Use the mobile phone and enter the following codes, although the achievements and self -managed will be deactivated.
Lolz: Ańadir notoriety gang
Passofpigs: Ańadir Police Notoriety
Cheese: Ańadir money
Whatitmeanstome: Ańadir respect
Fryhole: Heavenbound
Runfast: Sprint Infinite
Goody Goody: Remove Notoriety Police
Oops: Remove Notoriety Gang
Givemunicipal: A municipal appears
Give Phoenix: A Phoenix appears
GIVESQUASSO: A Squasar appears
Givetaxi: A taxi appears
Giveembulance: an ambulance appears
Giveanchor: A broad
Giveattrazione: A Attrazione appears
GICEBOOTLEGGER: A bootlegger appears
GiveChallenger: A Challenger appears
GiveCommander: A Commander appears
Giveeagle: Eagle appears
Giveestrada: A Estrada appears
Givegatmobile: A Gatmobile appears
Givekanada: A kanada appears
Givekenshin: A Kenshin appears
Giveknoxville: A Knoxville appears
Givekobra: A Korbra appears
Givekrukov: A krukov appears
Givemiami: A Miami appears
Give Peacemaker: A Peacemaker appears
Givereaper: A reaper appears
Repair: A repair appears
GIVERPG: A RPG appears
Give Sandstorm: A sandstorm appears
Givesatchel: A satchel charge appears
Giveshark: A Shark appears
Give Shepherd: A Shepherd appears
GiveSpecter: Specter appears
Givestatusquo: a status quo appears
Givetitan: A Titan appears
GiveToAd: A toad appears
Givetoral: A Tornado appears
GiveVortex: A Vortex appears
Givevtol: A vtol appears
Give Vulture: A vulture appears
Give Widowmaker: A WidowMaker appears
Givewoodpecker: A Woodpecker appears
Clearskies: Sunny time
Isquishyou: vehicle breaks
Heavyrain: very rainy time
DUI: Pedestrians are drunk
Mascot: pedestrians are pet pets
Hohoh: Pedestrians are pimps and prostitutes
brains: pedestrians are zombies
Use the mobile phone and enter the following codes, although the achievements and self -managed will be deactivated.
Lolz: Ańadir notoriety gang
Passofpigs: Ańadir Police Notoriety
Cheese: Ańadir money
Whatitmeanstome: Ańadir respect
Fryhole: Heavenbound
Runfast: Sprint Infinite
Goody Goody: Remove Notoriety Police
Oops: Remove Notoriety Gang
Givemunicipal: A municipal appears
Give Phoenix: A Phoenix appears
GIVESQUASSO: A Squasar appears
Givetaxi: A taxi appears
Giveembulance: an ambulance appears
Giveanchor: A broad
Giveattrazione: A Attrazione appears
GICEBOOTLEGGER: A bootlegger appears
GiveChallenger: A Challenger appears
GiveCommander: A Commander appears
Giveeagle: Eagle appears
Giveestrada: A Estrada appears
Givegatmobile: A Gatmobile appears
Givekanada: A kanada appears
Givekenshin: A Kenshin appears
Giveknoxville: A Knoxville appears
Givekobra: A Korbra appears
Givekrukov: A krukov appears
Givemiami: A Miami appears
Give Peacemaker: A Peacemaker appears
Givereaper: A reaper appears
Repair: A repair appears
GIVERPG: A RPG appears
Give Sandstorm: A sandstorm appears
Givesatchel: A satchel charge appears
Giveshark: A Shark appears
Give Shepherd: A Shepherd appears
GiveSpecter: Specter appears
Givestatusquo: a status quo appears
Givetitan: A Titan appears
GiveToAd: A toad appears
Givetoral: A Tornado appears
GiveVortex: A Vortex appears
Givevtol: A vtol appears
Give Vulture: A vulture appears
Give Widowmaker: A WidowMaker appears
Givewoodpecker: A Woodpecker appears
Clearskies: Sunny time
Isquishyou: vehicle breaks
Heavyrain: very rainy time
DUI: Pedestrians are drunk
Mascot: pedestrians are pet pets
Hohoh: Pedestrians are pimps and prostitutes
brains: pedestrians are zombies
Steam de Saints Row: The Third’s achievements
Twine | Complete “a good blow that fucks”. |
Welcome car | Complete “free… In free fall”. |
A better person | Buy your first improvement in the improvement store. |
Opulence, you have | Complete “march”. |
We take care of ourselves | Complete “this is just the beginning”. |
Knead and bake | Complete your first challenge. |
Belt out | Explore all Steelport neighborhoods. |
Go to light | Complete all the episodes of “Guarda Ángel”. |
ˇBo-Du-Ken! | Steal 50 vehicles, in the style of the dukes. |
Robachicas | Complete “The Boat of the Girls”. |
ˇAy, my eggs! | Get your first shot in the crotch and your first testicular homicide. |
Hateful until the end | Kill 1.000 band members. |
I love Nyte Blayde | Complete “Stag Festival”. |
The-Deckers-Mueren.exe | Complete “http: // deckers.Pal.man “. |
Defending | Complete act 1 in a way. |
Titanic effort | Complete act 2. |
Camorra 31 | Complete “Camorra XXXI”. |
Once bitten… Cereeebrooos | Complete “Zombi Attack”. |
Gang members in space | Complete act 3 in another way. |
