Ratchet & Clank trophies: Put your top arsenal
Bronze The death path remains clean in Florana without receiving the monogolpea to the skrunch monkey once with the key in the phoenix ship reflects how scored 25 enemies with the refractor in marcadia treasure Hundidodstruye all the underwater boxes of the planet aquatos eight times8 resistance tests in annihilation nation flees to the perfection with resistance test without receiving damage where the 101 chloaca crystals in bugs in ostconvase 15 flies of blood in ducks in DAXX reaches the belt reach the belt in the asteroids in the asteroids in the asteroids in theObani moon, do you think hopefully?Take the fat award in a slot in Holostar studies was a good year…Destroy the airship that surveys Metropolis suctionalomata to 40 enemies with the suction chair at the scene of the accident a while with 2 seconds of air with the turbodeslizer in aid to break?Infect 30 enemies with the infectomaton in Mylon there will be no unoma to 10 enemies with the refractor in Aridia ˇCada time there are more!Get 1 million guitons, keep the temperature down the appearance of the snowman Silver Goodbye, Nefarious defeats DR. Nefarius in the final battle seeks to perfect all QWARK (100%) chips in all vine comics death to the bichoderrota a scorpio only with the key in nation annihilation Victoria qwarktástica as the qwarktstic battle in nation tiquilación t ni.TO.OR.N. IiConsigue the gadget t.TO.OR.N. III Search Nanoconsign that the Nanoteec of Ratchet reaches 200 (to the maximum) mini-oratchetencuentra the ratchet trophy secret agent clankencuentra the clank trophy ˇtropeciientos!Get 10 million guitons Gold Until the end he considers the 40 Titanium Guitones Master of Skills Conscans the 3 skill points Omega Manconsiguegigu all the omega weapons, including the Rhinoceros Friend of the soldiers Complete all the Biobliteraciórota Combat Missions Platinum Galaxy hero gets the rest of the game trophies
Ratchet & Clank trophies
Bronze ˇEh, here!It attracts any enemy to a field of force in Orxon poses for the photocolócate between the legs of the statue of the al at Kerwan Bomberhaz to jump through the airs 10 vehicles in Eudora Píooooooconvierte a tank in a chicken in rilgar quarcastítruya the training robot of the training of the training of theCaptain Qwark in Kerwan aimstruyes a hunting or bomber in Novalis Transportes kaputstrdies 3 flying transports in destructive aphyIn the Ocean of Pokitaru ˇdame more!Get the improvement Nanotec Prémium are not droids…The persuasor gets the magoconsga more than 4500 points in a hoverboard race in Kalebo III suction goes, suction comes the chant of insecticidamata suction to all the bites on the planet Hoven Patos de Feriadestructs all the load ships of the base of the orbit of the orbit OltanisCautoatraviesa Crucero The aquatic region without losing health at the Vencin Van de Comandomata Orbital station Silver CONFERIVIVOCONGUEGO CONTROL THE T.TO.OR.N. Haverboard Acrobatichaz A “Special McMarx” in Hoverboard’s career Notebook of Sketch consciously 15 skill points to unlock the notebook of vandalod sketchAll normal gadgets of “ananoded” weapons achieve the ultra nanotec collects.000.000 qwark-attack guitons to Captain Qwark Masse Gold Huntguitones consigns the 40 gold guides of the Games Enabilidos Platinum Masters in gadgets get the rest of the game trophies
Ratchet & Clank trophies: totally butt
Bronze Heals your chireúne 100 crystals in the desert of Tabora Safety Box Proprotege to 4 civilians of the robots in the bank of the planet Damamosel?Break everything broken inside the megacorp store of the planet Oozla Clank needs new shoes with the slots until 300 guitons are gone and the roboaloto skill point in the planet Dobbo, destroys all the buildings of the city during the battle with the chief gutter of GuitonesIconsigue 100.000 Guitones Demon Speed in the planet Barlow, get 2:10 or less in the career of Hovermotos Alhistóroticoderriba riverTake the toothd tooth to the bully B2 without receiving a nightmade machinery, 10 robots in Endako with the short -circuited developments cranes, let yourself be for the current of the current and the sawmill without receiving damage on the planet bustan?Get 50.000 GUITONES SNAVEVUELA RUPTURE The snowman Muvae in Siberius Chao, Pajaritosmata to 12 birds on the planet Joba You are my heroeprotege to all the tourists of the planet Todano de las SquircillaEH, Carbonage Carbonox Silver Ninja Keychain II: The massacre kills all enemies with a key and without dying on the planet Joba Nano to the maximum of all the Nanotec improvements ˇes impossible!It exceeds the “impossible challenge” in the Megacorp Games such as the sedacompra all the weapons, shields and improvements for the ship a scream of guitonescsignsiguegas 1.000.000 of guitones madness of Ciudad Disse…Get the Taun II the best achieves the Zodiac gadget Gold Platinoconsconsize the 40 Platinum Guts Superfabilidas Conmigns the 30 skill points Destruction Measurement All weapons mutation ending to the protomascota mutant guitons at Punta Palaconsiguegigue 2.000.000 of guitons Platinum Megorofes gets the rest of the game trophies