Achievement |Description
The beginnings |
Complete both parts of the tutorial. |
Cessation of communications |
Absolute zero |
Competitive spirit |
Improve your score on any mission. |
Second objective |
Alarm |
Animal magnetism |
Boat |
System errors |
Reunion |
Download |
Quiet character |
Complete the three beds in the easy difficulty mode. |
Parade of giants |
Defile |
Hole on earth |
Nuclear attack |
Jail flight |
Meeting |
Rodgers dismissal |
Maximum score |
Complete an entire campaign with a score greater than 150.000. |
Terra signature |
Well stored |
Victorious character |
Complete the three beds in normal difficulty mode. |
The Lord of the Robots |
Easy peasy |
Win a fight against any opponent managed by the machine. |
Loyalty |
Win 25 fighting with a faction. |
Retailer |
Complete all the secret goals of the campaign. |
Trust |
Win 10 fighting with a faction. |
Friends |
Win a cooperative game against the machine. |
good friends |
Wins 10 cooperative games against the machine. |
Good management |
Win a fight against all opponents managed by the machine. |
Online commander |
Win an online game. |
Smarty |
Complete all the main and secondary objectives of the campaign. |
Ludita |
Win a fight without building experimental units. |
Kneader |
Extract 1.000.000 units of mass. |
Experienced builder |
Build 10.000 units. |
High rank |
Win an equalized game. |
Sweeping |
Win a fight in less than five minutes. |
Tasting |
Win a fight with each faction. |
Power destroyer |
Destroy 10.000 units. |
Hiker |
Win a fight on each multiplayer map. |
Supreme Online Commander |
Wins 25 matches matched. |
Maximum commander |
Complete the three campaigns in the difficult difficulty mode. |
Stubborn |
Survivor |
Time inverter |
Play the game more than 24 hours. |
Mousoleum of the victors |
Win 25 fighting. |
Victorious character |
Complete the three beds in normal difficulty mode. |
Alarm |
Animal magnetism |
Boat |
The Lord of the Robots |
System errors |
Easy peasy |
Win a fight against any opponent managed by the machine. |
Reunion |
Loyalty |
Win 25 fighting with a faction. |
Cessation of communications |
Retailer |
Complete all the secret goals of the campaign. |
Trust |
Win 10 fighting with a faction. |
Absolute zero |
Download |
Quiet character |
Complete the three beds in the easy difficulty mode. |
Parade of giants |
Friends |
Win a cooperative game against the machine. |
good friends |
Wins 10 cooperative games against the machine. |
Good management |
Win a fight against all opponents managed by the machine. |
Defile |
Hole on earth |
Online commander |
Win an online game. |
Smarty |
Complete all the main and secondary objectives of the campaign. |
Ludita |
Win a fight without building experimental units. |
Kneader |
Extract 1.000.000 units of mass. |
Experienced builder |
Build 10.000 units. |
Nuclear attack |
Jail flight |
High rank |
Win an equalized game. |
Competitive spirit |
Improve your score on any mission. |
Meeting |
Rodgers dismissal |
Sweeping |
Win a fight in less than five minutes. |
Tasting |
Win a fight with each faction. |
Maximum score |
Complete an entire campaign with a score greater than 150.000. |
Second objective |
Power destroyer |
Destroys 10.000 units. |
Hiker |
Win a fight on each multiplayer map. |
The beginnings |
Complete both parts of the tutorial. |
Supreme Online Commander |
Wins 25 matches matched. |
Maximum commander |
Complete the three campaigns in the difficult difficulty mode. |
Stubborn |
Survivor |
Terra signature |
Time inverter |
Play the game more than 24 hours. |
Mousoleum of the victors |
Win 25 fighting. |
Well stored |
Achievements |
Requirements |
Winner is you |
Complete the three beds in normal difficulty. |
Alarming |
Complete the ‘Lethal Weapons’ oerpation. |
Animal Magnetism |
Complete the operation ‘The Great Leap Forward’. |
Barge Ahead |
Complete the operation ‘Delta Force’. |
Bot lord |
Complete ‘Prime Time’ with an army entirely formed by assault robots. |
Bugs in the System The |
Complete the operation ‘The Trouble With Technology’. |
Cakewalk |
Win a skirmish or an online game against an opponent controlled by the machine. |
Class meeting |
Complete the operation ‘gatekeeper’. |
Committed Relationship |
Play 25 games or skirmishes with a faction. |
Communication Breakdown |
Complete the operation ‘Prime Target’. |
Completestist |
Complete all the hidden goals of Campań. |
Dating |
Play 10 skames or games with a faction. |
Deep Freeze |
Complete the operation ‘Strike While Cold’. |
Downloading |
Complete the operation ‘Fet Finder’. |
Easy Going |
Complete the three beds in easy mode. |
Fatboy Parade |
Complete the operation ‘Titans of Industry’. |
Friends |
Win a cooperative game against the machine. |
Good Friends |
Wins 10 cooperative games against the machine. |
Good Game |
Win a skame or an online game against all machine controlled by the machine. |
Gorged |
Complete the operation ‘Cliff During’. |
Complete the ‘Steamed’ operation. |
Internet Commander |
Win an online game. |
Knows it all |
Complete all primary and secondary campaign objectives. |
Luddite |
Win a skirmish or an online game without building any experiment. |
Extract 1.000.000 mass. |
Build 10.000 units. |
Strike Nuclear |
Complete the operation ‘Facins or Family Plan’. |
Prison Break |
Complete the operation ‘Back on the chain gang’. |
Raker |
Win a score game. |
Replayer |
Improve your score at any operation. |
Complete the operation ‘Prime Time’. |
Rodgers is relief |
Complete the operation ‘end of an alliance’. |
Rushin ‘Front |
Win a skirmish or an online game in less than 5 minutes. |
Sample |
Wins a skirmish or an in -line game with each faction. |
Score Harder |
Get a total campaign score of more than 150.000 points. |
Second Target |
Complete the operation ‘off base’. |
Sharp Shooter |
Destroy 10.000 units. |
Sighseer |
Win a skirmish or online game on each multiplayer map. |
Start Here |
Complete the two parts of the tutorial. |
Supreme Online Commander |
Win 25 score games. |
Complete the three campaigns in difficult mode. |
Survivalist |
Survive multiple waves after download in ‘Fet Finder’. |
Survivor |
Do not lose any unit during the first attack in ‘Prime Target’. |
Terra signature |
Complete the operation ‘The Final Countdown’. |
Time Cruncher |
Play more than 24 hours in total. |
To the victor… |
Win 25 skirmishes or online games. |
Well stock |
Complete the operation ‘Surface Tension’. |