Public enemy number 1 | Destroy 45 police or swat vehicles while protecting Jimmy’s car. |
Strange science | Complete the mission “strange science”. |
Obtain the merchandise | Find 25% of objects. |
Anaphylactic shock | Spray 25 fans cooling with the swarm. |
ˇBa-bum! | Complete act 1 in another way. |
Operation sting | Destroy 5 Steelport Guard vehicles during the mission “La Farsa”. |
The farce | Complete the mission “La Farsa”. |
Attacked | Create and share an online character. |
Xenophobic | Kill Space Brutina. |
It belongs to me, monster | Complete all the missions of “The problem of clones…”. |
Contact | Destroy all enemy ships during the persecution scene. |
Celebrity from three to room | Complete all gang members in space. |
The Revenge of the Navigator | Destroys 10 enemy ships with the Aegean during filming. |
ˇHe a barrel! | Perform all vehicle acrobatics with the Aegean. |
Super cool! | Brink a helicopter with a Saints Flow’s fire ball. |
ˇVaya, go! | Kill 35 space Amazonas with the laser gun. |
Redecorated House | Improves a strength until you get the most out. |
Thanks, tanks | Complete all episodes of “Battle of Tanks”. |
I do my risk scenes | Lands with parachute in the brand during the rescue scene. |
Who loves you? | Kill 50 gorillas. |
Have a reality climax | Complete all the episodes of “Professor Genki’s Super Ethical Reality Climax”. |
Desperated ball | Destroy an SUV mouse during a sexy cat ovigasm. |
Johnny’s guardian | Prevents Johnny Tag from receiving damage on the Magarac bridge. |
And dynamite explodes | Complete all “aerial assault” episodes. |
Send the clones | Kill a gorilla just with melee damage while under the influence of Saints Flow. |
Your rear seat smells weird | Complete all “escort” episodes. |
Union sabotage | Kill 15 cameras. |
Illegal delivery | Complete all “drug trafficking” episodes. |
Morningstars | Complete all urban conquest contents in the New Colvin district. |
Pork sandwiches | Complete all the episodes of “Calling Rastro”. |
Rirate the planet | Complete all urban conquest contents in the Stanfield district. |
Double dose of chuleo | Complete all the episodes of “Chuleo”. |
Death of the Perist 2011 | Complete all “chaos” episodes. |
Walking with the SR. Pierce | Complete all urban conquest contents in the Downtown district. |
UPS | Complete all episodes of “insurance fraud”. |
Warrior Princess | Kill 7 space amazonas with melee attacks. |
Break C-C-C-FOMBOS | Cause damage worth 150.000 $ with only sexy cat ovigasm combo. |
Too close to the sun | Complete act 3 in a way. |
There is no one better | Complete all urban conquest contents in the district of Carver Island. |
Gender equality | Play at least 2 hours as a male character and 2 hours as feminine. |
The American dream | Customize 10 vehicles. |
Neighborhood brothers | Play SR3 cooperative mode for 5 hours. |
Out of here | Destroy 5 vehicles in escape (in a single episode of surplus RRPP) |
Bright lights, big city | Complete all the urban conquest contents of the entire city of Steelport. |
Cowboy time | Completely improve a weapon in each slot. |
Neutralizer | Destroy all band operations in Steelport. |
Selva murder | Ends the two episodes of apocalypse genki. |
Third and 30 | Spend more than 30 hours in Steelport. |
The soul of the party | Find 100% of objects. |
Landing nailed | Landing at Magarac Island (in Panda Sad by the air). |
lights! camera! action! | Gather the 6 hidden claquetas. |
Genkibowl champion | Complete all the episodes of the genkibowl VII. |
Everything is permitted | Kill all murder objectives. |
Keep the class, Steelport | Kill 25 members of bands with “the penetrator” and “a fart in a jug”. |
Love/Hate Relationship | Causes and/or made 50 members of bands. |
On fire | It crosses all rings (in a single episode of Panda sad by the air). |
Time to eat | Throw 5 water pets (in a single episode of Apocalypse Genki). |
Crime partners | Exceeds all Missions in cooperative mode. |
H.P. With pints | Keep the position in legal technical only with melee attacks. |
Gata on fabric. of zinc | Kill all roof pets (in a single episode of Panda sad by the air). |
Secuéta it | Steal and deliver all vehicle theft objectives. |
At its point | ASA to 50 pedestrians with the land of the car (in a single episode of surplus RRPP) |
you are my hero! | Complete all challenges. |
Team of two | Complete all the episodes of each activity in cooperative mode. |