Cheats Fallout Shelter – Android – Cheat codes, Guides

Preston Garvey

In the last update the game has added to this character that you will soon know in Fallout 4. Unfortunately there is only one way to achieve it, and it is to obtain it in a random tarta. Therefore, perform the missions where this object is rewarded. With a little luck, you will have your presence.


Assign two citizens in the right room: 25 Chains of 50 Water: LunchboxCoCoCting 2000 Water: Lunchboxequipar to a citizen with a uniform: lunchboxColeccolecta 5 weapons: 150 ChasesSubir the resistance of 5 citizens: lunchboxenviar to a citizen to Wasteland: 25 Passenviar 3 CitizensTo Wasteland: 100 Pascolecciona 2000 of food: lunchboxsube any special parameter of 9 citizens: 220 platesMejora a room: lunchboxhaz that 10 couples dan100%citizens: lunchboxcoleciona 100 of food: 50 chancasextingue a fire: 25 plates sell 2 weapons or costumes: 50 Chains 50 of food: 25 platescoleciona 100 of power: 50 plates see100%: 25 plates

Rare and legendary citizens

Amata Unknown characteristics Fuerza: 4 Perception: 6 Resistance: 5 Carism: 8 Intelligence: 4 Agility: 7 Fort: 6

James Unknown Characteristics Fuerza: 5 Perception: 8 Resistance: 4 Carism: 7 INTAIGNMENT: 9 Address: 4 Survey: 3

Butch Unknown characteristics Fuerza: 5 Perception: 7 Resistance: 6 Carism: 9 Intelligence: 5 Agility: 6 Surrender: 2

Elder Lyons Unknown characteristics Fuerza: 4 Perception: 3 Resistance: 3 Carism: 9 Intelligence: 9 Address: 3 Surrender: 9

Sarah Lyons Unknown characteristics Fuerza: 8 Perception: 6 Resistance: 8 Carism: 6 Intelligence: 5 Agility: 5 Survey: 2

Bruce White Unknown Characteristics Strength: 3 Perception: 6 Resistance: 7 Carism: 3inteligence: 2 Address: 3 Survey: 4

Emil White Unknown characteristics Strength: 3 Perception: 3 Resistance: 3 Carism: 2 Intelligence: 5 Agility: 5 Survey: 7

Mr. Burke Queer;Level 20 Fuerza: 4 Perception: 7 Resistance: 4 Carism: 6 Intelligence: 9 Address: 2nd: 8

Abraham Washington Queer;Level 34 Force: 2 Perception: 8 Resistance: 6 Carism: 6 Intelligence: 8 Address: 4 Surrender: 6

Bittercup Queer;Level 38 Force: 5 Perception: 4 Resistance: 7 Carism: 9 Intelligence: 5 Agility: 5 Survey: 5

Confessor chromwell

Queer;Level 31 Fuerza: 7 PERCEPTION: 4 Resistance: 7 Carism: 8 Intelligence: 6 Address: 3 Surrender: 5

Dr. Li Queer;Level 44 Force: 4 PERCEPTION: 6 Resistance: 6 Carism: 7 INTEIGNCY: 9 AGAINCE: 4 Survey: 4

Allistair Tenpenny Legendary;Level 37;41 Force: 2 Perception: 9 Resistance: 2 Carism: 9 Intelligence: 7 Agility: 2 Sort: 9

Lucas Simms Legendary;Level 23 Fuerza: 5 Perception: 9 Resistance: 8Carism: 5 Intelligence: 5 AGAINT: 6 Survey: 2

Scribe Rothchild Unknown characteristics Fuerza: 6 Perception: 5 Resistance: 6 Carism: 9 Intelligence: 4 Agility: 5 Survey: 5

Star Paladin Cross Legendary;Level 20 Force: 7 PERCEPTION: 8Resistence: 4 Carism: 8 Intelligence: 4 Agility: 6 Surrender: 3

Terry Unknown characteristics Fuerza: 2 Perception: 2 Resistance: 3 Carism: 5 Intelligence: 5 Agility: 4 Surrender: 7

Moira Brown Legendary;Level 32 Force: 4 PERCEPTION: 8Resistence: 3 Carism: 8 Intelligence: 7 Agility: 5 Survey: 6

Three Dog Legendary;Level 22 Force: 4 Perception: 4 Resistance: 6 Carism: 9 Intelligence: 5 Agility: 5 Survey: 7

Jericho Legendary;Level 31 Force: 8 Perception: 6 Resistance: 8Carism: 2 Intelligence: 3 Address: 7 Survey: 6

Harkness Legendary;Level 29 Fuerza: 8 Perception: 5 Resistance: 8 Carism: 5 Intelligence: 5 Agility: 6 Surrender: 3

Todd Morgan Unknown Characteristics Strength: 3 Perception: 3 Resistance: 7 Carism: 3inteligence: 2 Address: 6 Survey: 4

Colonel Autumn Legendary;Level 45 Force: 4 Perception: 6 Resistance: 5 Carism: 9 Intelligence: 5 Agility: 5 Survey: 6

Eulogy Jones Legendary;Level 38 Force: 5 Perception: 6 Resistance: 5 Carism: 8 Intelligence: 5 Agility: 4 Survey: 7

Infinite lunchboxes

Stay in the tutorial leaving the open goals “sells an item” and “give a citizen an item”. Do not collect the reward for doing those two tasks. Instead, repeat the three tutorials of collecting 50 food, water and climbing a citizen. In doing so, you will receive sheets or a lunch box.

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