Debug mode
Debug mode: this procedure needs to edit a game folder file. It is highly recommended to create a backup of the file to be modified to avoid subsequent problems once we have played in this mode. To open the debug mode, use a text program to edit the file “config.Ini “in the game directory. Change the “Debugpanel = 0” line for “Debugpanel = 1”. A new game begins and click ~ to see the debug panel on the right side.
Steam Civilization Achievements V
Treasure hunter | Discover ancient ruins. |
Climbing | Win an ascent for units. |
Second city | Found a second city. |
Peace and prosperity | Start a golden age. |
It is superficious | Destroy an enemy unit with a single impact. |
ˇ Passers on board! | Embarks a unit. |
Engineer | Build a wonder. |
Tell my little friend hello | Alíte with a city-state. |
Marco Polo | Explore and discover 1.000 boxes, playing all the necessary games. |
Better, faster, stronger, harder | Modernize a unit. |
Truth? | Make another civilization defeat you 10 times by completing wonder. |
Two enter, one comes out | Defeat a civilization and completely eliminate it from the game. |
The Barrio’s Bug | Annexation Attach a city-state that was previously a puppet. |
ˇZeus wandering! | He founded a pantheon |
City of science | Get a city to generate more than 100 science per shift. |
Golden City | Get a city to generate more than 100 gold per day. |
Freedom and justice for all | Completely explore the political way of freedom. |
Prophete | He founded a religion |
Death before dishonor | Completely explore the political way of honor. |
Lord of the house | Completely explore the political path of tradition. |
Chuzos de Punta will fall | Release a nuclear weapon on another civilization. |
Magellan | It shows that the world is round discovering a circle of connected boxes that turns the globe. |
Mission: Missions | With a missionary, propagates your religion to an opponent. |
City of Lights | Get a city to generate more than 100 culture per shift. |
Collecting the landing train | Wins a game at the level of chief difficulty |
Pico de Oro | With a spy, it gains influence on a city-state. |
We have technology | Completely investigate the technological tree. |
At 140 km/h | Completely explore the political way of rationalism. |
Tectonic plates | Win a game in a type of continents map |
Raleight’s path towards riches | Discover the gold. |
I live in Smallville | Win a game on a small map. |
Expansionist | Download a mod. |
Money does not fall from heaven | Completely explore the political way of trade. |
Kill the Topo | Find and kill an enemy spy. |
ˇ Exterminate! ˇ Exterminate! | Get a victory for domination. |
Lux perpetua luceat eis | Completely explore the political way of devotion. |
Patron of the Arts | Completely explore the political path of patronage. |
Silver hands | With a spy, a technology to a competitor. |
Dr. Heidegger’s experiment | Find the source of eternal youth. |
Access denied | Build the wonder of the great Firewall. |
For the most sacred | Become the dominant religion in the holy city of an opponent. |
Armed robbery | Loot a commercial route of caravans. |
Gold bed | Win 1.000 gold by great characters spent with the mausoleum of Halicarnaso playing the necessary games. |
Experimenter | Play a game with a mod. |
Kamikaze attack | Ends with an enemy unit with a Japanese unit to which 1 pg left. |
Poetic license | Completely explore the political way of aesthetics. |
Your first steps | Win a game at the colonial difficulty level |
The normal | Win a game on a standard map. |
Until reaching places where no one has been able to arrive | Get a space race victory. |
THE BEST STATE OF THE REPUBLIC | Get a cultural victory. |
ˇAdctrinated! | Lose the dominant state of your holy city in favor of the religion of an opponent. |
The executor | Win a game at the level of Difficulty Caudillo |
The conquest of the world | As Alejandro, defeats all known civilizations arrived on 350. C. |
Tablets for all | Get a level of happiness greater than 100 with your civilization. |
Ruler of the twelve colonies | Win a game on a huge map. |
Battlefield: Earth | Win a game in a type of Earth map |
Those wonderful years | Build all wonders, playing the necessary games. |
I need more space | Win a game on a tiny map. |
The pen is more powerful | Get a diplomatic victory. |
King Mercader | Exchange 100 resources, playing the necessary games. |
Virote and arrow | Build the statue of Zeus and the temple of Artemis in the same city. |
Frank lingua | Found the World Congress and be your host throughout the game. |
