Crysis Cheats 3 – PC – Cheat codes, Guides

All collectibles

This video shows where to get all Cell collectibles of the game: 38 Datapads, 6 propaganda posters and 20 black boxes.

25 Nanotraje improvements

Here we tell you how to get the 25 improvements of the nanotraje. If you are lost, use the scanner and give you clues to find them:

Mission 2:

IMPROVEMENTS 1-4: At the moment when your suit works badly, they tell you where to get them, they are part of the story.

Improves 5: When they give you the goal of hacking a cell capsule. Go to her, take it and you will find the fifth improvement kit.

Improvement 6: When exploring the train station, an objective will appear on a line of pulloline. Use it, turn right and explore the train car to find the improvement.

Mission 3:

7. At the beginning of the mission you will find on the left a bunker in alarm. Enter the door, hacke the Cell capsule and you will find the improvement.

8. In the tower further north of the dam, within the generator’s room, you will find the improvement after terminals.

9. After leaving the dam you will find an indicator that takes you to an injured helicopter. Among the remains you will find the ninth improvement kit.

10. After a confrontation against a Cell team you can search for a cave that takes you to an area with items and the tenth improvement kit.

eleven. After a circular shape there is a lake, if you dive you will find the eleventh kit.

12. In a blue building inside Cell facilities you will find the twelfth kit.

Mission 4:

13. In the Chinese market at the beginning of the mission you will find a Cell supply center on the second floor of a destroyed building. If you enter you will find the thirteenth kit.

14. After climbing some stairs and reaching a zip that is inside the primary target, explore the hall to the left and you will find the kit on a table.

fifteen. Inside the Cell laboratory, look for a supply closet at the center to find the kit.

16. After lowering the stairs to meet Psycho, you will pass from a room to the right with a kit hanging on a wall.

Mission 5:

17. To the right of the tube that makes bridge between roofs, jump to the roof of the right, let yourself fall on the roof and you will find a kit.

18. Before arriving at the CEPH target, looking behind a building to find a kit in an empty area.

19. After Claire’s call, when she reached destroyed vehicles, she looks among armored vehicles destroyed to find a kit.

twenty. When they give you the optional objective to destroy the defense system of the command center, look under the basements of the base to find a kit.

Mission 6:

twenty-one. In a Cell ammunition closet, just spending the first objective.

22. When you are going to destroy the second air defense of the CEPH, use the scanner to find the kit.

23. Complete the first secondary objective and you will find the kit inside a nearby cave.

24. Within the remains of an injured vtol, which is your second optional objective.

Mission 7:

25. Upon entering the CEPH parts of the Metro, you will go through a narrow corridor that has a projection with a cell ammunition box. Scan the outgoing to find the last kit.

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