Achievements |
Requirements |
100% Green Ogre (Gold) |
Fill the Ogro power bar. |
Back to the serious (bronze) |
Expires in the battle of skeletons in the village of peasants. |
Big treasure (bronze) |
Open a big treasure chest. |
Catacombs Complete (Silver) |
Complete 100% of catacombs. |
Docks Complete (Silver) |
Complete 100% of the docks. |
Dragon’s Keep Complete (Silver) |
Complete 100% of the dragon lair. |
Fear My Roar (Silver) |
Like Shrek, it scares five enemies at the same time. |
Green and Mean (Bronze) |
Frightens an enemy like Shrek. |
Just getting Started (Bronze) |
Get your first health improvement. |
Let’s have subm Fun (silver) |
Expires an enemy in cooperative mode. |
Let’s start a sing-a-long! (Bronze) |
Use donkey radio in an enemy. |
Complete 100% of the Ogros field. |
OGRE HON (Bronze) |
Use Fiona’s sound attack with an enemy. |
Complete the cooperative puzzle in the village. |
Outlaws Outlaws |
Complete the cooperative puzzle on the dock. |
Outpost Outpost (Silver) |
Complete the cooperative puzzle in La Laguna. |
Rock Ogres! (Bronze) |
Win the Forest Training Fight. |
Paid The Piper (Silver) |
Expires to the fontanero empanado in the catacombs. |
Peasant Village Complete (Silver) |
Complete 100% of the peasant village. |
PRRRR… (Silver) |
Like the cat with boots, love five enemies at the same time. |
Queen of The Swamp (Silver) |
As Fiona, leaves five enemies at the same time with the sound attack. |
Ring Them Bells (Bronze) |
Find and return five bells in the village of peasants. |
Rumpel’s Palace Complete (Silver) |
Complete 100% of the Rumpelstiltskin Palace. |
Shopping spree (silver) |
Buy all stores in the store. |
Shrek Goes Green (Silver) |
Fill half of the Ogro power bar. |
Sinking ship (silver) |
The pirate ship sinks. |
Swamp Complete (Silver) |
Complete 100% of the lagoon. |
Swamp Sweep (Bronze) |
Buy the witches in La Laguna. |
Swamp Sweet Swamp (Bronze) |
Use the magic mirror. |
Team Shrek (Silver) |
Expires an enemy with each of the characters in a battle. |
The Party’s Here (Silver) |
Complete a battle in cooperative mode. |
The Royal Highness is Heinous (gold) |
Won rumpel. |
Too Cute (Bronze) |
Use the big eyes of the cat with boots to enchant an enemy. |
Towers are for sissies (bronze) |
Expires the mother of the fairy in the dragon lair. |
True Love’s Kiss (Platinum) |
Unlock all game trophies. |
Use donkey radio in five enemies at the same time. |