The good savage ended | Devastates 100 barbarian camps, playing the necessary games. |
Equality makes us free | Completely explore the political way of equality. |
This is between you and me, kid | Win a game on a grieving map |
With iron | Completely explore the political route of the order. |
Tumb Raider | Loot the gold of an Egyptian city that has a grave. |
A charming prince | Win a game at the Prince’s difficulty level |
Of the old school | Win a game in a type of Pangea map |
Hidden temple legends | Completely explore the political route of exploration. |
The Prince of the Merchants | Generates 200 gold per shift with commercial routes. |
Another kind of diplomacy | Completely explore the political way of autocracy. |
ˇNadie awaits the Spanish Inquisition! | Win the game at any level of difficulty like Isabel. |
Rock in the free world | Get a cultural victory with the ideology of equality. |
You want bigger? | Win a game on a large map. |
The man who could reign | Win the game at any level of difficulty such as Alejandro. |
Island on island | Win a game in a type of archipelago map |
Air strength | Bombard an enemy city with a B-17. |
The art of the Sun Tzu war | A great general like Wu Zetian wins. |
Veni, Vidi, Vici | Win the game at any level of difficulty such as Caesar. |
The sphinx’s enigma | Accelerates the construction of a wonder with a great engineer like Egypt. |
The first in the heart of their countrymen | Win the game at any level of difficulty like Washington. |
Vivre the revolution! | Win the game at any level of difficulty as Napoleon. |
ˇTrabajadores del Mundo, Uníos! | Get a cultural victory with the ideology of order. |
Games Without Borders | Get a diplomatic victory with the ideology of equality. |
Rising Sun | Win the game at any level of difficulty as ode. |
Espionage network | Share intrigues with a player who has done the same with you before. |
Pharaoh of all children | Win the game at any level of difficulty such as Ramses II. |
That resists the passage of time | Win the game with all the conditions for victory. |
Barbarian leader | Like Bismarck, make your cause to the barbarians of 10 camps. |
For the waters of Babylon | Win the game at any level of difficulty as Nebuchadnezzar II. |
North Star | Win the game at any level of difficulty such as Catalina. |
Round trip | Propose the revocation of a resolution whose approval you have also proposed. |
Long live the king! | Wins a game at the level of difficult King |
One to govern them all | Win the game at any level of difficulty with a single city. |
Arab merchant | Exchange with another civilization a luxury resource that you have achieved in the bazaar of a city. |
All roads lead to Rome | Build a road with a Roman legion. |
Blood and iron | Win the game at any level of difficulty as bismarck. |
Give Peace A Chance | Win the game at any level of difficulty like Gandhi. |
For all | Win a game in all sizes and types of maps. |
THE PEOPLE OF THE GREAT HOUSE | Build a big house in a city that has 4 forests without cutting off its radio. |
Of the Aquemenides to the safavidas | Like Darío, he starts 5 gold ages in a single game. |
Best Red than Dead | Get a victory for domination with the ideology of order. |
Everybody wants to Rule the World | Get a victory for domination with the ideology of autocracy. |
Greed is good | Have a city with the colossus, Petra, a caravanserai and a port. |
Video et taco | Win the game at any level of difficulty such as Isabel I. |
Olympic effort | Complete all international projects in a single game being the biggest taxpayer. |
Last standing | Win any multiplayer game. |
No one awaits her… | Taking Spain, use an inquisitor to eliminate another religion. |
King of the Bison | Win the game at any level of difficulty such as Casimiro III. |
A little step | Get a space victory with the ideology of equality. |
The age of the empire | Win the game at any level of difficulty as Darío. |
East empire | Win the game at any level of difficulty like Ramkhamhaeng. |
It is a woman’s thing | Win the game at any level of difficulty like Wu Zetian. |
Poni little | As Catalina, investigates riding before any other civilization. |
The laws of the chipped rowing | Win the game at any level of difficulty such as Kamehameha. |
The victory is blue | Win the game at any level of difficulty such as Harald Fang Blue. |
Red October Board | With a spy, successfully orchestra in a city-state. |
ˇYuri-ka! | Get a space victory with the ideology of order. |
Explorer | Discover 100 Natural Wonders. |
San Joseon | Win leading to Korea. |
