Avatar cheats – Xbox 360 – Cheat codes, Guides

Xbox Live de Avatar achievements

Achievement |Description |Gamerscore
More Tawute will arrive The game ends on the na’vi side. 100
Victory is ours The game ends on the side of the RDA. 100
Clear pandora Complete all the challenges of the game sector. 75
Manitas Use each range 4 20 times. 30
Turn the tables 50% of the territories claim. 25
The war has begun Complete blue lagoon. twenty
The first harmonic Get your first harmonic in hole hills. twenty
Front harmonic Get a harmonic in the front. twenty
CI harmonicéNAGA Get the harmonic in the ICénaga of the grave. twenty
Liquidate traitors It ends with Langley and Epstein in the hanging gardens. twenty
See you, Harper Kill Harper in Cerro Neblinoso. twenty
Goliath belongs to me Complete the plains of Goliath. twenty
They have won? Survives the RDA attack in Iknimaya. twenty
The first song Secures song in Swotulu. twenty
Torukä song na’rìng Secures the song in Torukä na’rìng. twenty
Canto de va’erä Ramunong Assures the song in va’erä Ramunong. twenty
Kxanìa taw song Secures the song in Kxanìa Taw. twenty
Clear blue lagoon Complete all the challenges of the sector in Laguna Azul. twenty
Clear needle hills Complete all the challenges of the sector in hills needle. twenty
Clear the front Complete all the challenges of the sector in the front. twenty
Clear the ICéNAGA Complete all the challenges of the sector in the CIénaga of the grave. twenty
Clear hanging gardens Complete all the challenges of the sector in the hanging gardens. twenty
Golcy plains Complete all the challenges of the sector in Goliath plains. twenty
Clear Iknimaya Complete all the challenges of the sector in Iknimaya. twenty
Clear Swotulu Complete all the challenges of the sector in Swotulu. twenty
Clear va’erä Ramunong Complete all the challenges of the sector in va’erä Ramunong. twenty
Clear kxană¬a taw Complete all the challenges of the sector in Kxanìa Taw. twenty
Clear Torukä na’rìng Complete all the challenges of the sector in Torukä na’rìng. twenty
Digital Library Mouse Unlock 20 articles from Pandorapedia. twenty
Favorite weapon Kill 100 enemies with a double or arc wasp. twenty
A god among us Get 10 casualties without dying. twenty
All to me! Complete 150 multiplayer games. twenty
Enemy’s nightmare A Deathmatch game ends by teams with more dejected than anyone. twenty
Perfect victory Win 3-0 in “Capture the flag”. twenty
Destructive conservation As a member of the GDR, it reaches the end of time with 3 intact missiles. twenty
Pandora’s protector As Guerrero Na’vi, it reaches the end of time with 3 intact crystals. twenty
The Conqueror Win 5 games of capturing and maintaining. twenty
A for the important Win 5 games of King of the Hill. twenty
First day of class Complete your first visit to Hell’s Gate. 10


Achievements Requirements
To God is upon us (20) Get 10 deaths in a row without dying.
Blue Lagoon Clean Sweep (20) Complete all sector challenges in Lake Azul.
Bring on All Comrs! (twenty) Complete 150 multiplayer games.
Central Focus (20) Win 5 games of King of the Hill.
Clean Sweep of Pandora (75) Complete all game sector challenges.
Destructive preservation (20) As a Grunt RDA, it reaches the end of the stopwatch with 3 intact missiles.
Digital Bookworm (20) Unlock 20 articles from Pandorapedia.
FEBA CLEAN SWEEP (20) Complete all sector challenges in Feba.
Flawless Victory (20) Win 3-0 to capture the flag.
Severe’s Bog Clean Sweep (20) Complete all sector challenges in the swamp of death.
Hanging Gardens Clean Sweep (20) Complete all the challenges of sector in the hanging gardens.
Iknimaya Clean Sweep (20) Complete all sector challenges in Iknimaya.
Jack of All Skills (30) Use each skill 4 times.
Kxani`a Taw Clean Sweep (20) Complete all sector challenges in Kxaněa A Taw.
Needle Hills Clean Sweep (20) Complete all sector challenges in Needle Hills.
Pandora’s Protector (20) As a Na’vi warrior, it reaches the end of the stopwatch with 3 intact crystals.
Plains of Goliath Clean Sweep (20) Complete all the sector challenges in the plains of Goliath.
Swotulu Clean Sweep (20) Complete all sector challenges in the Swotulu.
The Conqueror (20) Win 5 capture games and keep the position.
The Enemy’s Bane (20) A Deathmatch for teams ends with the largest number of deaths of any team.
Toruka “Na’ri`ng Clean Sweep (20) Complete all sector challenges in Torukä na’rěng.
Turn The Tide (25)  Conquest 50% of the territories.
Va’era “Ramunong Clean Sweep (20) Complete all the sector challenges in Va’erä Ramunong.
Weapon of Choice (20) Kill 50 enemies using the arc or dual wasps.

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