Infinite ammunition: In the options menu, on the screen of the Cheat Codes, press: below, x, left, circle, below, x, left, circle. Finally press Start.
Invincibility: In the option of the options, on the screen of the Cheat Codes, press: left, square, up, triangle, right, circle, below, x. Finally press Start.
ALIEN MODE: In the options menu, on the screen of the Cheat Codes, press: up, triangle, up, triangle, up, triangle, up, triangle. Finally press Start.
GROUND MODE: In the options menu, on the screen of the Cheat Codes, press: right, square, up, triangle, right, square, up, triangle. Finally press Start.
Gravity Xen: In the options menu, on the screen of the Cheat Codes, press: up, triangle, below, x, up, triangle, below, x. Finally press Start.
Invisibility: In the option of options, on the screen of the Cheat Codes, press: left, square, right, circle, left, square, right, circle. Finally press Start.