Sacagaea’s legacy | With the Shoshoni, discover 5 old ruins with the same Shoshoni tracker. |
The thousand and one gentlemen | Win the game at any level of difficulty like Harun Al-Rehyd. |
Moctezuma’s revenge… | Win the game at any level of difficulty as Moctezuma. |
Illustrated ruler | Unlock all social policies, playing the necessary games. |
The Popular of Pedro | Win the game at any level of difficulty such as Pedro II. |
Force with joy | Get a cultural victory with the ideology of autocracy. |
The King of Africa | Win the game at any level of difficulty like Askia. |
ˇAbajo with the wall! | Forces an AI player who has the ideology of order to change to equality. |
The Golden Path | Win a game at the Emperor Difficulty Level |
The Jardines del Lago Texcoco | Build floating gardens in a city that has a lake on its radio. |
Marvelous | Build 3 wonders in the same city on stage. |
Austrian succession | Win the game in any difficulty like María Teresa. |
Defender of Faith | Win the game at any level of difficulty like Gustavo Adolfo. |
Rastafari Messiah | He wins 5 great prophets leading to Ethiopia. |
Queen of Adriatic | Win the game at any level of difficulty as Enrico giving. |
The power of the axis | Get a diplomatic victory with the ideology of autocracy. |
The first Mohican | Win the game at any level of difficulty as a hiawatha. |
The Golden Horde | Win the game at any level of difficulty as Genghis Kan. |
All aboard the Orient Express | Discover a route to the East. |
The Celtic thunder | Win the game in any difficulty like Boadicea. |
Modern General | The scenario “empires of the smoking skies” wins. |
Very successful | It retains the control of the same honorary title throughout a game on the stage “Empires of the smoking skies”. |
This desert life | Win the game at any level of difficulty like Ahmad al-Mansur. |
Polish space career | Get a space victory playing with Poland. |
A magnificent victory | Win the game at any level of difficulty as Soliman. |
Bollywood | Get a cultural victory with an empire of 3 cities or less with Ghandi as a leader. |
THE KING OF THE MOUNT | Win the game at any level of difficulty such as Pachacútec. |
Au in the EU | Return with a treasure to Europe. |
Do you have a little captain inside? | Find Captain Cook. |
And the biathlon, what? | Enter a snow box with the Norwegian mountain infantry. |
ˇColonize this! | Win the game in any difficulty like Haile Selassie. |
Tablet technology | Win the game at any level of difficulty as Asurbanipal. |
The world is chaos and I’m going to fix it | Win a game at the immortal difficulty level |
An impeccable strategy | Win a game at the level of difficulty deity |
The APIA road | It tends 1.000 roads playing the necessary games. |
The Three Musketeers | Kill a unit with a French musketeer while two other musketeers provide flankeo bonuses. |
Seoul power | Win before 100 shifts leading to any power. |
Know your enemy | Consult the oracle 2 times in a single game on stage. |
There will be no white flag | Win the game in any difficulty like Dido. |
ˇVaya Maya! | Win the game at any level of difficulty such as Pacal. |
Enough to shut up | Win the game at any level of difficulty like Guillermo de Orange. |
We are family | Become the dominant religion in all capitals of a standard or greater map. |
North Leon | Taking Sweden, a shift begins with your great general stacked with a haccapélite. |
Knowledge is power | As Assyria, use a Royal Library with a great work to create a unit that comes out with an ascent. |
Built in (almost) one day | Complete wonder in a city with three commercial routes that provide production. |
Unexpected | Get a diplomatic victory without having host the World Congress. |
The attack of war canoes | Like Askia, conquers a city that is in another continent. |
Zeupiter | Carrying the Romans, conquers a city that has the statue of Zeus. |
Ballerina, Actress, Empress and winner | Win the game at any level of difficulty such as Empress Teodora. |
holy Father | Select the belief of Pope’s primacy and alíate with 12 cities-states. |
The great spirit | Win the game at any level of difficulty as Pocatello. |
Runs 50 miles and combat | With the Zulúes, make an IMPI obtain all special promotions. |
ˇXcom is like that! | Get your squad XCOM health pass 100 to 0 in a single AI turn. |
I love the universe | Win a game with each leader at any difficulty level. |
Rearch from Africa | Win the career scenario for Africa with any civilization and difficulty. |
I am a miner… | Build 1.000 mines playing the necessary games. |
The Golden age | Win the New World stage leading to España. |
