You can buy unlockable in the extra menu with points of the campaign.
All weapons 300 points
Infinite ammunition for all weapons 400 points
Secondary fire of the enemy 45 points
Some enemies have better weapons 45 points
Health regeneration 120 points
Health and ammunition are not shown on screen 45 points
Mirror mode 30 points
Short circuit defeats the Meroder in less than 60 seconds
Zoomata vigilante to Brawler in Haven without suffering any damage
Jardinerodstruye 100 explosive roots
Campanillashaz that popeeel and their reinde
Porterovita that the chimeras forces enter the brewery
Quiet under pressure defeats Brawler in the post office in less than 2 minutes
Sniper hunting gets all the rifles ofadeye while fighting with the widower in Saint Louis
sorry!Launches a hybrid by MT cliffs. Pleasant, pa
Damn laser rays reaches the first mining well without receiving snipes in MT. Pleasant, pa
Machacarros disrupts 10 vigilant vehicles from the train
Hello, driver 5 drivers without destroying their vehicles
ˇPuaj!Make 6 guards vomit at the same time in jail
Surprise box finds and shoots the Tuerto clown in the Graterford prison
No escape destroys all the vehicles of the guards in the vehicle center
Together in Estoderrota to the WBART IN Times Square without killing any hybrid
Good fence, let any counterattack between the Washington Square base
By the arsenal he gets an elimination with each weapon from your arsenal
Electromagnetic grenades overloaded to deactivate 10 steel head drilling shields
Easy Shots Mama 25 enemies shooting with the perforator through an object
Granaderomata at 3 or more military chimeras with a single grenade
Rain of members kills 25 grimes using only grenades
Vagon corpse to 25 enemies by exploding leeches
Born from BloodMata to 3 enemies at the same time using a single mutated body
Unit Retamontes kills 5 Patilargos in full jump
Arena man kills 5 grrims in a row only with head shots
1000 enemies bodies number
Malabaristaquema, simultaneously freezes and sneaks 4 different enemies
Rompehielos freezes 5 enemies and destroy them with a single secondary shot of the cryogenic weapon
Elegant in a choharrería freezes and kills melee to 3 devastating
Armeromejora 5 weapons in Campava mode
This is my riflemejora a weapon completely in the campaign mode
Puallada Traperamata to 20 Enemies melee when they are inactive
Tostadamata with an improved secondary shot of Deeye to several enemies, 5 times
Anti sniper uses Deadeye to kill 20 snipers
Electrical Avenue Use electromagnetic grenades to deactivate 25 automatons
Your joy in a well uses the secondary shot of the atomizer to kill 30 enemies
Alégrme on the day stop several bullets of Magnum to kill several enemies at the same time, 5 times
Fireworks use the secondary shot of the Wildfire to kill 6 enemy of a single shot
Thunder stick uses the improved secondary shot of the Rossmore to set fire to 6 enemies at the same time
You take it to 40 enemies marked with the bullseye
The opportunity calls 20 enemies with objects in the environment
Expert sniper gets 50 shots in the head in the campaign mode
Collector gets 10 daily
Library mouse gets 50% of newspapers
No waste gets 5 head shots with a single Deadeye charger
Gasses travel 30 km on foot
Land, sea and airviaja in 3 different vehicles during your trip
Perdigones kills several enemies with a single shot by Rossmore
Denied access absorbs 1000 damage with drilling shields
To the race he kills 50 enemies with the Bullseye or the Marksman while moving and without using the zoom
Bedroom full of death fussing the secondary shot of the magnum I.44, kill more than 5 hybrids at the same time
Friendly Hands Resuits a player in cooperative mode 20 times
Irresistible force complete the campaign mode in any difficulty
Mechanicome Master all weapons completely in campaign mode
Archivist gets all newspapers
Silenceodańa partner to the same enemy in the cooperative mode eliminating it 100 times
Brutalcomplete the campaign in superhuman
Platinum trophy achieves the rest of the game trophies