Assassin’s Cheats Creed The Ezio Collection – Xbox One – Cheat codes, Guides

All feathers in Florence (AC2)

All feathers in Monteriggioni (AC2)

All improvements in Roma and Forli (AC2)

All improvements in Venice (AC2)

8 statuettes in Monteriggioni.(AC2)

The man from Vitruvio (AC2)

Unlock the 20 fragments of the subject’s video 16.

Video guide (the brotherhood)

Unlockable (revelations)

Altair sword Complete the 3 murderers challenges

Wide sword Complete the 3 mercenary challenges

Ottoman Maza Complete the 3 challenges of thieves

Roman Stiletto Complete the 3 Roman challenges

Altair suit Get 100% synchronization in DNA sequence 8

Desmond suit Get the 5 desmond memories complete

Ishtak suit Complete the Hagia Sophia level

Trick mode (the brotherhood)

Complete the following task to unlock the cheats that will be activated when you play again in memory sequences.

Mount the unicorn: get 100% synchronization in sequence 1. Steel buns: get 100% synchronization in sequence 2. Killer Juerga: get 100% synchronization in sequence 3. Female Brotherhood: get 100% synchronization in sequence 4. Ultimate Group: get 100% synchronization in sequence 5. Lesassin’s unlimited signs: get 100% in sequence 6.Desmond everywhere: get 100% synchronization in sequence 8.

Memories of Cristina (The Brotherhood)

Complete the following task to unlock the memoirs:

Second Opportunity: Get 15% Total Synchronization. Last rite: get 30% total synchronization. Best Man: Get 45% Total Synchronization. Non Grata: Get 60% Total Synchronization. Lost love works: get 75% total synchronization.

Video guide (revelation)