This is not Kansas | Discover Australia on a map in the south of the Pacific. |
The chosen one from Odin | Win leading to Denmark (in any difficulty). |
Delicatessen de Samurai | Win leading to Japan. |
Hittite party | Win leading Muwatallis on stage Maravillas of the ancient world. |
Greek formula | Win carrying Alejandro on stage Maravillas of the ancient world. |
ˇSatrápalo! | Win leading Darío I on stage Maravillas of the ancient world. |
Reflective Telemaco | Win at the level of difficulty prince on stage. |
Roof of all | Win the game in any difficulty like Atila. |
From Russia with love | Taking Russia, kill an English spy. |
ˇ Give me your lunch money! | Sácals 3.000 gold to cities-state in the games that are. |
Java’s language | Win the game at any level of difficulty such as Gajamada. |
Aspiring King of the Zulúes | Win the game at any level of difficulty like chaka. |
Vote for Pedro | Get a diplomatic victory playing with Brazil. |
The Pyramid Plan | Playing with France, get the maximum bonus by theme with the Louvre: 16. |
ˇGloria, Gloria, Hallelujah! | Win the stage of the secession war playing with the union. |
Landowner | Acquires 1.000 boxes, playing the necessary games. |
The first, in the front | Loses a city at the hands of the barbarians. |
Above the others | Win leading to Samoa. |
Loot and then burn | Loot 9 farms on the same turn. |
“ˇSaca la cow!” | Build the improvement of the walled promontory. |
You also, gross? | The scenario “The fall of Rome” wins. |
The last crusade | With a combat car, capture the city that built Petra. |
Huns viruses | Investigate satellites while playing with Atila on a huge map. |
ˇTomaaaa! | Taking Austria, acquire a city-stood with 15 or more units through diplomatic marriage. |
Knight pact | Share intrigues with another player on the stage “Empires of the smoking skies”. |
IN HOC Sign Vinces | Win the game in any difficulty like María I. |
British invasion | Take a concert tour with a great British musician in US territory. |
Rock in the kasbah | Take a concert tour with a great musician in an improvement of Kasbah Marroquí. |
Nigerian bank account | In Africa race, it links Sokoto or Bornu. |
Like a stone wall | Win the stage of the secession war playing with the Confederates. |
TOUT LE MONDE FRANCOFONE ? | Win the New World stage carrying France. |
Tea with pastures for all | Win the New World stage taking England. |
Macchu Picchu | Win the New World scenario leading the Incas. |
Huitzilopochtli arrow | Win the New World stage taking the Aztecs. |
The Extraordinary Hoyaneh League | Win the New World scenario leading the Iroquoises. |
Survival in Marquisas | Win leading to Hiva. |
ˇBora! ˇBora! ˇBora! | Win leading to Tahiti. |
It’s a paradise… | Discover Hawaii on a random game map. |
ˇOjo Avizor! | Discover Easter Island on a random game map. |
In search of the kiwis | Discover New Zealand on a random game map. |
It’s time to embroider a tapestry | Win leading to Normandy (in any difficulty). |
ˇCuernos, the Vikings! | Win leading to Norway (in any difficulty). |
Turtle power | Slop a armored ship with a turtle ship. |
Fears the turtle | Win the Korea stage being Korea. |
Emperor fu Manchu | Win leading to Manches. |
ˇTAEKWOND… Oh! | Lose leading to Korea. |
The imposing truth of ra | Win leading to Ramses II on stage Maravillas of the ancient world. |
Inverse engineer | Get 3 wonders conquering cities in a game of the scenario wonders of the ancient world. |
Renaissance man | Win the stage “Towards the Renaissance”. |
Brielle’s capture | Capture a Spanish coastal city with a Dutch sea beggar. |
Aníbal’s march | Taking Carthage, it attacks a Roman unit with an elephant from the African forests from a mountain box. |
Apocalypse Now | Taking the Maya, destroying a city with nuclear weapons in the year 2012. |
ˇThe the Turks! | Constantinople capture being any enemy power of the stage “The fall of Rome”. |
Double ko | Capture Rome and Constantinople in the same game of the stage “The Fall of Rome”. |
That day, I lacked history class | On the stage “The Fall of Rome”, captures a Sasanida city taking the Celts. |
Do you know who? | As Indonesia, capture an enemy capital with a soldier with Kris with the enemy roof ascent. |
We’ll always have Paris | With Morocco, airborne to a civil unit from Casablanca to the original capital of Portugal. |
The great betrayal | With Venice, he captures the Holy City of the Religion of the city of Venice. |
Radio Europa Libre | Adopts the ideology of equality and fills 10 dissemination towers with great works. |
