Bioshock cheats – PS3 – Cheat codes, Guides

Different endings

There are three different finals in the game, which depend on how you have treated the Little Sisters.

If more than one little sister has been harvested, the bad end will appear.

If no little sister has been harvested, the good end will appear.

If only a little sister is harvested, and the rest rescued, a third alternative final will appear.


Platinum trophy Achieved all other bioshock trophies


I chose the impossible Complete the game at the surviving difficulty level without using the vita-channel

The man chooses Complete the game in surviving difficultyMomentum Complete the game at the difficult level without using any vita-channel


Historian Find all daily tickets

Salvador de Little Sisters The player has completed the game without reaping any little sister“Worlds of pain” – Hard uncle Rescued the little sister in “worlds of pain” using only plasmids, tonic, the English key and the research chamber, in medium or higher difficulty


Mental control overcome The player has managed to get rid of the mental control of Fontaine

Welcome to Rapture finished The player has managed to finish the welcome level to Rapture

Pirateda Safety Chamber The player has managed to hack a security camera

Pirateada Torreta The player has managed to hack a turret

A successful pirate The player has managed to make at least one piracy

Pirateada safe The player has managed to hack a safe

Expert pirate The player has managed to perform 50 pirateos

Basic inventor The player has managed to elaborate at least one object

Avid inventor Manages to elaborate at least 100 objects

Ammunition inventor The player has managed to elaborate all possible types of ammunition

An investigated spplicer The player has brought at least one research photo of a SPLUSER

Andrew Ryan defeated The player has managed to beat Andrew Ryan

Quality photo The player has taken a research photo of the highest note

Tonic collector Collect or invents 58 physical, engineering or combat tonic

Doctorate in research All possible investigation completed

Cohen masterpiece finished The player has managed to finish Sander Cohen’s great masterpiece

Prolific photographer Take at least one photo in each research group

Really good in this The player has completed the game at the difficult difficulty level

Little Sister totally investigated Research the Little Sister completely

Treaty with all Little Sisters The player has reaped or rescued all possible Little Sisters

Gorilla investigated Completely investigate the gorilla

Lucky winner Get the fat award in a slot

Rosie investigated Completely investigate the rosie

Irony The player has taken a picture of the body of Sander Cohen

Splicer nitro investigated Completely investigate the splicer nitro

Cohen room found The player has entered the personal units of Sander Cohen

SPLUSER Houdini investigated Completely investigate the splicer Houdini

Toast in the bath The player has managed to electrocute an enemy in the water

Spray Splicer investigated The player has completely investigated the Spray Splux

Relivated forest The player has managed to return life to Arcadia forests

SPLUSER SCUPPLOMO INVESTIGATED The player has completely investigated the Spupplomo Splux

Peach Wilkins defeated The player has managed to beat Peach Wilkins

Investigated thug splicer The player has completely investigated the spring of the bully

Dr. Steinman defeated The player has managed to overcome the crazy dr. Steinman

Weapon specialist Get all the improvements of all weapons“The individuality of the team” – rescuer Rescued the little sister in “the individuality of the team”

5 totally improved weapons Improves five weapons “The individuality of the team” – ExperiersCatada La Little Sister in “The individuality of the team” in less than 3:00

4 totally improved weapons Improve four weapons to the maximum“The individuality of the team” – Collector Found all collectible roses in “the individuality of the team”

3 totally improved weapons The player has managed to improve three weapons to the maximum“The individuality of the team” – Pacifist Rescued the little sister in “the individuality of the team” without destroying any turret

2 totally improved weapons The player has managed to improve two weapons “an electrifying turn of events” – rescuer rescue the little sister in “an electrifying turn of events”

1 fully improved weapon The player has managed to improve a weapon to the maximum“An electrifying turn of events” – Expert The player has rescued the Little Sister in “an electrifying turn of events” in less than 4:00

Has improved a weapon The player has acquired at least one weapon improvement“An electrifying turn of events” – Collector Found all collectible roses in “an electrifying turn of events”

A bought slot The player has bought a slot of any plasmid or tonic category“An electrifying turning of events” – Expert electrician The Noria 9 times different in “an electrifying turn of events”

All categories to the maximum Acquire all the slots of the four categories of plasmids and tonic“Worlds of pain” – Rescuer Rescued the little sister in “worlds of pain”

A category to the maximum The player has acquired all the slots of one of the categories of plasmids or tonic“Worlds of pain” – Expert Rescued the little sister in “worlds of pain” in less than 15:00 in medium or higher difficulty

Atlas defeated The player has managed to beat Atlas“Worlds of pain” – Collector Found all collectible roses in “worlds of pain”

Turned into Big Daddy The player has become a big daddy

Pirate The player has managed to hack a safety bot

Pirateado Sale Terminal The player has managed to hack an vending machine

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