Steam Achievements of Supreme Commander 2

Achievement |Description
The beginnings Complete both parts of the tutorial.
Cessation of communications
Absolute zero
Competitive spirit Improve your score on any mission.
Second objective
Animal magnetism
System errors
Quiet character Complete the three beds in the easy difficulty mode.
Parade of giants
Hole on earth
Nuclear attack
Jail flight
Rodgers dismissal
Maximum score Complete an entire campaign with a score greater than 150.000.
Terra signature
Well stored
Victorious character Complete the three beds in normal difficulty mode.
The Lord of the Robots
Easy peasy Win a fight against any opponent managed by the machine.
Loyalty Win 25 fighting with a faction.
Retailer Complete all the secret goals of the campaign.
Trust Win 10 fighting with a faction.
Friends Win a cooperative game against the machine.
good friends Wins 10 cooperative games against the machine.
Good management Win a fight against all opponents managed by the machine.
Online commander Win an online game.
Smarty Complete all the main and secondary objectives of the campaign.
Ludita Win a fight without building experimental units.
Kneader Extract 1.000.000 units of mass.
Experienced builder Build 10.000 units.
High rank Win an equalized game.
Sweeping Win a fight in less than five minutes.
Tasting Win a fight with each faction.
Power destroyer Destroy 10.000 units.
Hiker Win a fight on each multiplayer map.
Supreme Online Commander Wins 25 matches matched.
Maximum commander Complete the three campaigns in the difficult difficulty mode.
Time inverter Play the game more than 24 hours.
Mousoleum of the victors Win 25 fighting.
Victorious character Complete the three beds in normal difficulty mode.
Animal magnetism
The Lord of the Robots
System errors
Easy peasy Win a fight against any opponent managed by the machine.
Loyalty Win 25 fighting with a faction.
Cessation of communications
Retailer Complete all the secret goals of the campaign.
Trust Win 10 fighting with a faction.
Absolute zero
Quiet character Complete the three beds in the easy difficulty mode.
Parade of giants
Friends Win a cooperative game against the machine.
good friends Wins 10 cooperative games against the machine.
Good management Win a fight against all opponents managed by the machine.
Hole on earth
Online commander Win an online game.
Smarty Complete all the main and secondary objectives of the campaign.
Ludita Win a fight without building experimental units.
Kneader Extract 1.000.000 units of mass.
Experienced builder Build 10.000 units.
Nuclear attack
Jail flight
High rank Win an equalized game.
Competitive spirit Improve your score on any mission.
Rodgers dismissal
Sweeping Win a fight in less than five minutes.
Tasting Win a fight with each faction.
Maximum score Complete an entire campaign with a score greater than 150.000.
Second objective
Power destroyer Destroys 10.000 units.
Hiker Win a fight on each multiplayer map.
The beginnings Complete both parts of the tutorial.
Supreme Online Commander Wins 25 matches matched.
Maximum commander Complete the three campaigns in the difficult difficulty mode.
Terra signature
Time inverter Play the game more than 24 hours.
Mousoleum of the victors Win 25 fighting.
Well stored


Achievements Requirements
Winner is you Complete the three beds in normal difficulty.
Alarming Complete the ‘Lethal Weapons’ oerpation.
Animal Magnetism Complete the operation ‘The Great Leap Forward’.
Barge Ahead Complete the operation ‘Delta Force’.
Bot lord Complete ‘Prime Time’ with an army entirely formed by assault robots.
Bugs in the System The  Complete the operation ‘The Trouble With Technology’.
Cakewalk Win a skirmish or an online game against an opponent controlled by the machine.
Class meeting Complete the operation ‘gatekeeper’.
Committed Relationship Play 25 games or skirmishes with a faction.
Communication Breakdown Complete the operation ‘Prime Target’.
Completestist Complete all the hidden goals of Campań.
Dating Play 10 skames or games with a faction.
Deep Freeze Complete the operation ‘Strike While Cold’.
Downloading Complete the operation ‘Fet Finder’.
Easy Going Complete the three beds in easy mode.
Fatboy Parade Complete the operation ‘Titans of Industry’.
Friends Win a cooperative game against the machine.
Good Friends Wins 10 cooperative games against the machine.
Good Game Win a skame or an online game against all machine controlled by the machine.
Gorged Complete the operation ‘Cliff During’.
HOLE IN THE GROUND Complete the ‘Steamed’ operation.
Internet Commander Win an online game.
Knows it all Complete all primary and secondary campaign objectives.
Luddite Win a skirmish or an online game without building any experiment.
MASSTER Extract 1.000.000 mass.
MASTER BUILDER Build 10.000 units.
Strike Nuclear Complete the operation ‘Facins or Family Plan’.
Prison Break Complete the operation ‘Back on the chain gang’.
Raker Win a score game.
Replayer Improve your score at any operation.
GROUP Complete the operation ‘Prime Time’.
Rodgers is relief  Complete the operation ‘end of an alliance’.
Rushin ‘Front Win a skirmish or an online game in less than 5 minutes.
Sample Wins a skirmish or an in -line game with each faction.
Score Harder Get a total campaign score of more than 150.000 points.
Second Target Complete the operation ‘off base’.
Sharp Shooter Destroy 10.000 units.
Sighseer Win a skirmish or online game on each multiplayer map.
Start Here Complete the two parts of the tutorial.
Supreme Online Commander Win 25 score games.
SUPREMEST COMMER Complete the three campaigns in difficult mode.
Survivalist Survive multiple waves after download in ‘Fet Finder’.
Survivor Do not lose any unit during the first attack in ‘Prime Target’.
Terra signature Complete the operation ‘The Final Countdown’.
Time Cruncher Play more than 24 hours in total.
To the victor… Win 25 skirmishes or online games.
Well stock Complete the operation ‘Surface Tension’.

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