Xbox Live Achievements of Assassin’s Creed The Ezio Collection

Achievement |Description |Gamerscore
ACII |An old friend returns Escape from hiding place. 100
ACB |Prince Get 100% zinc. in ACB and the SIN. Complete in the missions of Da Vinci’s disappearance. 70
Acr |Revelations The DNA sequence ends 9. fifty
ACB |A knife in the heart Get the fruit of EDén. fifty
Acr |Break the loop DetéIn the loop, it escapes the cycle (the lost file). 40
ACII |The merchant of Venice DNA sequence ends 7. 30
ACII |An impenetrable palace The DNA sequence 8 ends. 30
ACII |Masquerade The DNA sequence ends 9. 30
ACII |Bianca’s man The DNA 10 sequence ends. 30
ACII |The profit DNA sequence 11 ends. 30
ACII |The camera The DNA sequence 14 ends. 30
ACII |The señOr de Monteriggioni Get 80% of the total value of your strength. 30
ACII |In memory depend Collect all feathers. 30
Acr |Find the fragments Find all fragments to decipher (the lost file). 30
Acr |Impress Warren Vidic Ends the unable animus test sequence (the lost file). 30
ACB |Complete memory Achieve 100% synchronization in a sequence other than sequence 1. 30
ACB |The Bandera Take Remove all Borgia Borgia standards. 30
ACII |The pain of betrayal The DNA sequence ends 1. 30
ACII |Revenge The DNA sequence ends. 30
ACII |The son goes on stage The DNA sequence ends 3. 30
ACII |Bloody Sunday The DNA 4 sequence ends. 30
ACII |The conspirators The DNA sequence 5 ends. 30
ACII |An unexpected Journey The DNA sequence ends 6. 30
ACII |The bleeding effect Complete the training and return to animus. 30
Acr |Loop Experience the loop (the lost file). 25
Acr |Cross stigge without dying The Estigia river is going through without failing (the lost file). 25
ACII |The vitruvian man Unlock the 20 fragments of the subject’s video 16. twenty
ACII |The doctor Make a murder toéinmate pnj. twenty
ACII |Not a scratchñeither Kill 10 enemies during a conflict, without being injured. twenty
ACII |The Venetian gladiator Discover the tomb of the murderer inside Santa María de la Visitation. twenty
ACII |I see your home from here Discover the killer’s tomb inside the Grossa tower. twenty
ACII |Loado is your name Discover the murderer’s tomb inside the Basilica of San Marcos. twenty
ACII |Prison flight Discover the murderer’s tomb within the strength of Rocca Di Ravaldino. twenty
ACII |He does not evenñor of the choir Discover the murderer’s tomb inside Santa María del Fiore (El Duomo). twenty
Acr | Ésuccesses and failures The DNA sequence ends 6. twenty
Acr |The rotten apple The desmond 4 trip ends. twenty
Acr |Old boss, new boss DNA sequence ends 7. twenty
Acr |Priorities The DNA sequence 8 ends. twenty
Acr |Are you desmond thousands? The desmond 5 trip ends. twenty
Acr |Pleasant memories Reaches 100% synchronization in all sequences. twenty
Acr |Sacred Wisdom Exceeds Santa Sofía’s challenge level. twenty
Acr |Topped Gather all animus data fragments. twenty
Acr |Worth more than thousand words Gather all the pages of Ishak Pasha’s memoirs. twenty
Acr |Pyrogan Meets all pump missions. twenty
ACB |Battle wounds The DNA sequence ends 1. twenty
Acr |General dispatch Control all cities (except Rodas) at the same time in the Mediterranean Defense Game. twenty
Acr |Iron Curtain Make a perfect den defense without using the CAñón. twenty
Acr |ARA KILLERñto Santa Sofía Scale, from the ground to the pinnacle, in less than 25 seconds. twenty
ACB |Sanctuary, sanctuary! Find a safe place to hide and go back into the animus. twenty
ACB |Rest in peace The DNA sequence ends 9. twenty
Acr |A true friend Complete all the faction creed challenges. twenty
Acr |The mentor Get seven apprentices to reach the rank of killer teacher. twenty
Acr |Like ray Kill 5 guards in 5 seconds only with your hidden leaves. twenty
Acr |Exterminator Killer 50 guards with the hidden sheet. twenty
Acr |Ghost Lands in a zip line from a parachute. twenty
Acr |Sage Get all the books available. twenty
Acr |Long hands Loot 50 dead guards. twenty
Acr |All to the hole Poison 10 guards at the same time. twenty
Acr |Mousetrap Kill 5 guards with a scaffold afterés of stun them with abrojos. twenty
Acr |Crafts Make 30 bombs. twenty
Acr |My protected Get an apprentice to reach the rank of killer teacher. twenty
Acr |Almost flying Jump in parachute from the top of the Torre de Gálata to the golden horn. twenty
Acr |Silent, but lethal Kill three guards at the same time alone with throwing knives. twenty
Acr |I can see you Kill 5 guards with the coverage of a smoke pump. twenty
Acr |Monster dance Get a guard to incapacitates 3 civilians while being poisoned. twenty
Acr |Bully Find and beat Duccio. twenty
Acr |The firsts years The Desmond 1 trip ends. twenty
Acr |Serve better cold The DNA sequence ends 1. twenty
Acr |The Murderea reluctant The desmond 2 trip ends. twenty
Acr |Istanbul and Constantinople The DNA sequence ends. twenty
Acr |Flight to New York The trip of Desmond 3 ends. twenty
Acr |Finish off the task The DNA sequence ends 3. twenty
Acr |Prince The DNA 4 sequence ends. twenty
Acr |The plot is complicated The DNA sequence 5 ends. twenty
