New appearances
Flaming Teensy: Get 440.000 LUMS GLOBOLK: Get 350.000 Lums Globteen: Get 20.000 Lums Glombrox: Get 75.000 Lums Ninja Teensy: Get 280.000 Lums Poglox: Get 500.000 Lums Raybox: Get 40.000 Lums Raymesis: Get 130.000 Lums Raymolk: Get 220.000 Lums Rayomz: Get 1.000.000 Lums Red Globox: Get 14.000 Lums Sir Rayelot: Get 2.000 Lums Teensy Hermit: Get 170.000 Lums Teensy Queen: Get 55.000 Lums Teensy Ray: Get 5.000 Lums Teensy Wizard: Get 100.000 Lums The First King: Get 750.000 lums
ˇAutontic legend! Win all the trophies of the game.
champion! Win a diamond glass at the end of a challenge.
ˇAlucina-cliny! Achieve the final level of hallucinageniality.
The glow Unlock the tiny gold.
millionaire! Collect 1 million lums to unlock the final hero.
Hero of the tiny Liberate 300 tiny.
ˇTerminator! End all the minions of the chief toad.
Face to the darkness Give a punch to a dark creature in “gods of Oh-Limpio”
Start over Win all the diamond glasses of “return to the origins”.
The matadragones Shoot all dragons with the slopes in “How to Stress your Dragon”.
winner spirit! Unlock all challenge pictures.
The historian Finish all the paintings of “Return to the origins”.
They destroy End 10 enemies to “Nabazo”.
ˇ What to run over! In a “wrestling and feet in dusty” round, make the fighter stream 10 enemies for you.
Direct to the moon Get rid of the five tiny dark ones.
Legendary Win all Legends diamond glasses.
ˇSalvaprincesas! Rescue at 10 princesses.
lucky one! Scratch 10 lucky tickets.
Ax skating Slide for 30 meters.
The man in the shadow Finish a picture of “twenty thousand lums of submarine travel” without being detected by a light or a laser.
The tingling Tick 50 enemies.
ˇA clean blow! Save all the tiny from a world to win a Cup of Diamond.
Didazo de Gold Get 5,000 lums with Murphy.
speak to my hand! Squeeze 20 creatures from the stage by controlling Murphy.
Friend of the tiny Release 100 tiny.
Nostalgia Finish your first picture of “Return to the origins”.
The cooperative Win all creatures.
ˇThe contender! Win a drink at the end of a challenge.
Fire friend Remove a toad using your electric projectile.
Perfect touch Complete a Murphy challenge picture without receiving a blow.
Fire with fire Counteract 10 balls of the toads with the flying punch.
ˇTomayayaaaa! Get a turnip on earth with a crusteat, and then stun with a jumping.
perfect! Get the 3 lums glasses and the 3 tiny glasses of a picture.
A bad joke Destroy the parachute of 5 enemies to make them fall.
ˇA bag! Free yourself from 100 enemies with the flying punch.
What barbaric barbarity! Bárbara rescue
Rubber ducks Destroy 5 rubber ducks sent by shark.
We could be heroes Collect enough Lums to unlock 10 heroes paintings in the heroes gallery.