Cheats GTA Liberty City Stories PSP: Cheat codes and Codes

Grand Theft Auto Cheats: Liberty City Stories for PSP

Get all the weapons of Liberty City, unlimited money, armor, health and all the cars you want with our cheats.

All cheats and codes

Weapons 1:

Up, square, square, down, left, square, square, right.

Weapons 2:

Up, circle, circle, down, left, circle, circle, right.

Weapons 3:

Up, x, x, down, left, x, x, right.

Full armor:

L1, R1, Circle, L1, R1, X, L1, R1.

Complete health:

L1, R1, X, L1, R1, Square, L1, R1.

Money trick:

L1, R1, Triangle, L1, R1, Circle, L1, R1.

Aggressive drivers:

Square, square, r1, x, x, l1, circle, circle.

All traffic lights in green:

Triangle, triangle, r1, square, square, l1, x, x,.

All vehicles with metallic paint:

Triangle, R1, L1, below, down, R1, R1, triangle.

Black cars:

Circle, circle, r1, triangle, triangle, l1, square, square.

Bubble heads:

Below, down, down, circle, circle, x, l1, r1.

The cars go to the water:

Circle, X, Below, Circle, X, Up, L1, L1.

Change wheel size:

Circle, right, x, up, right, x, l1, square.

Clear Time:

Up, down, circle, up, down, square, l1, r1.


L1, below, left, R1, x, circle, top, triangle.

Destroy all cars:

L1, L1, Left, L1, L1, Right, X, Square.

Game credits:

L1, R1, L1, R1, Up, Down, L1, R1.

Time faster:

L1, L1, Left, L1, L1, Right, Circle, X.

Faster gameplay:

R1, R1, L1, R1, R1, L1, Below, X.

Nebulous time:

Up, down, triangle, up, down, x, l1, r1.

The girls follow you:

Below, down, down, triangle, triangle, circle, L1, R1.

Not sought:

L1, L1, Triangle, R1, R1, X, Square, Circle.

Morning time:

Up, down, x, up, down, triangle, L1, R1.

Pedestrians attack you:

L1, L1, R1, L1, L1, R1, top, triangle.

Armed pedestrians:

R1, R1, L1, R1, R1, L1, Right, Circle.

Pedestrian revolt:

L1, L1, R1, L1, L1, R1, Left, Square.

Perfect traction:

L1, up, left, r1, triangle, circle, below, x.


Up, down, square, up, down, circle, l1, r1.

More media attention:

L1, above, right, R1, triangle, square, down, x.

Most wanted:

L1, R1, Square, L1, R1, Triangle, L1, R1.

Random pedestrian suit:

L1, L1, Left, L1, L1, Right, Square, Triangle.

Slow motion:

R1, triangle, x, r1, square, circle, left, right.

Generate Rhino Tank:

L1, L1, Left, L1, L1, Right, Triangle, Circle.

Generate Trashmaster:

Triangle, circle, down, triangle, circle, up, L1, L1.

Sunny weather:

L1, L1, Circle, R1, R1, Square, Triangle, X.

All face down:

Below, below, x, x, square, r1, l1.

All mouth:

Triangle, triangle, triangle, up, up, right, l, r.

White cars:

X, X, R1, Circle, Circle, L1, Triangle, Triangle.

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