Steam Achievements of Shadow Warrior 2

Achievement |Description
Lieutenant Akimbo Defeat Lieutenant Akimbo in the history mission: my hero
Junior shooter Kill 100 enemies
Ultraafilated skewer Defeat the ultraafilate skewer in the history mission: impetuous
Sempai Develop a character to level 10
Executioner Kill 500 enemies
The boss Defeat the boss in the secondary mission: Shade Laboratory
The Guardian Defeat the guardian in the secondary mission: stolen scrolls – Part 2
Ruthless sentinel Defeat the ruthless sentinel in the secondary mission: Buscachí
ZL-260 Transistor Defeat to Transistor ZL-260 in the History Mission: Industrial Espionage
I think I’ve seen a rabbit
Montones coins It gathers 1000000 Zillyen
bright! Discover 5 secrets
Titan St-RC1 Defeat Titan St-RC1 in the history mission: Zilla attack
Ready for action It gathers 500 improvements
Cheatster Kill %1 victims with special attack
Musashi apprentice Defeat Musashi’s apprentice in the history mission: ancestral ties
King of the Dragon Mountain
COMMODORE UNIT 64 Defeat the Comodore 64 unit in the secondary mission: stolen scrolls – Part 3
King of Mount Akuma
Queen of T.Yo.P.TO.s Defeat the Queen of T.Yo.P.TO.s in the secondary mission: sinful investigations – Part 3
Devil’s mountain magmator Defeat Magmador of the Devil’s mountain in the history mission: tremors
Wang’s Camino Student Complete any Wang path test.
Sensei Develop a character to level 25
Call me Wang, Wang Kill 2500 enemies
A thousand pieces Do 100 frozen enemies
Toxic outbreak Performs 100 explosions of acid corpses
Diana Kill 100 victims attacking their weak point
ALFA R-XIII Defeat Alfa R-XIII in the secondary mission: Time of tea and monsters
Garra Devorador Defeat Devorador Garra in the History Mission: Corporate incursion
ZL-260 resistor Defeat to resistor ZL-260 in the history mission: conquers by force
Informal Wang Complete the game in little difficulty Saltamontes
Normal Wang Complete the game in difficulty I am not afraid
Subject without concluding
Destructive goddess
Short circuit Electrocuta to 200 enemies
Gélida widow Defeat the icy widow in the secondary mission: stolen scrolls – Part 1
Shadow Defeat the shadow rogue in the secondary mission: sinful investigations – Part 2
Colonel Manorauda Defeat Colonel Manorauda in the secondary mission: Heisenberg – Part 2
Fury channel Defeat Furia Cańón in the secondary mission: demon traffic
Lord destroyer Defeat Lord Destroyer in the History Mission: Everything remains as a family
Eradicator Defeat Eradicator in the Secondary Mission: Antipropaganda Operation
Captain lo-yan Defeat the captain lo-sang in the secondary mission: one more thing
The Lord of the war Defeat the Lord of the War in the Secondary Mission: Heisenberg – Part 3
Wang’s path Complete the infusion, engaste, purification and ancestral God tests.
Orbes collector It gathers 100 orbs from Masamune.
Single collection It gathers 200 unique improvements
Human Torch Fire on 200 enemies
Geezer Defeat the Vestio in the Secondary Mission: sinful investigations – Part 1
The high priest Defeat the high priest in the secondary mission: Heisenberg – Part 1
The toxitor Defeat the toxitor in the history mission: the end of the break
Difficult wang Complete the game in difficulty who wants wang
Great master Develop a character to level 50
Legendary collection Gather 100 legendary improvements
Legendary hands Carry out 30 legendary improvements
Wang Demential Complete the game in pain without pain there is no victory
My treasure Discover 15 secrets
Financial Security It gathers 10000000 Zillyen
Manitas Carry out 100 improvements
Wang the impaler Kill 100 victims immobilized by dark grip
Mr. Kosugi Kill 50 victims with disappearance
Experience orbes collector It gathers 1000 orbs from Masamune.
The path of Masamune It gathers 1000 orbs from Masamune.
I am a collector Unlock all achievements
Ancestral Chinese secrets Discover 50 secrets

Xbox Live Warrior 2 Xbox Live

Achievement |Description |Gamerscore
I am a collector Unlock all achievements 100
Wang Demential Complete the game in pain without pain there is no victory 60
Legendary collection Gather 100 legendary improvements 60
Wang’s path Complete the infusion, engaste, purification and ancestral God tests. 60
The path of Masamune It gathers 1000 orbs from Masamune. 60
Difficult wang Complete the game in difficulty quién wants Wang 30
Great master Develop a character to level 50 30
Call me Wang, Wang Kill 2500 enemies 30
Ancestral Chinese secrets Discover 50 secrets 30
Montones coins It gathers 1000000 Zillyen 30
Financial Security It gathers 10000000 Zillyen 30
Single collection It gathers 200 unique improvements 30
Legendary hands Carry out 30 legendary improvements 30
I think I’ve seen a rabbit Kill 10 lords rabbit 30
Experience orbes collector It gathers 1000 orbs from Masamune. 30
Informal Wang Complete the game in small difficultyñor grasshoppers fifteen
Normal Wang Complete the game in difficulty I am not afraid fifteen
King of the Montña of the dragon Defeat Kamiko corrupted fifteen
King of Mount Akuma Defeat Kamiko Devoradora fifteen
Subject without concluding Defeat the Mecanoid Zilla fifteen
Destructive goddess Defeat the ancestral goddess Ameonna fifteen
Sempai Develop a character to level 10 fifteen
Sensei Develop a character to level 25 fifteen
Junior shooter Kill 100 enemies fifteen
Executioner Kill 500 enemies fifteen
Bright! Discover 5 secrets fifteen
My treasure Discover 15 secrets fifteen
Ready for action It gathers 500 improvements fifteen
Manitas Carry out 100 improvements fifteen
Cheatster Kill 200 victims with special attack fifteen
Wang the impaler Kill 100 victims immobilized by dark grip fifteen
A thousand pieces Do añicos to 100 frozen enemies fifteen
Toxic outbreak Performs 100 explosions of acid corpses fifteen
Human Torch Fire on 200 enemies fifteen
Short circuit Electrocuta to 200 enemies fifteen
Diana Kill 100 victims attacking their point DéBIL fifteen
Mr. Kosugi Kill 50 victims with disappearance fifteen
Wang’s Camino Student Complete any Wang path test. fifteen
Orbes collector It gathers 100 orbs from Masamune. fifteen

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