Bilbo Bolsón J4337V
Easterling R7XKDH
Elrond A9FB4Q
Gamling AVJII1
Nazgul White Lyqu1f
A ring to build them all Get all other trophies
Hobbits are really surprising creatures Complete all miniguegos in the centerNot with ten thousand men could do it… Unlock all the characters (only one player)
A round trip Get 100% (only one player)There is goodness in this world, Lord Frodo Deliver all treasure objects
My treasure… Collect all collectible objects
ˇYa is not! Complete final destination
The last laugh At free play, use Tom Bombadil’s laugh to destroy Sauron
ˇ ESO Count as one! Expires a smell with Legolas
And the second breakfast? Complete the camp at the top of the winds at free
… And he went far, treasure Use Sméagol to overcome Gollum when Gollum is the company that I am completely ready for another authentic adventurer adventurer at all levels (only one player)
Of all curious hobbits… Collect all the profiles of the characters
One does not enter Mordor… Enter Mordor (only one player)
ˇWe go hunting orcs! Complete the skirmish in Amon Hen
They have been summoned Complete the paths of the dead
For the treasure… Complete Gollum domestication
It does not carry a sweet Complete the camp at the top of the winds
And safe I will keep them Complete tracking hobbits
It’s a dangerous matter, get out of your home Complete the black rider along the wayThe day the strength of men failed us Complete the battle of the last alliance
You and the army of whom? Complete the battle of the pelennor
Naughty mosquita… The lair of her-Larańa completes
ˇ You will not be able to pass! Complete Moria: The Khazad-DűM bridgeThe battle for the Middle Earth is just going to start… Complete the battle of Helm’s abyss
ˇ This day we will fight! Win Sauron’s mouth
This is not a mine… It is a grave Complete Moria: Balin’s tomb