Cel Damage Cheats – Gamecube – Cheat codes, Guides


Cabezón mode: During the game, stay pressured: L + R + above (directional pad) for 3 seconds.

FMV sequences: To obtain supplementary FMV sequences, he wins on Smack Attack, Gate Relay and Flag Relay with each of the characters.

Codes: Go to the character selection screen, select “load” and enter as name:

  • Distance weapons: Gunskoke!
  • Hazard weapons: Hazardoous
  • Personal weapons: uniquewpns
  • Brian The Brain and Space World: Brainsalad
  • Cheat Mode: Fathead or enchilada!
  • Ink graphics: Pencils
  • Plastic graphics: Fanplastic
  • Invincibility: Cody
  • Power-ups movement: Moveitnow
  • All videos: Multiplex!
  • Early Count: Countdead
  • Count Early and Transylvania: EarlSplace
  • Stages Jungle: Twreckspad

Brian The Brain: To unlock Brian The Brain, he wins at Smack Attack, Gate Relay and Flag Relay at the three levels of the Space World.

Earl count: To unlock to unlock Count Earl, wins at Smack Attack, Gate Relay and Flag Relay at the three levels of the Transylvania world.

T. Wrecks: To unlock T. Wrecks, wins at Smack Attack, Gate Relay and Flag Relay at the three levels of the Jungle world.

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