Overwhelming difficulty
To unlock the overwhelming difficulty, the greatest possible, the game ends at difficult difficulty.
Video guide (overwhelming)
Guide in overwhelming difficulty.
All collectibles
1.Platinum (gold): Get the other 55 trophies 2.ˇ crushed explorain! (Gold): Complete the story in overwhelming 3.ˇ Difficult explained! (Gold): Complete the story in difficult 4.ˇ Normal explained! (Silver): Complete the story in Normal 5. Expert Steel Puces (Silver): Eliminates 10 enemies followed by a purea after weakening them with shooting 6. Ninja teacher (silver): eliminates 50 enemies with stealthy attacks 7. Implacable firing (silver): eliminates 50 enemies with melee attacks 8. 250 head shots (silver): eliminates 250 enemies with shots in head 9. ˇ Easy explained! (Bronze): Complete the story in easy10. Reliquia search engine (bronze): Find the strange relic1111. Survivor (bronze): eliminates 75 enemies without dying12. 100 head shots (bronze): eliminates 100 enemies with head shots13. Master of Steel Puces (Bronze): Eliminates 20 enemies with a puteness after weakening them with shots14. Executioner (bronze): eliminates 20 enemies shooting while hanging15. Temerary shooter (bronze): eliminates 20 enemies without pointing16. 50 Eliminated with 92fs – 9mm (bronze): eliminates 50 enemies with 92fs – 9mm17. 50 eliminated micro – 9mm (bronze): eliminates 50 enemies with micro – 9mm18. 30 eliminated wes – 44 (bronze): eliminates 30 enemies with the wes – 4419. 30 eliminated desert – 5 (bronze): eliminates 30 enemies with desert –520. 70 eliminated Fal (bronze): eliminates 70 enemies with the FAL21. 70 eliminated M4 (bronze): eliminates 70 enemies with M422. 30 eliminated Moss – 12 (bronze): eliminates 30 enemies with Moss – 1223. 70 eliminated SAS – 12 (bronze): eliminates 70 enemies with SAS – 1224. 50 eliminated m79 (bronze): eliminates 50 enemies with m7925. 50 eliminated GP32 – BND (bronze): eliminates 50 with GP32 – BND26. 50 eliminated dragon sniper (bronze): eliminates 50 enemies with dragon sniper27. 30 eliminated RPG – 7 (bronze): eliminates 30 enemies with RPG – 728. 200 eliminated gau – 19 (bronze): eliminates 200 enemies with Gau – 1929. 30 eliminated MK-NDI (bronze): eliminates 30 enemies with the MK-NDI30. Moon Secret (Bronze): Complete mystery 31. Odessa Mining Company (Bronze): Complete the mystery32. The conqueror (bronze): complete the mystery33. Life test (bronze): Complete the mystery34. Poisoned dust (bronze): Complete the mystery35. The revolution (bronze): Complete the mystery36. Vicente Pérez Road (Bronze): Complete the mystery37. The Seven Cities (Bronze): Complete the mystery38. The pilgrimage friar (bronze): complete the mystery39. The last civilization (bronze): complete the mystery40. The Circle of Heavens (Bronze): Complete the mystery41. The Earth’s Ring (Bronze): Complete the mystery42. Turquoa glyphs (bronze): Complete the set of treasures 43. Treasury Jade sculpture (Bronze): Complete the Treasury Set44. Treasury: The house of the beasts (bronze): Complete the set of treasures45. Treasury: Minor Divinities (Bronze): Complete the Treasury Set46. Arcana reward (bronze): Complete the reward47. Silver coins reward (Bronze): Complete the reward48. Spanish gold reward (bronze): Complete the reward49. Cádiz reward (bronze): Complete the reward50. Reward precious stones (bronze): Complete the reward51. Puzzle teacher (bronze) complete all puzzles52. Rub a outlet (bronze): complete all traces53. Paparazzo (bronze): Complete all photographs54. Touch my butt (bronze): use the back to climb a rope or chain.55. Collector (bronze): Get your first treasure56. Curl the feathers (bronze): force to the parrot’s parrot to sing 8 jokes