Special weapons
These five -star weapons are activated to buy in the game once we get certain objectives:
AMR: Type: sniper rifle.Statistics: maximum precision, maximum damage, maximum scope, normal cadence, very good mobility.Requirement: Find 20 relics.Cost: 4.800.
Bull shotgun Type: Cuta.Statistics: Poor precision, excellent damage, extremely poor reach, good cadence, maximum mobility.Requirement: Find 10 relics.Cost: 3.010.
Bushman Type: Assault rifle.Statistics: Excellent precision, big damage, very good reach, very good cadence, excellent mobility.Requirement: Activate all radio towers.
Canyon Type: Revolver.Statistics: Excellent precision, excellent damage, good scope, good cadence, very good mobility.Requirement: Uplaycoste reward: 2.700
So much Japanese Type: Machete improvement.REQUIREMENT: Find six loss letters.Cost: Free.
Ripper Type: Light machine gun.Statistics: Excellent precision, excellent damage, excellent reach, maximum cadence, good mobility.Requirement: Complete six rakyat tests.Cost: 4.200.
Shadow Type: gun.Statistics: maximum precision, very good damage, normal scope, very good cadence, excellent mobility.Requirement: releases 17 enemy positions.Cost: 2.600.
Shredder Type: Subfusil.Statistics: very good precision, very good damage, good scope, maximum cadence, outstanding mobility.Requirement: Find 10 memory cards.Cost: 3.275.
Lost letters
The situation of the 20 cards:
Letter 1 Map: North RookCoordinates: X: 435, Y: 646 Carta 2 Mapa: North RookCoorders: X: 363, Y: 710 Carta 3 Mapa: North Rookcoordidos: X: 460, Y: 767 Carta 4 Mapa: North Rookcoordinate: X: 380, and: 741: North RookCoordinates: X: 530, Y: 742 Carta 6MapRookCoordinates: X: 633, Y: 602 Carta 10 Mapa: North RookCoordinades: X: 703, Y: 575 Carta 11 Mapa: North RookCoordinates: X: 799, Y: 750 Carta 12 Mapa: North Rookcoordinate: X: 801, Y: 756 Make 13MapX: 778, Y: 619 Carta 14Mapa: North Rookcoordados: X: 603, Y: 458 Carta 15 Mapa: South Rookcoordinados: X: 471, Y: 418 Carta 16Mapa: South Rookcoordinate: X: 529, Y: 400MATA 17MAP408, Y: 499 Carta 18Mapa: South RookCoorders: X: 375, Y: 315 Carta 19Map
Bronze Acorraladoescapa de los Pirates and survives in the jungle Magic mushroomFrom Buck a walk through the cloudsUtilizes the aerial suit to reach the island of the southern brother abusecomplet the interrogation to Riley Free free to a free fall of more than 100 m (only 1 player) tattooIn the store weapon acompra all the accessories and paintings of a weapon put to ask…Librara 3 unuditolibera positions a position without activating any enemy alarm of the animals complesses a commission of the path of the hunter Caution, a friendly friend Complete a commission of delivery to the Blood FriComplete a commission of “It is sought: Dead” that the tests begin the test of any test.From the Rakyat Hunter Cazadoatrae and hunt a furtive and skinny predator to a rare maple animal 5 improvements for your team Syringe exchange exchange 25 syringe mandanga of the goodacrea a special syringe of “hello” at internencuentra to the star of Hollywood lost pyroóman50 enemies with the flamethrower (only 1 player) four portions of purely to 4 enemies simultaneously with an explosion (only 1 player) throws the stone and hides the manodistrae 25 enemies with stones (only 1 player) did not see a elimination fromA delta wing, strolve or parachute (only 1 player) inadequadomata use to an enemy with the repair tool (only 1 player) where the eye goes, the arrow goes to a target with the arch at 70 m or more (only 1 player)There is a paparazzi in the Islamarca to 25 enemies using the camera (only 1 player) or intrepid or stupidzambullete from more than 60 m (only 1 player) there we go the cooperative map “prepared or not…”(Online/local) Return the cooperative map” a diversion “(online/local) to the sender compliment” The cooperative map “by board” (online/local) the hiding place as the cooperative map “out” lights (online/local) Collection of last horacomplete the cooperative map “Time Punta” (online/local) The time of the vengo -domains the cooperative map “revenge” (online/local) Silver Have I already told you…?Survive your encounter with Vaas and escape Grant would be proud of Vaas today does not win the Banka to Hoyt Libertador of the Islaibera all the positions here there is good coverage active 9 towers of radio archeology for beginners in a total of 60 relics the voice of the dead find all the all the all the”Lost letters” I have a lot Gold What a trip attend the final ceremony tattooed up to the eyebrows get all tattoos learning all skills Platinum King of the Jungle gets the rest of the game trophies