The red emblem of value | Win the scenario of the war of secession in difficulty deity. |
Sheridan Valley Campa | With the union, Winchester, Front Royal, Harrisonburg, Stauunton and Lynchburg controls. |
Berbere pirate | Like Solimán, it gathers an army of 10 barbarian naval units. |
Khan | Win the Mongol scenario in any difficulty. |
Great Kan | Win on the stage of the Mongols at the level of difficulty or higher difficulty. |
Kan Supreme | Win on the stage of the Mongols at the level of emperor or higher difficulty. |
Kublai Kan | Win on the stage of the Mongols at the level of immortal or higher difficulty. |
Genghis Kan | Win on the scenario of the Mongols at the level of difficulty deity. |
ˇKaaan! | Time exhaust to win on the Mongols stage. |
Ngata’s opportunity | Win leading to Tonga. |
This was his best time | Win leading to Anglo -Saxon England (in any difficulty). |
Yao Ming! | Win leading to China. |
Dragon emperor | Win at the Emperor Difficulty level. |
A fair victory | Win at the level of immortal difficulty. |
Honor ancestors | Win at the level of difficulty. |
Odysseus the great strategist | Win at the level of difficult king on stage Maravillas of the ancient world. |
Zeus who gets everything | Win at the level of difficulty on stage. |
Greek fire | Taking the Byzantine, he has 10 Greek ships with a dromon. |
The longest name | Have the city of Llanfairpwllgwyngylll in your empire. |
Mehmet the conqueror | Carrying the Turks, Conquest Istanbul in the difficulty of the stage “towards the Renaissance”. |
Haystorm | In the scenario “empires of smoking skies”, it destroys an enemy unit with an airplane based on an air strength. |
Pax Romana Aeternum | On the stage “The fall of Rome”, the game wins with the Roman Empire of the East or West and retains all your original cities. |
Yours is mine | Like Portugal, he builds a feet in an allied city-state with another civilization. |
The Silk Road | Connects to Arabia, China, India, Mongolia and Persia at the same time with caravans. |
In search of the lost ark | Make your American archaeologist extract an Egyptian artifact with a German archaeologist at 2 boxes. |
It belongs to a museum | Have different 10-cities-stated artifacts in museums and wonders of your civilization. |
Dr. Livingstone, I guess | Playing with Belgium, move your Stanley explorer to a box of the English Livingstone explorer. |
The Colossus of Rhodes | With England in the race for Africa, a railroad from Cairo to Cape Cabo. |
PICKETT recharge | Gettysburg capture with a confederate infantry unit with the George Pickett ascent. |
Paul Bunyan | Tala 1.000 forest boxes playing the necessary games. |
God is great | Build 1.000 temples playing the necessary games. |
The Queen of the Mares | As Isabel I, destroys and sinks 357 enemy naval units, playing the necessary games. |
PANZERS GENERAL “Shafernator” | It generates more than 100 great generals, builds an army with more than 100 operating units and wins the game 100 times. |
You, the conqueror | Win on stage at the Emperor Difficulty level (with any civilization). |
Survive the final judgment | Win on stage at the level of immortal difficulty (with any civilization). |
Survive Ragnarok | Win on stage at the level of difficulty (with any civilization). |
Epic Gilgamesh | Win carrying Gilgamesh on stage Maravillas of the ancient world. |
Apollo the accurate arc | Win at the level of emperor difficulty on stage Maravillas of the ancient world. |
Athena of bright eyes | Win at the level of immortal difficulty on stage. |
Ricardo Heart of León | Taking to England, the scenario “towards the Renaissance” wins in the emperor or superior difficulty. |
ˇNo will take our freedom! | Carrying the Celts, wins the scenario “towards the Renaissance” in the emperor difficulty. |
The yoke of the Mongols | Taking Russia, the scenario “towards the Renaissance” wins in the emperor difficulty. |
Who reconquest now? | Taking the pillows, the stage “towards the Renaissance” wins in the emperor difficulty. |
ˇ I will have the capital of your empire! | On the stage “The Fall of Rome”, captures Rome leading to the vandals. |
Plunder | Extracts 5 artifacts from the territory of another main civilization. |
Praised are the victors | Win the race for Africa playing with the Boers in difficulty deity. |
Ottoman carpentry | Win the race for Africa playing with the Ottomans in difficulty deity. |
Discoverer | With Italy in the race for Africa, wins the corresponding PVs to find 2 natural wonders. |
A modern and modernic general | Form all units, playing the necessary games. |
Expert |