Starcraft cheats: Remastered – PC – Cheat codes, Guides

Remasterized StarCraft cheats

Like the original, Starcraft Remastered has cheats. In the mode for a single player, type these commands and click Enter to achieve the result.

  • show me the money: Win 10.000 minerals and gas.
  • Whats Mine Is Mine: Win 500 minerals.
  • BREATHE DEEP: Win 500 gas.
  • Medieval Man: All development skills.
  • Modify The Phase Variance: Skip the technological tree and build what you want.
  • Staying Alive: Keep playing after winning.
  • OPHELIA: Activate mission selection.
  • Noglues: The enemy cannot wear psionic storm.
  • CWAL OPERATION: It is built faster.
  • The Gathering: Skills and spells do not cost.
  • Submit for Nothing: Improvements do not cost.
  • Radio Free Zerg: Secret Song of the Zerg (just playing with the Zerg).
  • Game Over Man: Losing instantaneously.
  • there is no cow Level: Win instantaneously.
  • Power Overwhelming: Invincible units.
  • War Ain’t What It used to be: There is no war fog.
  • Food for Thought: The maximum of 200 supplies rises.
  • Black Sheep Wall: Show the entire map.
  • Protoss# (# = mission): Jump.
  • Terran# (# = mission): Terran level jump.
  • Zerg# (# = mission): Skip zerg level.

Back to the original StarCraft

If you click F5 at any time, the remastering graphics will be those of the original Starcraft.

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