Assassin’s Cheats Creed IV: Shout of Freedom – PS4 – Cheat codes, Guides


All your attention Get a 100% synchronization.


His word was “maybe” Complete all missions.

Independence seeds Free 500 slaves.


Liberation Day Free your first slave.

Firepower Kill 5 guards at the same time with a trabuco.

Your own medicine Disarm the governor and kill him with the iron to mark.

Killer’s murderer Arponea to a murderous whale.

Triton Not a total of 1 nautical mile.

Life of thief Loot 30 ships.

In the tightrope Make 5 air murders hanging on a rope.

all aboard! Address a ship without losing members of your crew.

ˇSilencio, idiot! Kill a guard who touches a bell.

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