Trick mode
In the main menu, select the characteristics option (features), then costume codes (Locker Codes), and then introduce one of the following codes:
2.000 VC : Introduce “Thank2kgivings!”(Without the quotes) to obtain 2.000 VC Extra.
Matte zero gravity : These Super Mates for the Mycareer and MyPlayer mode are achieved by introducing “2k+Sprite” (without the quotes).
ABA ball : Introduces “payrespect” as a code to unlock it.
TitiriteroAjusta your strategy “Total simulation control” in the association or season mode.
A different association, go to an online association.
Hello Mr. DjCrea a 2K rhythms playlist.
Pandilleroganar is everything. Win a game in a gang.
Both feet on the ground signs a sponsorship contract with Nike® or Jordan in my career mode.
Dawn of an erasé drafted in the first 14 positions of the NBA draft in my career mode.
Formal announcement 250.000 fans in my career mode.
All are special buy and equip 1 personal skill in my career mode.
With all you buy a pre -party ritual in my career mode.
Fly the Michael Jordan Mates Pack.
NBA Careshaz A donation to the initiative of the NBA Cares Global Community in my career mode.
Here and now an association “today”.
All Sprite movements wins the Mate Sprite contest.
MASTERROCREA Sneakers with the 2K Shoes Creator.
Again in Las Trincheras he plays an online Blacktop game of my player.
This alengana a versus game online.
One more one more earns 3 games or followed.
Lincolngana a total of 5 games versus.
The sum of its part plays a team match.
I have come to stay get 1.000.000 fans in my career mode.
In Rachagana 5 non -simulated matches in a row in the association mode.
My game player the game player (in an NBA match) in my career.
My Siempre Player Holder in the NBA in my career mode.
About the horn, he notes a winning basket over time in an unimulated match. Triple double gets a double triple with any player in an unimulated match.
Double doubles 2 double doubles with compañeros in the same game not simulated.
Five per cilbologra 5 or more in 5 different statistics with any player in an unimulated match.
Artillery writes 15 triples or more with any team in an unimulated match.
Party in the area gets 10 caps or more with any team in an unimulated match.
Robbery at 10 gets 10 robberies or more with any team in an unimulated match.
Blood and sweat get at least 5 caps and 5 robberies with any team in an unimulated match.
Sophocantemantén The % TC of the rival team below 40 % with any team in a non -simulated match.
Giving and catching gets 10 rebounds and assists or more with any player in a non -simulated match.
Until the tail everything is bull.
From Cabo to Raboque your rival does not win at any time of the game with any team in a non -simulated match.
Matador of matches do not let the opponent score in the last 2 minutes of an unimulated match.
Another day, another Victoriagana 5 NBA clashes today.
You are great LeBron: Way to Greatness
From Cerocompra 15 enhancers in my team mode.
82-0TERMINA The calendar of any team in my team.
Dawn of an erasé drafted in the first 14 positions of the NBA draft in my career mode.
Do not hate the player the championship with an online association.
Hamiltongana a total of 10 games versus.
Popular consigns 2.000.000 fans in my career mode.
My All-Star manages to be a NBA All-Star in my career mode.
Sobrabensigue a balance of 20.000 VC.
Some more special than others compose and equip 5 personal skills at the same time in my career mode.
CONFETIGANA An NBA championship in the Association mode (playing all playoff matches).
You are on a run earns 5 games or in a row.
99 stars, 1 lebronconsue 99 stars in LeBron: Way to greatness.
Immortality chosen for the Hall of Fame in my career mode.
One with alloconsign all the trophies in NBA 2K14