Blue Dragon cheats – Xbox 360 – Cheat codes, Guides

Blue Dragon Xbox Live Live Achievements

Achievement |Description |Gamerscore
Dragon: maximum in all You reached the maximum range in all classes of the dragon shadow. fifty
Minotaur: maximum in all You reached the maximum range in all kinds of the minotaur shadow. fifty
FéNix: maximum in all You reached the maximum range in all classes of the shade Fénix. fifty
Smilodon: maximum in all You reached the maximum range in all classes of the Smilodón shadow. fifty
Vampire: maximum in all You reached the maximum range in all classes of the vampire shadow. fifty
Maximum at all levels You reached level 99 with all the characters. fifty
100 surprise attacks You launched 100 surprise attacks. 30
10 or more in multiple encounter You won a multiple encounter with 10 or more monsters. 30
100 betrayals You provoked 100 betrayals. 30
King Trunio defeated You defeated King Trunio, a difficult monster to find. 30
Golden Serpentrunio defeated You defeated the golden serpentrunio, a monster difficult to find. 30
Gold mecandroid defeated You defeated the golden mecandroid, a monster difficult to find. 30
PERFECT 1 MECOPPER 1 You completed the first firing phase with a mecopter without sufferingñeither. 30
PERFECT 2 MECOPTER 2 You destroyed all machine guns of the second firing phase with mecopter. 30
PERFECT 3 MECOPTER 3 You completed the third firing phase with a mecopter without sufferingñeither. 30
Perfect Carromate Escort You made the wagate escort without sufferingñeither. 30
Perfect lunar laser You obtained a bonus for completing the lunar laser phase without failures. 30
Dragon: maximum in a class You reached the maximum range in a dragon shadow class. 30
Minotaur: maximum in a class You reached the maximum range in a class of the Minotaur. 30
FéNix: maximum in a class You reached the maximum range in a class of the shade Fénix. 30
Smilodon: maximum in a class You reached the maximum range in a Smilodón shadow class. 30
Vampire: maximum in a class You reached the maximum range in a class of the vampire shadow. 30
All active teleporters You activated all teleporters. 25
All deactivated barriers Decision all the barriers of the game. 25
Complete monster record You completed the Monsters Registry by beating all types that are. 25
Complete object record You completed the registration of objects. 25
1.000.000 pieces of gold You got a million gold pieces. 25
Final War necklace You obtained the collar of the final war, very difficult to find. 10
Dragon bracelet You obtained the dragon bracelet, very difficult to find. 10
All equipped pieces You obtained all the types of mecopter piece and all the improvements. 10
All dragon objects You obtained all dragon objects. 10
Final weapon bracelet You obtained the final weapon bracelet, very difficult to find. 10
Surprise attack You launched a surprise attack. 5
Multiple encounter You won in a multiple encounter. 5
Closed strength door You closed the floating fortress door without fighting mecandroids. 5
Floreante Fortaleza You helped to drag the floating strength without anger to the golgo. 5
Kluke saved from suffocation You prevented Kluke from drowning because of the Nen necklaceé. 5
Shu shadow invoked You invoked the shadow of Shu. 5
Kluke rescued You rescued Kluke without falling. 5
The bomb did not explode You came to Nen’s dené Before the time pump exploded. 5
Flapotruz flight You escaped without the apartment kicked you. 5
More than 50 flights You run away from a fight for more than 50 times. 0
More than 50 attacks on betrayal You have suffered more than 50 attacks on betrayal. 0


50g: Dragon: maximum in all Reaches the maximum in all dragon classes. You must go from 98 to 99 without using a heart.

50g: Minotaur: maximum in all Reaches the maximum in all classes of the Minotaur. You must go from 98 to 99 without using a heart.

50g: Phoenix: maximum in all Reaches the maximum in all the classes of the Phoenix. You must go from 98 to 99 without using a heart.

50g: maximum at all levels Reach level 99 with all the characters.

(Secret) 50g: murderous bat: maximum all classes You got to the fullest in all classes of the murderous bat.

(Secret) 50g: Saber teeth: maximum in all classes You got to the fullest in all classes of saber teeth.

(Secret) 30g: murderous bat: maximum in a class You came to the maximum of a murderous bat class.

(Secret) 30g: Saber teeth: maximum in a class You got to the maximum of a saber teeth class.

(Secret) 30g: Shooting with perfect 2 mecopter Complete Phase 2 of shot with a mecopter without suffering damage.

30g: 100 surprise attacks Spears 100 surprise attacks.

30g: 10 or more in multiple encounter Expires in a multiple encounter against a minimum of 10 enemies.

30g: 100 betrayals Causes 100 betrayals.

(Secret) 30g: Shot with perfect Mecopter 3 Complete phase 3 shot with a mecopter without suffering damage.

30g: King Trunio defeated Find and defeat King Trunio, an elusive monster.

30g: Drawn Dorado Serpentrunio Find and defeat the gold.

30g: Dorado Golden Mecandroid Find and defeat the golden mecandroid, an elusive monster.

30g: shooting 1 perfect 1 mecopter Complete the firing phase with a mecopter without suffering damage.

30g: Perfect wandering escort Make sure the wond.

30g: Dragon: maximum in a class Reach the maximum range in a dragon class. You must go from 98 to 99 without using a heart.

30g: Minotaur: maximum in a class Reach the maximum range in a classotaur class. You must go from 98 to 99 without using a heart.

30g: Phoenix: maximum in a class Reach the maximum range in a phoenix class. You must go from 98 to 99 without using a heart.

25G: All active teleporters Activate all teleporters.

25G: All deactivated barriers Deactivate all the barriers of the game.

25G: Complete monster record Complete the registration of monsters defeating all types.

25G: Complete object record Complete the registration of objects.

25g: 1.000.000 pieces of gold Put on Save: ˇNecessitas one million!

(Secret) 20g: Perfect lunar laser Complete the perfect lunar laser phase.

(Secret) 10G: Equipate all parts of the Mecoptera. You have all the parties and improvements of the Mecoptera.

(Secret) 10G: All Dragon items You got all dragon items.

10G: Final weapon bracelet Get the final weapon bracelet, very difficult to find.

10G: Final war necklace Get the collar of the final war, very difficult to find.

10G: Dragon bracelet Get the dragon bracelet, very difficult to find.

5G: Surprise attack Launches a surprise attack.

5G: Multiple encounter Start a multiple encounter.

(Secret) 5G: Close the Flying Fortress Gate You closed the flying fortress door without fighting robots.

(Secret) 5G: Flying strength Flying strength without angry at the giants.

(Secret) 5G: Rescue Kluke Rescue Kluke without falling.

(Secret) 5G: get to baby ahead You arrived in Nene before the pump time ended.

(Secret) 5G: Save Kluke from strangulation You saved Kluke from being strangled by Nene necklace.

(Secret) 5G: invoke the shadow of Shu You invoked the shadow of Shu.

(Secret) 5G: escape from Squashtrich You escaped without the Squashrich crushed you.

(Secret) 0g: escape more than 50 times You escaped a battle more than 50 times.

(Secret) 0g: ambushed more than 50 times You received more than 50 ambush.

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