New color palette #10
On the local versus screen, click on the following: below, R1, up, L1, square, x.
You will unlock the color palette number 10 of the fighters.
Unlock new palettes
Color #7 History mode ends with the desired character.
Color #8 Arcade mode ends with the desired character.
Colors #9 Play 25 games versus online or premises.
Unlock arcade stories
Valentine’s story Complete all of the above stories.
Double History Valentine’s story ends.
Alternative voices
Some characters have alternative voices for combat. On the selection screen, choose the character by holding the attack button for a second. Another option is to open the color palette by selecting the character with the options button and pressing up or down. The character’s name will change color and there will be a sound track. This does not work in tutorials, tests or challenges where you cannot choose your own character.
The fighters with new voices are Peacock, Double, Parasooul, Big Band and Painwheel.