ACB |In the wolf’s mouth Discover the sanctuary in the catacombs of Rome. twenty
ACB |The Golden boy Discover the sanctuary in the Termas de Trajan. twenty
ACB |Infernal ingenuity Destroy the machine gun. twenty
ACB |The water! Destroys cañNaval ón. twenty
ACB |Covered! Destroy the bomber. twenty
ACB |To, Sooo! Destroy the armored car. twenty
ACB |Reforms at home Renew 5 buildings in the old neighborhood. twenty
ACB |Against the tower Burns all the towers of the Borgia. twenty
ACB |Show Complete 10 challenges of the guilds. twenty
ACB |The perfectionist Win 3 gold medals in the animus virtual training program. twenty
ACB |The Brotherhood Recruit 3 murderers. twenty
ACB |Welcome to the Brotherhood Train a disciple to reach the murderous range. twenty
ACB |In Memory Collect all feathers. twenty
ACB |Dust dust Find an artifact in the Añor 2012. twenty
ACB |Serial killer Make an execution streak of 10 murders. twenty
ACB |The bettor 1 Florines wins in the dice of luck. twenty
ACB |Attack aéconvict Kill 10 guards with a rain of arrows. twenty
ACB |GPS Complete the disappearance of Da Vinci. twenty
ACB |Do the clown Beat the 5 thirsty harlequins. twenty
ACB |Special delivery Make a double murder from a parachute. twenty
ACB |Grand Theft horse Steal 5 horses to your riders while you ride in yours. twenty
ACB |You have an email Access your email in the Añor 2012. twenty
ACB |Rome in ruins The DNA sequence ends. twenty
ACB |Fixing things The DNA sequence ends 3. twenty
ACB |Princess of another castle The DNA 4 sequence ends. twenty
ACB |Collecting funds The DNA sequence 5 ends. twenty
ACB |Forget about Paris The DNA sequence ends 6. twenty
ACB |Bloody Sunday DNA sequence ends 7. twenty
ACB |Victory for Killer The DNA sequence 8 ends. twenty
ACB |Gladiator Discover the sanctuary in the Colosseum. twenty
ACB |The plumber Discover the sanctuary in the maximum sewer. twenty
ACB |A team that fails Discover the sanctuary in the Lateran Palace. twenty
ACB |A.Mén Discover the sanctuary in the Basilica of San Pedro. twenty
ACB | …- .. …- — Solve all the puzzles of the subject 16. twenty
ACII |A murderer is born Born as Ezio Auditore de Florencia. twenty
ACII |Goodbye, Abstergo Flee from Abstergo. twenty
ACII |Welcome to Animus 2.0 Enter Animus 2.0. twenty
ACII |The grave Discover the killer’s tomb inside catacombs under Santa María Novella. twenty
ACII |Street cleaner Hides 5 bodies in a straw of straw. 10
ACII |The Sandman Stun 4 guards at the same time throwing sand on his face. 10
ACII |Kleptomania Steal 1.000 Florines. 10
ACII |The Lightning Run at full speed for 100 meters. 10
ACII |Broom Attacks 5 guards and “barrre them” to all at the same time with a long weapon. 10
ACII |Hired murderer Complete your first murder mission for Lorenzo the magnificent. 10
ACII |A man Defends the honor of a woman. 10
ACII |Thief at home Win a race against thieves. 10
ACII |Show your colors Carry the auditory layer in each city. 10
ACII |A little hands Improves a building in the fortress. 10
ACII |I like views Synchronize with 10 Atalayas. 10
ACII |To the bottom Make a faith jump from the top of the Giotto de Florencia bell tower. 10
ACII |The postman Intercept the Borgia messenger. 10
ACII |The tip of the iceberg Use the eagle view to find a hidden glyph on stage. 10
ACII |A piece in the puzzle Unlock one of the fragments of the video of subject 16. 10
ACII |The art expert Buy a picture in Florence and Venice. 10
ACII |A perfect harmony TeañGo your clothes of these colors: wetland ivory, éwetland bathroom. 10
ACII |Good compañIAS Spend 5000 Florines in courtesans. 10
ACII |The people of the people Throws more than 300 florines to the ground. 10
ACII |Victory requires preparation Get all hidden leaves, bag equipment and armor improvements for Ezio. 10
ACB |Problems técynics Try to access the DNA 9 sequence for the first time. 10
Acr |Tax evasion Recover your money from a templar tax collector. 10
Acr |Part of the creed Make the Faith of Initiation (the Lost Archive). 10
Acr |Salta, they say Reach the Animus report (the lost file). 10
Acr |Enter the Animus Enter the Animus simulation (the lost file). 10
Acr |Gather with the Creator The memory 5 ends (the lost file). 10
Acr |Save yourself Lands in a block after falling more than 25 meters (the lost file). 10
ACB |I have already seen this Repeat a memory. 10
ACB |Strong arm Launch a long weapon, a heavy and a smoke pump to a guard more than 10 meters. 10
ACB |Spring cleaning Kill a guard with a broom. 10
ACB |Your wish is my command Speak money to a well. 10
ACB |Like an eagle Salta in parachute from the top of the castle of San Ángelo. 10
ACB |Put on the gloves Win the biggest bet in the struggles. 10
ACII |Creator of myths Find the 8 statuettes in Monteriggioni. 5
ACII |Beating the wings Pate a guard while flying on the flying machine. 5
ACB |Upwards Kill a guard with the sack that falls from a pulley. 5
ACB |Easy money Pay 500 florines to a speaker and then steal. 5

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