Secret) 15g: See, Point me, Sáname Shoot a ballistic knife and healthy to a company.
(Secret) 15G: Ask it with education Escape from the chair to torture.
(Secret) 15g: eaten Play with Zork in the terminal.
10G: Without getting off the ship Find the Soviet connection in Laos.
10g: clarity Discover the code.
10G: A safer place Sabote the Soviet space program.
10G: VIP Receive Lancer orders.
10g: The image does not count Ends the siege in the battle of Khe Sanh.
10G: Some wounds never heal Flee from the past.
10G: Bad English Kowloon escapes.
10G: Double problem Use only two -handed weapons to escape from Kowloon.
10G: The SOG rules Recover the dossier and the deserter of the city of eggs.
10G: Freedom or death Escape from Vorkuta.
10G: Sacrifice Make sure your squad with safe and saved Cuba.
10G: Quiet, rhinoceros In Dead Ops Arcade, use an acceleration to end 20 or more enemies at the same time.
5G: Enter a currency Access the terminal and cool the forces of the cosmic gorilla in Dead Ops Arcade.
Downloadable content achievements First Strike
45g: Space race In ascension, use a potentator with a weapon in Ronda 8.
35g: The eagle has lunar modules In ascent, it escapes in the 3 lunar modules.
35g: ˇ They are crossing! In ascent, kill at least 5 zombies with 1 Gersh device.
35g: grill monkey In ascent, kill a space monkey with a fire trap.
Content achievements
45g: modest cast In Call of the Dead, he sends to the troop to Paradise in cooperative mode.
35g: double In Call of the Dead, he sends to the troop to paradise in cooperative or individual mode.
30g: silence on the set In Call of the Dead, gather the lights to the director.
20G: Specialist In Call of the Dead, make a zombie exploit with the V-R11.
20G: Action outdoors In Call of the Dead, he kills 10 zombies with a carriage shooting from more than 30 meters.
Annihilation achievements
75g: The trip in time will tell In Shangri-la, get the approach stone.
30g: blinded by fear In Shangri-La, kill a howler zombie while you are blinded by him.
30g: Zombies elimination In Shangri-la, it eliminates a Napalm zombie without damaging other players.
10G: little comfort In Shangri-la, use the 31-79 JGB215 against each type of zombie.
5G: The monkey does not want In Shangri-la, get some of the moncheat codes.
Rehamphable Content Achievements Rezurrection
(Secret) 100g: Big Bang Theory Get a sweet revenge on the moon.
75g: Criogenic party Complete Richtofan’s master plan in Moon.
30g: ˇAds in space! Buy all the advantages in a game in Moon.
25G: Armed and operational Get 3 weapons of the vendingman at the same time in Moon.
10G: Terrestrial Control Prevents the excavator from penetrating the base in a game in Moon.
5G: A little pirate… PIRATE SOMETHING IN MOON.
5G: A big step Stay trapped at the reception and free yourself by resuscitating in Moon in Moon.