Shrek cheats: Happy forever? The video game – PS3 – Cheat codes, Guides

Achievements Requirements
100% Green Ogre (Gold) Fill the Ogro power bar.
Back to the serious (bronze) Expires in the battle of skeletons in the village of peasants.
Big treasure (bronze) Open a big treasure chest.
Catacombs Complete (Silver) Complete 100% of catacombs.
Docks Complete (Silver) Complete 100% of the docks.
Dragon’s Keep Complete (Silver) Complete 100% of the dragon lair.
Fear My Roar (Silver) Like Shrek, it scares five enemies at the same time.
Green and Mean (Bronze) Frightens an enemy like Shrek.
Just getting Started (Bronze) Get your first health improvement.
Let’s have subm Fun (silver) Expires an enemy in cooperative mode.
Let’s start a sing-a-long! (Bronze) Use donkey radio in an enemy.
OGRE CAMP COMPLETE (SILVER) Complete 100% of the Ogros field.
OGRE HON (Bronze) Use Fiona’s sound attack with an enemy.
OGGE MAYHEM (SILVER) Complete the cooperative puzzle in the village.
Outlaws Outlaws Complete the cooperative puzzle on the dock.
Outpost Outpost (Silver) Complete the cooperative puzzle in La Laguna.
Rock Ogres! (Bronze) Win the Forest Training Fight.
Paid The Piper (Silver) Expires to the fontanero empanado in the catacombs.
Peasant Village Complete (Silver) Complete 100% of the peasant village.
PRRRR… (Silver) Like the cat with boots, love five enemies at the same time.
Queen of The Swamp (Silver) As Fiona, leaves five enemies at the same time with the sound attack.
Ring Them Bells (Bronze) Find and return five bells in the village of peasants.
Rumpel’s Palace Complete (Silver) Complete 100% of the Rumpelstiltskin Palace.
Shopping spree (silver) Buy all stores in the store.
Shrek Goes Green (Silver) Fill half of the Ogro power bar.
Sinking ship (silver) The pirate ship sinks.
Swamp Complete (Silver) Complete 100% of the lagoon.
Swamp Sweep (Bronze) Buy the witches in La Laguna.
Swamp Sweet Swamp (Bronze) Use the magic mirror.
Team Shrek (Silver) Expires an enemy with each of the characters in a battle.
The Party’s Here (Silver) Complete a battle in cooperative mode.
The Royal Highness is Heinous (gold) Won rumpel.
Too Cute (Bronze) Use the big eyes of the cat with boots to enchant an enemy.
Towers are for sissies (bronze) Expires the mother of the fairy in the dragon lair.
True Love’s Kiss (Platinum) Unlock all game trophies.
WHERE’S THE PARTY? (Silver) Use donkey radio in five enemies at the same time.

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