Acaudalado: collect 5.000 coins. Everything piled up: as Merida, expires five enemies with a single loaded shot. Ribbon up: Buy an improvement. Flechastic: collects an arc. Ventoso: expires 100 enemies with the wind amulet. Excellent: Solve all the puzzles of the Trillizos. Carombroso: collects a tapestry fragment. Top load: overcome 100 enemies using loaded shot. Cooling: expires 100 enemies with the ice amulet. Cava that falls to you: look for the earth amulet. Dirty work: purifies the circle of stones. He has given you an air: Look for wind amulet. Top power: Buy 15 improvements. remove from the Middle!: Like Elinor, load against five enemies with a single attack. Heating: expires 100 enemies with the fire amulet. Don’t be cold: look for ice amulet. Impressive: as Merida, expires 15 enemies in a row without hurting you. Minimum wage: collect 1.000 coins. Scrubbing: overcome the Guardian harpy. ˇMamma mine!: Expires 100 enemies like Queen Elinor. ELEGANTE: collect a suit. Thirst for energy: expires 100 enemies with the powerful attack. Distance only: a level ends without using the sword. Swimming: collects a sword. Drawing the garbage: beat the Roca Guardian Gólem. Carombrastic: Complete the tapestry. Chamuscado: Look for fire amulet. Tremor: overcome 100 enemies with the land amulet. ˇTres Hurras!: Solve a trillion puzzle.
An arc arch: collects all the arches. Presumed: collect all costumes. Domination: expires 250 enemies with the powerful attack. Earthquake: expires 250 enemies with the earth amulet. Do not leave anything behind: buy all improvements. Hurricane: expires 250 enemies with the wind amulet. Total coldness: expires 250 enemies with the ice amulet. In flames: overcome 250 enemies with the fire amulet. Overard: overcome 250 enemies with the loaded shot. Specular: collect all swords. Untouchable: as Merida, expires 30 enemies in a row without being hurt. Enloquetado to the roof: Complete all the upholstery. Rico: collect 15.000 coins.
Gaelic hero: wins the game at the fierce level, without changing it. Good Scottish: win Mor’du.
Platinum: Get all trophies