Dissidia cheats: Final Fantasy – PSP – Cheat codes, Guides

Unlockable characters

Unlockable Requirements
Emperor Mateus Buy it in the store for 500 pp.
Cloud of Darkness Buy it in the store for 500 pp.
Exdeath Buy it in the store for 500 pp.
Gabranth Complete your story mode, then buy it in the store for 500 pp.
Garland Buy it in the store for 500 pp.
Golbez Buy it in the store for 500 pp.
Jecht Buy it in the store for 500 pp.
Kefka Buy it in the store for 500 pp.
Kuja Buy it in the store for 500 pp.
Sephiroth Buy it in the store for 500 pp.
Shantotto Complete your story mode, then buy it in the store for 500 pp.
Ultimecia Buy it in the store for 500 pp.

Cheat codes to create miraculous shoes

You see mode Communication , then to the configuration of the Friend card and choose to edit your message. Delete the text and write Pass3SU433ka , Then get out of the room. This will unlock the Behemoth friend card . Another key, 33mkerdta2ak , will allow you to unlock the Aries recipe , that will allow you to create the Miraculous shoes . Thus, you can fight with a Ghost of the cloud of darkness level 24 and with a Emperor’s ghost , level 74.

Unlock the Yuffie special friend card

In the main menu, go to the option of Multiplayer . You see the option to edit your friend card and enter the following code: Pass3ch3gc45 , using the fourth character group. There are only two groups of characters, but choose the second and squeeze Select three times. You will unlock the Yuffie friend card , which includes a Cloud ghost of level 45.

Special friend cardcase

To obtain it Gold friend card , Enter the following code:


Unlock the colosseum

To unlock the Coliseum , Complete the story mode once.

Unlock the ghosts

Clue Effect
AK6at7ecd8n Unlock Aaron.
MAPE5REPE4T5 Unlock Ahriman.
Laxbu6gra4u Unlock Bash.
Pass3SU433ka Unlock Behemoth.
P2KET4DTCW6 Unlock Cait Sith.
CH4D9EN3A3TE3 Unlock Death Machine.
SF5AUS5WUJ39Y Unlock Fusuya.
GU3RK3UG4AMP Unlock Gilgamesh.
M8atk2TCPaya Unlock Matoya.
MR3ZNNGXU72P Unlock Ming-Wu.
H4NA53NJRE9 Unlock Ninja.
8TA9CQQTAC Unlock Ottoross.
6C6M6G6A6 Unlock Omega.
Rjagh5ue6na7 Unlock Ragna.
6A3K2A538ts Unlock Wing Red.
SME4SA39SFAH Unlocks seifer.
469j3elevenws Unlock Shantotto.
FGR3et5kkjc Unlock Siegfried.
A3NASX6UXT7 Unlock Steiner.
VTS3raplvke3 Unlock Vivi.
Wrka3kumkra Unlocks Wakka.
Pass3ch3gc45 Unlock Yuffie.

Player icons

Clue Effect
SCHKJKDB3CH6C Unlock the chocobo icon.
7TY2AE6KLUL8 Final Fantasy Agit XIII.
TCAMABR3ADTQ Final Fantasy Agit XIII
Heebanrltgs Final Fantasy versus XIII.
NGAA3NMB3urgr Final Fantasy versus XIII.
28C7KMT23M48 Unlock the Final Fantasy XIII icon.
HK4A3ST6HA3S4 Unlock the Final Fantasy XIII icon.
HMM48AC4JH3 Unlock the Moogle icon.


Clue Effect
MZCC3H38Ztuk Unlock the aquarium recipe.
33mkerdta2ak Unlock the Aries recipe.
SSAECXK4CY6 Unlock the cancer recipe.
UC5H3J46F3MZA Unlock the Capricorn recipe.
H3CSH3SDA3YUN Unlock the Gemini Recipe.
H3SESGAH3W3A Unlock Leo’s recipe.
Tgickcawtna Unlock the pound recipe.
Qtak5uwatga Unlock the Pisces recipe.
UC6H3M3778CH3 Unlock Sagittarius’ recipe.
H336detya23x Unlock the scorpio recipe.
KRCyGU7RJ8E3 Unlock Taurus’s recipe.
EctLMCW3NMC Unlock Virgo’s recipe.

History mode

Unlockable Requirements
Distant glory (hero mode) Complete the Shade Impulse.
Distant glory (villain mode) Complete the Shade Impulse.
Inward Chaos Complete the Shade Impulse.
Shade Impulse Complete the whole story of hero.

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